HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-1964 ::Ir:UT2S CF TEE EEGUL:\R r,~ETr:W OF TEE CCCI';CIL CF J.'1-I~ CIrrY OF GeOSE, FLOILIJt~ LARCH 17, 1961~ CT'rV ..L__ :IELJ .... .. Preser..t: CO'J.!1ciln:en: r:arsden, Pounds, 3raC'2'ile11, :,:ilJ.er <:cnw. :-..2id ?:2.~or 1':Q1.';e11 \bS8l'.t: I,Jone '''he '''ect~n'- "''''S crl'ed to nY>'der b'~ C01Jncil.~rY' Rel'd 'lt (.00 J:D-' ..L ...1. t::: ..:......0 :,rife.. (,.~....L..-,- ...J.... .; .... .____!;.'_.~J.... ".. u. ...... T~o ~].~l)+OC of t~e ,. ct rA~'ll~r ~octi~~ ~old 10arc~? IO~4 ~n' ~1'3 .1._..... ...1. ....J. .v_u .I... ......~v. --01... Ci. .Lu",c; -'-"""'0 ......_....... ... 1..../, ..../-J ...,........ L.......~ ("Dc('~r'l ""'ee4"n'" held , "'rc].l ,e 10(...4 "lor'" I~erl'..] ,:')nd.' ~Dnro"ed v"" _........:..a J.u v__ b'" .....- .......~_... ... ...... , ., -""4' .;............ L.........l G.. l.-l'1:' , .. I CO'11:cilr.:an Jrace':lell r12de .:l r:'lotio:} that Council approve the follo,!in; bills. Councilr:12.11 I',:arsden seconded t~1e :;;otion. Voted 2nd c2rrL.:d. ( /-.) Fl?OI: GE::':ER,\L FUiJD: I G. I:erritte - i'JC.~t.er eep. ref. Logue G~rbage Service ;"\.. A.. [err &:, Plumbing Saine Co~pan~, Inc. '.1. H. '.!urst :~r;er.cy P. J. D':.v:,s - '.!oter d8p. ref. Sar.: Oliver - 'i!!..' tel' dept. O. G. Sr.it~ - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo dept. Otis Hensley - 32nt. dept.. George narper - st. dept. ~e1vin Smith - st. dept. .3'8nnie.,Oli vel' - st. dept. E. C. '.Jade - st. dent. Roy Ri~hards - sant: dept.. Carl Se.nders - st. &:. '.'mter dept. ;Jayne I.:iJ,ls - Poli ce Dept. Jarbara Kills - Fees Robert Lerch - water dep. ref. Enlpr. Bas~ - ':later dep. ref. Otis G. Phelns Florida Tele: Corp. 1.T::,1'Y Hinds Johnnie Johnson - water dep. ref. Sa!.l Oliver O. G. SI;:i th J. I. JernigDn Otis Eerlsley George 1'>1'per :r:el vin Smi t11 :Ser.nie Oliver }I. c. '~J~-4de Ro,- 'Ri chards Cnr1 0c..nders '".i.Ja:r116 l:ills '.J. L. Buchar-v1ater clep. ref. ,\ndre'."l 01-:1er - '.Inter Dep. Ref. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. Ra~ Enfinger - Police Dept. -Jilli:;rr. R. Hager - Police Dept. r:orvin Jakel' - '.Ia tel' Dep. Ref. Barb!'TC" ';,Tilson - Police Dept. Barbara !~lls - Police Dept. ~arb2.ra Tlills - Clerk Raymond 1:0,'lel1 - r,:c1;'or Edwin Pounds Councilman ,.Jack ~:arsden !' J. ~..r. r~eid Tf -,'1m. T. Jr:J. c ewe 11 I' E. P. Liller \!J Jar;'es T. Vandergrift ;; Fire Chief Spencer C. Cross - Attorney R. L. Polk ~ Co. James Hubbard - ;later Dep. Ref. l:itchell Glisson - '.Jeter Dep. Eef. Oeoee Youth Center - Bldg. Permits I.:ood:, Phi] lips - 1,12 tel' Dep. Ref. Otis G. Ph~lps raving Co. J. ~. Griff:.n - Fees 3m;]. Oliver 5.00 22.00 6.00 ? ()6 1,251.26 7.50 55.57 76 I 1 c. "+.-.. 62.79 62. J 7 57.1( 60.74 59.1..3 62.64 60.57 57.14 2b.21 11.00 7.50 7/50 2,OOO.l!0 60.44 ~ r\ '5 I x I -'-' .- 3.75 85.57 78.61 62.79 {.~ 37 v' /.... . 57.14 60.74 59.43 62.64 cO.57 57.14 28.21 7.50 5.00 J..75.b5 162.20 152.06 3.75 32. U5 50.00 11,.2.41 ,d '9 .+c. -"- 2Lr . oS 24.08 24.02; 21+. oS .-" 0'" ~.1-. 0 2l~. Of) 200.00 51.00 7.50 7.50 40.00 7.50 8,000.00 75.00 85.57 I O. G. Smith J. I. Jernig3.n Otis Hensley George Harper I':Iel vin Smi th Bennie Ol~ver 1:. C. :'lade Rov Richards CJ.rl Sanders Crissey Press Barbara Kills - Fees James \Je'ober - i1D.ter dep. ref. 75.61 62.79 6? . J 7 57.14 60.74 59.1+3 62.61+ 60.57 57.14 5.50 13 .00 3 .42 Councilman lfursden made a motion to buy a $5.00 membership in the ~ .~,:. C. A. in Orlando. Counci Iman Po:mcls seconded the r.otion. Council- men I'I2.rsden, PO';.nds, }li lIeI' and Bro-1. ce1,lell voted YES. I~o ~.~O' S . CRrried ur>.animousl:r. I Councilrr;an r.:nrsden lnL.,-de a motion to p2.y ',1. H. .iurst Agency for our. insura.r1ce in (2) t,\,;o mont.hlv inst211r.:ents. Councilm&n J',dller seconded the motion. Councilmen Y~Clrsden, POUl;.ds, r:iller and Sra ce'.'lel1 voted YES. No NO'S. Csrried unanimously. Councilwen r-,iarsden rr:.ade a 80 tion to adopt: Ordinance 1,449 being an ordine.nce of the Ci t:r of Ccoee, Florida, declaring it un12v7ful for an,r Derson, fir~ or corDor~tion to cpuse or nermit natural cas to be" transrd t ted through a system :in, tl:e Ci t:r of Ccoee, Florida, without first l:aving obtained and sec~red a permit from the City of Ccoee, Florida, authorizing the sam~; providing a penalty for tIle violation thereof. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Marsden, Pounds -::'nd r:iller voteel YZS. CouncilI1211 Brace':!ell refrained from voting. I':otion H2 S C'" rri ed. Councilman T':2.r~den r-ic~de ,,1 motion to buy t\'iO (2) pIa sti c garpage containers a t ;;~,l. 00 e:J. ch. Counci lman l'.':iller se COl' d erl the rrlotinn. Councilrr.en rv':arsde, 1.:i11er, Pounds ond 3racewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanirr.soul-;r. Councilman I'Iarsden milde 3. mi tion to purchase tvlO (2) metal Cemetery I ~-igns. Councilnan 1'-:iller seconded the rnotion. Councilmen I>.:arsden, Pounds, r,:iller and T3race\1ell voted YES. No lTO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilman Brace1tJell 1T,ade a motion thaI all delinquent ',,8.ter customers pay their bills up to the deposit ~y ~pril 1, 196' and in the future all bills must be paid at le8st every two months or the~r ~lter will be turned off. Councilman lliller second~d the motion. Councilmen Sracewell, ~iller, ~arsden and Pounds voted YES. No NO'S. Carried un2nirlously. Th~re bein~ no fu~ther business Council~an Killer made a motion to CldJourn thlS meetlns. Councilnan Pounds seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Attest: ~,~- Clerk ~~~ /': --- n7. --DC' \ P esiden of ouncil I