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=.~l:: ,-~~r=: Gi CCT::~C:LL CF rr::: r:.:::GULI~r: ::EL1.'Il:G CF~ rll1~~ :'1:: CIrl.: OF OCOEE, }-'LOl::D ,'~ \PPIT ,.,( lOc-;,'L ...... ~ , ......., I ,"'"1"'1"'" V..i........ 'TT-'.... 1 J...~_~ Prese::": : 80')~ cilr..e:1 : E::~rsden, ro".:nds, 1,:i2.ler, 3ra c,::; ..rell, .: :~E:':'d ::1.:'cr 1:0'.:e1l :\"'se:-.t: :';one T"'e r.:eet: ng '.v~' s c~ lIed to order l):. CO'.:l:1cilr..nn Held c t b: OJ l' .~.. T} e D.} ,,:u":es of the l8st regl1.1,'1r r:eetin:; t81-1 L1.l'ch 17, 1964 ',r:~r2 read 8:1d 9pproved. I CCllncilr:1c.n I:i11er rr:ede cl notion ttat CO'...L.11ci2. approve tl:.e follm.ring rills. CO:l~cil!T;on ::arsder. seconded the r:~otion. Votec: ::'!1d cc'.rried. ( .\) PItO:.: GE!';ER(L F:';I~D: I ~ndersc!1 Electric Rebuilders ;.Ta: ne I...=-118 - Pc>lice ::8'.'lthorne Hardware .:. I:. ::nrst "Gene:' 32r:ent-~o~el1, Inc. E. I,:. BO',\"!18 S S C. .J. :J est Lodern St2":':'or..er:, Inc. Orl'ndo ra~in; 80. l'ounds Fhar:--.r1 c:' Tl;.e J".rgess Press ~ughes Suppl~, Inc. Eich~rdson Tr~ctor Co. Glenn Joiner ~ ~on 'l:--:ri ft";12.:' Cl-:evrolet 1'',.' e :=ro:' 1;8Td'.'J'o re ~uper Co~crete, I!1c. Griffit~ ~ire Co. Jesteri' '\l~t',') :,ssoc. Store ::'oard of Co~_mty Cor.:r.l. ~:ood Tr." ctor Co. Do!'"'.: ld :.. r.:.'-'ttle Davi s r:eter ::: :upp1:r [~t::'A.nt:. c-Eoff:~iC'1 r: I:erson L'ni forI Co., Ir~c. S2Li Cliver - .:.'ter Dept. C. G. SE:i tr, - .J;:> ter Dent. J. I. Jernigan - Snnt."Dept. Otis Hens1e:' - S"..nt. Dept. George l:nrper - St. Dept. ::e1 vi n :Jmj tr - St. De:?t. Jennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. .To.de - Jt. De-r,t. :10" Rich-rds - ::>-mt-. DeDt. Ca~l 3an~ers - :t. ~ ~fu~er Dept. r.:eh'in )-;11"2:"S - :"'nt. Dent. ::rs. i. :. Pearso::. - \.,c"ter'dep. ref. B3nk of '.Jest Crcr:ge E:::er.:;er.c:' F'md .l...J l".er..." ~ T r=>e ....tor Tlep Eef. ~' . _ \'" 1~, ,~~ -; ,l ~ .u . I:l.;.e~' ,:ood - .f'0t er :;ep. Ref. Director of ~ntern~l ~ever:ue Lero" T'lrner - C::.~ ef of Police Ra" Snfinger - Police Dent. ,~ ... Flor:.d~ StC.ti3 -::'",.r '.:-.f ::eoJth ',:: 1L.2T r... Enger - Poli ceDept . :crt2.rc I :i115 - Police Dept. ~2,rL;'1 ra '.Ii 1 son - Poli ce Dept. ~ar~nrc ~E1l5 - Clerk Fl~r~dc Pswer ~orp: C. ;l .