HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-1964 IHNUTES OF THE REGULAR r.:EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORID:\. HELD SEPTEMBER 15, 1964 Presert: Councilmen: Jlfursden, Pounds, r.liller, Bracevlell nnd neid Absent: I,Iayor E01'.Jell The meeting was called to order by Councilmnn Pounds at 8: 00 P .1',:. The minutes of the last regular meeting held September 1, 1964 and the special meeting held September 8, 1964 were read and approved. I Councilman Marsden made a motion that Council approve the following bills. Councilman I-Tiller seconded the motion. Voted and Carried. ( '.) FRO:;: G ErZ~ \L FLT1;D: I Ou:.da r.:eeks - Offj ce help :3c:rbar'"' !Iooks- Fees ".:-ner-i cO' n L" fr:- r:ce n~: Snf-ircer - Police 0ept. Ed':rard J. O'SrieY1 - VJD.ter dep. ref. J3.n:: of .lest OrClnge - Incor:1e t<'x :~e['rer Tex2co - Police Dept. J. I.~. Gr1.fto~ Centr~l Florida Fire Equipment Co. FJorid2 PONer Corp. Ocoee Glllf Service Enghes S1J.prl:', Inc. or-rr, Cliver - '.Jr>ter Dept. O. G. Smith - ~t. Dept. J. I. Jernig8TI - S~Dt. Dept. Ot is ;:ens1 e:' - S;:, rt.. Dept. Geor.se :1"., rper - ':t. Jept,. :,:el vi 11 :::'r'.i 1:}1 - St. Dent. Je~~je Oliver - St. D~nt. H. C. ',J'lde - St. Dept.' no:' I:.i cb'1 rds - SC"Dt. Dept. C"rJ Sanders - St. L ~~ter Depts. I:elvjn '.:~ll.;ar"s - St. Dept. ],"'rh?r'"' Eooks - Fees J~~e2 ~. Pe2cock - Post.caster JeP ~Y't Lnnd8ren - ";a ter dep. ref. Hm-rthorre lIo rd1:12 re ':<':--. 01:' I:er - O. G. :::.!:;:. tr J. I. Jerr.;g,ql1 Ot:. c; ::en s 1 e:. Geor~e Er>rper 1.:e 1 v:i r, '::-.i t h JeY'nie Cliver !:. C. ,:2 de Eo:' 2icr~rcls C-- rl :>'lders : : e 1 .. i 11 '.: ill .; ~ f.' S Dean '.!oodr ~r1 - '.]'1 ter DeI". Pcef. Jpr~orr Hobks - Fees Florida Tele. Corp. ~~. 7. dracewell -Councllcan L. ~. Ross - water dep. ref. Lero:, Turner, C:...ief of Police ',:5. 11 ~ ... r:. lia.;er - Poli ce Dept. Fred Dnuz;htr:' - Police Dept. i3arb:>.r.::, 1ioo1:s - Police Dept. I.:arj' liinds - Poli ce Dept. 32.r:~8ra .:ilson - Police Dept. Raymond liO'dell - I.:E yor 32rb~r~ Hoo~s- Cle~k Edwir. Founds - Co~ncilffian Jack 1'12rsden _ IT J. .J. r..eid - " .,,.,r. T. Jrc ce.II'vell _ r' E. P. I.:iller _ T' Ja~es T. Vander6rift~ Fire Chief Spencer C. Cross _ ~ttorner Eddie Ihnt - \-r:ter dep. ref. .20:' L. ri:'1rst - '.le. ter dep. ref. I 14.1+2 3.00 18,6rSO.OO 30.00 2.92 322.70 11. 35 13 2 . 55 15.45 87] .72 77.66 107.91 85.57 78.6J 62.79 52.37 57. ]4 60.74 59.43 62.64 60.57 57.14 60.23 3.00 58.80 3.58 8.70 85.57 '-'0 (:.1 10. .....J-' 62.79 52.37 57.14 hO.74 59.Lt.3 62.~4 fO.57 57.14 60.23 3.75 G.GO 4L.. . 28 24.08 7.50 1'-'5 0~ -'- ( .0) 148.1S 127.46 50.00 15.50 ;? 0~ /......0....... 48.19 137 . 81 24.03 24.08 21;..08 24.05 24.08 24.08 200.00 ') 7- ..). :; 2.00 4ubrey Sterling-police dept. Sar:: Oliver - Ha't'7ttorne Hardv!o..re O. G. S:;:ith J. I. Jernignn ~eor,~e ~C1 ~per LeI Yln ...,::1::. tl-. Bennie Cl:.ver .. ...... T..... r1 h. l.,. .1G.u.e Roy. n.i cl.Lards Car2- ~c11d9r3 ):,:el vin 'Jillic.:..s Otis lIen31e:' C:~arle::; '.:. ~isele Ouida :,:eek3 C:.ester n. FO'.I~,er - bond ref'"u1,j no..rt~ra Hooks - Fees ::rc. ',;.2. Thol'::p:;on - ',,';:.+,8:' dep. ref. Florida Pe~ce Officers ~S30C. 65.26 85.57 35.52 78.61 62.79 57.14 60.74 59.43 62.64 <'0 5'7 u . t 57.14 60 . 23 I' ') ') 7 Vi-.J 7.50 18.00 10.00 16.00 5.00 3.00 l I Councilman ~iller made a motion to authorize Councilman Pounds to sign checks in the absence of the Eayor, Councilman Narsden seconded the motion. Councilman ~~rsden, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. C@rried unanimously. Councilman I,:arsden made a cotion to hire A.ubrey Starling as part- time policem2n. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Council- men Narsden, Niller and Bra ce':lell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimo"vlsly. Councilrr,a:1 Bracewell made a :notion to purchase a 3 8 revolver for the Police DepartDent. Councilr:;an Marsden seconded the Dotion. Councilman ~arsden, tliller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilman Marsden made a ~otion to obtain bids for a 10,000 gallon pressure tank for ~ell J2. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilmen J,iarsden, I.liller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Miller made a motion to adjo~rn this meeting. Councilman ~~rsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 11:15 P.M. I At test: c2~-(~A- ~AL, Clerk b~~~ PresidentFof Council I,1INDTES OF THE S PECI {lL I.IEETING HELD 3EPTEI,iBER 22, 1964 Present: Councilr.ien: I.:arsden, Pounds, I.:iller, Bracewell and Reid I-layor Howell Absent: None The ~eeting was called to order by Councilman Reid at 8:25 P.M. Counciln,an I.J:iller cade a motion that each trailer in the Security Mobile Home Trailer Park have a sep~rate meter installed. Council- man Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen lliller, Pounds, Harsden I and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously.