HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-1964 J.:INUTES OF THE REG:JLAR NEETING OF THE CITY COm:CIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE) FLORID4 HELD I~I\RCH 3, 1964 Present: Councilmen l,larsden, Pounds, BracBV/ell, Miller and Reid. ?:2:'or lIowell Absent: None The meeting iV[l s called to order by Co't..:.ncill;1an Eeid at 8: 00 P.1 =. The ~inutes of the last regular meeting held February 15, 1964 and the special ~eeting held February 27, 1964 were read and approved. Councilman Pounds ~ade a motion that Council approve the following bills. Councilman 1.:i ller seconded the motion. Voted and cClrried. I (A) FRGr,I GENERAL FutJD: I BarbarCl IIills - Fees Anderson Electric Rebuilders Chemical Corp. Western Auto 4ssoc. Store The Bray Hardware Board of County Comm. Ccoee Gulf 3er~ice Glenn Joiner & Son M. & K. ~delding Florida I',:etCll Craft) Inc. Hinter Garden Lumber Co. Hawthorne Hardware Solomon's Auto Paint and Body Shop Clarence Cc:.1rrier J. C. Chiles Miami Fire Equip. Co. H. n. Bmmess J. T. Robbins - ','Vater dep. ref. Emergency Fund Bank of Nest Ora~ge J. B. Griffin - Fees Crisse~' I s Press Sa~ Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - dater Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. George H2rper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith - St. Dept. 3ennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. ';lade - St. Dept. Roy Richards - Santo Dept. Carl Sanders - St. & Water Depts. Dotties Beauty Salon - water dep. ref. Anderson Electric Rebuilders Wilbur Lacy - T,vater dep. ref. Bank of Jest Orange - Income tax Arthur Newell-Kaps & Aeral photes Ann Puckett - water deo. ref. Daniel Hains - water dep. ref. Lerov Turner - Chief of Police Ray knfinger - Police Dept. William R. Hager - Police Dept. Barbara r~11s - Police Dept. Barbara Wilson - Police Dept. Barbara Mills - Clerk Sam Oliver O. G. Smith J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley George Harper Melvin Smith Bennie Oliver H. C. ':Jade Rov Richards Carl Sandens John Byrd - water dep. ref. Dorothea Ea.11 C water dep. ref. for beauty shop Florida State Board of Health Florida Power Corp. I 3.00 10.25 303 .16 93 .96 4.50 31.50 24.11 93 . 23 10.97 199 .3 $ 34.35 13.27 89.75 3 2 . 00 17.88 24.65 347.32 7.50 100.00 966.50 75 . 00 20.15 85.57 7$.61 62.79 62.37 57.14 60.74 59.43 62.64 60.57 57.14 7.50 10.25 1.49 787.50 48.00 1.82 1.65 175.$5 166.30 152.06 50.00 32.85 142.41 85.57 78.61 62.79 62.37 57.14 60.74 59. Le3 62.64 60 . 57 57.14 1.71 7.50 25.00 819.58 Councilman Pounds r:ade c~ r:1otion to Cluthorize the Gl2.ce Engineering Company to start on the first stage of,n preliminary report for a \'la ter o.1":d se',\]'er system for the sum of ~lO. 00 hThi ch they agreed was 2 reasonable fee. Counciloan Bracewell seconded the ffiotion. Council- r;en POl1nds, I:3.rsden, 3race,.;ell and r:iller voted YES. ITo NOllS. Carried unanin:ously. Councilman lliller made a motion to accept the City insurance from ',If. H. ',vurst [i.gency in the .'1ffiOunt of :~2, 426,93 . Councilman IJIarsden seconded the cotion. Councilmen l.:illcr, l'.:arsden, Pounds and Sracewell voted Y23. NO NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilr::an Bracewell made a motion to reject the uninsuraed motorist policy fror.1 our insurance policies. Council!::an Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen I:arsden, Pounds, l',:iller and BraCeli'ell voted YES. No NO!S. Carried unaninously. I Councilman Brace','!ell IT18de a n:oti:m to :;ive I,Ir. Troy He\'lett 30 days in which to get plans for a building for his liquor store and get his license ilnmediately or his licen~e ,>fill be revoked. Councilman Pounds 2,econded the motion. CouncilLen 3racewell, Pounds, Ziller nnd r:arsd8~1 vot ed YE::>. ITo ITO' S . Co rried unanimously. There being no f'.lnther b'J.siness Councilmnn Earsden ITlade "'0 ':1rlJ'o'lrl' t'l~S ,......oet.:!!rr "o"nc';lr~<::n "lrr.:.cp1,!"','1 c-eco""'ued v c..'tf L J. ...1....-.. .1.,;,,-,, ..L.o . v ....t..... .1. ....(....... --" (~'- ,-' l C-,- U ..... Tr.ereapor. Council adjourned :::t 11: 20 P .r:. Attest~4L~~ 1:J1//L Clerk . ::-'IrTq""T,'~ CF' T:;17 "l''='''Tr- .:.._ ....vl.L..n......! .1.J...J"'; ....:.,v.....rtL I'=I\HCr: 10, 1961+ a motion the motion. Council PreSEnt.: Com:cj lr,en ::'::::;-Tsden, Po'mds, I:ilJ.er, 5rac'2,..rcll and Reid I ~:J.:'or }:c'-'lelJ Ahsent: :.; orl e The neeting ~as called to order by Councilman Reid at $:10 P.M. Councilrr.D.n :Jr.:' celiell r"ade a J.iotion to give the Ceoee' High School Student Counei.l nermission to use 1",!,.-,ter out of cl fire h"drant on Ihgnolia Street tor their cnr ~ash. Councilman E~rsden ~econded the motion. Councilmen 1~rsden, lliller, Pounds and Bracewell voted YES. ITo rO!":;. Carried un':lnirnously. I Conncilr.:,?n ;]racewell made a Dlotion to hir,s ';{a:rne 1,:i11s ns a p.:~rt time poli cemG.n. Councilman I-Iarsden seconded the r:-.otion. Councilmen BrtlCe1,'lelJ., Earsden, P01.:nds and I,liller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unaimously. There being no f'J.rther business Counciln:an Pounds made 2.. rLotion to aajourn this meeting. Councilman Marsden seconded the cotion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10:10 P.E. i',ttest: ? ~~~1?k$ - I ~