~; .1.. L-ont rl b'l t 1 on F1J,I; (1 ~8r- 01:' "CIao oJ. G. _.r.;ith J. -:. Jern::gal": Otis I;e!:sl.e" George I:qrper :=eJ.-::.n :ni tl' ~er:llie Oli .ver ...,.. r, ~..... ....1 (:::J ..... L.. .(' >... _ 25.0(; 56 . 11'2 18.85 1,272.0C 13 .17 :3 86 .95 30.00 11.80 Cl.OO 4.21} 14.60 16.84 1'JC.2S 53 . $6 It.40 6.02 71. 60 95.94 o ,/-; ,/ . _J~ I )j . 7 5 10.94 20.00 9.74 19.50 13 .70 <;;\ 1:; 5'-', L',/ . 7f:.<-1 62.79 I'? 3'" .......-. ( 5 r., l' , . .;..1+ 60.74 59.iJ.3 62.64 r:.n, 1)7 .... .- . .,/ ~,., 14 :; ( ...:.. ) ') ~(;- ..). ) 7.50 9(,." c;n '-"'... .,/. lO~.OO 7.50 7.50 320.00 175.85 IG2.20 25.00 152.06 50.00 32.$5 142.41 909 . 73 1,100.93 t5.57 76.61 C2.79 (-.2.37 5'7 .l~ co . 7 L} 5Cj .43 ~ 2. t..,lt- Ro~ Ei chc rds ('0.57 CDI'] '=C1nders Color; :~o"et t 57 .1L~ ~..., r'''' '1. r [' : ~i 113 5.00 10.00 (~) FRC:: I:~rl'==:E_T L ~il':l:~I~G ?:_,I'l): First :>t~or2<1 '~~;-:l: of Cr,ic: Ge 5,056.33 Co",mcj.ll'1r'r: l>rsden l,,:-de ('. notion to -::::.,,"e ~,.r. J"'.r.:es robles per- mission to nO'.'e l-:js stoc~ fro!.. ~'li:~ grocery store :nto l"is garage t e>>r:Jorarj]'r, or: :....o"t}: ~')J. ,tford "'\'enue. Councilman I:i ller seconded the. mati n'. Co"u:ci lr:'=n ::,'1 rsder., ::iller, Pounds o.nd :r:;ce':.Jell voted Y;::::. I:o "C';:. Carri ed 'm '1n: r.:ously . I CC11Ylcilr:1~r :':iJ.ler !~~tie \1- :""ot.ior:. to tt..ble -the discJ..~sion ?nd t118 dec::. s'i on of vr)~etr'er or net to c;rJ!".t. I-:r. ~o='d ,,'. :1:.::'son permission to put a F u:.eral Eor:le in tis hor;.e on .:Jilver Jt'. I' ~o'-'d. Co...mcil:o..: :;,8,::' PO:..i.:1ds se conded the L.ot::' O!:. CC'L~.nci:":,.en I:i::'ler, Pou:lds and ::arsde:l \'oted iZ':::;. Co~,mci :r..en .:.,;r', ce','rell refr:.,i1:eci fro:;. voting. =:c tiOl: .;t::' S (::~ rried. Cc mc':'lr..rL Jrc ce\1el::' L:o.de a r:1otion to have a special meeting 1\...... ...-j -, 14 ' G'~ '. 1- ; '?\'f ~ r' r ~.T.l soY' '"l '~"''''~1,r.c :")~ on'" ,"..r~:; _., .1..'.'" vO g,,:ve l~. -,0)9:. ~'.' ..l.~ .. "n ",..::>..~r ...''-! ~u 11:'5 .: Uner(1~. l.C~_.e. C:ol~ncll;:,an Ll.Ller secondJd t'::le ILotlOn. CO').:1CiL.':;;' :'::rn ce:!el:, L::.l:er, P0'.tr:,-~::: 2.:ld ::" rsden -,rated -::EJ. ::c.'rJO T ~. C,~~r'~ ed. ~:r:[:,:1iL~ol_:s1:r. COU.rlC:l:Ti.Cll_ ::2r3c.:e~_ ~._."~cle " :uotJic~"l to ci\re ?J_or~=.dcl r~O'.,r8r Carl). per:.:is~3j on ~,o install 2 ]::,S:.:ts on >:.:nter "';treet Eest of :::'0c,rl:e L~'.l:e Circ= e. CO'.ll.c:Ll:,.::T, POlTcls ee::onJed t~1e :notion. C01.lncilr ,e:1 ::2 rsde:'.:., Pc-;.nds, I.iller ':110. =--1'c ce,!e1l vot.ed '-'~...;. :~o :.0'':. :D r'r=~ed ~_:_r~D.11i!:lOilSl:~. COl.tnc:..l.::-.~,:-: Fe '.rids :--..:- de n r::otio:1 to Gi"ie C01.lncilnlan =:rncelw'lJell perELi.ss~.OL ~'o Co;,p}.e-re end P&':'r:t toLe 3L'lffleboard Co',trts. CO'll".c:..l:..C:':1 : > rsclen 58 conded tL2 ::.OtiOll. COUl1ci1r:,en PO'..tnds, T>rsder~, ::iller C:::1d =r.~ce-,Ie=-l YO:>h: y=~. ::c :10'3. Cz'rl'ied 'man:..r..ous1: . There bej :1[; 1:0 l'lrther business COUl:ciln,an I~i:"ler r..ade a motion to adjourn O.:':'S meetinG. CO'U1cilLDn PO'Jr.ds seconded the L:otlon. '';.'~:ereu;;on COllncj.l adjoltrned ~lt 10:00 F.I:~. I ~ , YJy~' Clerk I =II'I~Jl1:.~~ CF 7::: .: F::CI LL I :EErrIITG I:ELJ ,\PRIL 14, 1964 Preser:~: Cour:ci::'1:,el1 =>rsdeL, PO'J.nc~s, I:iller, Drace',:ell ,s.r:d Reid : ~"-yor I:ov{e11 tOl. r~ s e 11 t : :~arie Tl:e L.eet,':'ng ':I2.S C.'.:'.11ed ~o order t,). Counc:..1r:.::..n Heid c.t 8: 00 P .E. C01..:::Ci=-1:-"2_r.~:2.rsden ~,:8de D. l,lOt:1 on not to r:.o~:e 211:-' ch.1Y'lCes i11 (lrr1;Y''-'''''C .h02 "'0")1 -;r1r::. '-,.. ~'r,~ '" ('~.J':'~'-'~cr=> ;r. ,,,1';11g ~Y)" C}'<11,creS ~ ....,~.'~d4 e 11'/ __ _, '-' . _...,.;:;. '.~' Ih4_";; '--J. '-'~_" L ~ ~. ""-'1._. C'uJ .Ccuo ;Y' ""'e r>'")rl"~ of 'l""" "'ro"'er..... r01''''C':1. ')Y'\ PO"''1Q1c- cnc,..,.,rlec1 tkO I ....../.J. ~...... L.~.l....~....lb. c.....ll.., .,....l...... l.t-" "'~.. v ~ ...\..1.":' J..._"'_~~J...-. lA.~... v u...;; ':~~~ l. .l._ . :,.ot.:.on. CO'.mCJ_lrLe:r. ..arsden, PO'::1G.S :tnd ~.ll.ler ','oted l.r.:..:..... Councll- u"cn Jr2 ce'::e11 refr[1 :':':led froI. ','oting. I:ot':: Ol";. ';,"1.:3 co rr:..ed. Ttere t'einb no f'~rther Lus: ness Co:.tr:cilr,.::1r: Pounds ::."de a r..otion. . (l P d~ C'T:: "-:,::i s :::eeti:1g. CO'..u:cilr;::m 1:;1 rsd8n se conded the :::otion. ':'~ er'2upoil CO'....Ylc.:.l ,"'djo').rned [It 9:10 P.I:.. 'ttes~: c?~~ ~J_erk ~den: