HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1964 I I I ~ LINUTEu OF THE REGULl"R I<EETHJG OF Tli~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORID~ HELD OCTOJER 6, 1964 Present: Councilmen: Pounds, I'.IarsJen, IvIiller, 13rD.ceweL:, and tei''';' Kayor Howell (1.csent: None The r,:eet:.ng was cel.lled to order by Councilman neid c. t 8: OC P .J..:,. The c.inutes of the last regulc.r meeting held Septelliber 15, :964 a~d the special ~eeting held Septe~ber 22, 1964 and the special r::eeting held Septer;.t.er 30, 1964 ",[ere read and approved. Council~an Pounds mc.de a motion that Council approve the fol18;/ing tills. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. ( ~) FRm~ GEIJERf,L FUND: Byra~ Electronic Service :~ubrey Starling Ocoee Youth Canter By-rar:, Electrcr.i c Servi ce American LaFrDnce Ta;.;p? ',l~olesale Pl urr;ting Supply Hood Troctor Co. The Bra, Hardware Winter Garden Lumber Co. Ka -I,:i Flori st . Central Florida Fire Equipment Gcoee Gulf Service Si:J'.pson r.Iotors,Inc. Heintzel~anls Ford, Inc. 'iJ. S. Darley Orlando Paving Co. ~estern Auto ~sscc. Joprd of County Corm;.. I'.:. &, I,:. '.Jelding Hydraulic Supply Co. Glenn Joiner & Son ;uto Electric Co. The Burgess Press George F. Co..l:e Sam Cliver - Water Dept. O. G. Seith - St. Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Rept. George Harper - St. Dept. Melvin Smith- St. DepE. Bennie Cliver - St. Dept. H. C. '.Jade - St. Dept. RoyRichards - Santo Dept. Carl G. Sanders - St. & '.lrter Depts. Melvin ~illiams - St. Dept. Downess Service Station Cliff Freer:1an - water Conn. Refund J. B. Griffin - Fees Barbara Hooks - Fees Otis G. Phelps J. N. Higgins - water dep. ref. Leroy Turner - Chief of Police ~iJilliai.', R. Hager - Roli ce Dept. Barbara .lilson - Police Dept. Fred Da ughtr:; - Poli ce Dept. Barbara Hooks - Police Dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk Bank of .,Iest Orange Erler t;en c:' Fund State Board of Health District Director of Internal Revenue O.~.S.I. Contrubution Fund Sac Glvier Aubrey Starling-police dept. O. G. Smith J. I. Jerniga::;. Otis Hensley George Harper Melvin SC1ith Dennie Oliver 81.]0 28.21 60.00 24.55 63 .14 117.91 34 . 73 8.] 9 5.25 5.00 13 0 . 40 40.00 2.75 19.95 1 61 ...I...o~ 54.00 2.18 40.25 2.23 13 .07 140.59 1.50 8.60 47.27 d~ 57 u/. 75.61 62.79 62.37 57.14 60.74 59.43 62.64 60.57 57.14 60 . 23 289.68 400.00 75.00 7.00 15.00 3.75 175.85 148.16 32.85 127.46 50.00 137.81 1,276.50 100.00 25.00 318.75 1,131.94 85.57 44.69 78.61 62.79 62.37 57.14 60.74 59.43 '1 H. C. 'dade Roy Rid:.ards Carl Sanders The Rollins Press Barbara Hooks -Fees 62.64 60.57 57.14 37 . 20 7.00 Councilman Bracew~ll ~ade a motion to give Florida TelephoneCorp. permission to remove a small cable and install a larger cable in Peach Lake ganor. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Council- men Pounds, J,:arsden, Hiller and BraceHell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. I Councilman Pounds made a motion to adopt Ordinance J453 being an Ordinance ascertaining the amount necessary to operate the City Of Dcoee, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning November 1st, 1964 o.nd ending October 31st, 1965. Councilman J,liller seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, ~~rsden, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilnan I'~arsden n:,o.de a motion to adopt Ordinance }454 being an ordinance fixing the rate of taxation for the City of Ocoee, Florida, for the fiscal year beg~nning November 1st, 1964 and ending October 31st, 1965. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, J,~arsden, ~,;iller ,'nd Dracevlell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimousl:-. Councill:.:an I.:iller ::Jade a motion to adopt Ordinance J455 being an Ordinance levying a tax upon taxable property within the City of Ocoee, Florjda, for the fiscal year beginning lJovember 1st, 1964 and ending October 31st, 1965. Councilman Pounds eccnded the rotion. Councilr.len I.:arsden, Pounds, I.Tiller and Bra cewell voted YE::). Iro EO'S. CC'lrried unanir::ously. Councllnan Pounds rlade a motion to adopt Ordinance f)L~56 being an ordinance appropriating and allocating the revenue of the City of Ocoee, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning November 1st, I 1964 and end:ng October 31st, 1965. Councilman t:iller seconded the rJotj,or~. Councilmen r.:arsden, Pounds, r.liller and JraceHell voted YES. II 0 ITO' S . Carri ed U.n8 ninously . Councjlr:Cll"l I.:Larsden made a motion to write Lr. DollD.r of the State Road Department and a~k for the necessary signs for a school crossing at Silver St8r Road and Bluford 4venue. Councilman I'.:iller se ccnded the rr:.otion. Counci loen I,::J.rsden, Pounds, l,:iller and Drace'Jell voted YES. No 1JO' S. Carried unanimousl:'. C01J,ncilr.:an Pounds nade a IT.otior.. to El ccept the bid from I.:odern ::elding for a 10,000 gallon pre~sure tank for ~ell J2, in the amOU:1t of ;~l, (,96.00. Councilmc=m 1.:iller seconded the motion. Council~en Pounds, ~arsden, Miller ond Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried ur..anixously. Councilr','tY'l I,:il1er r-1ade a motion chase the necessarv ~aterjals to nian I'::lrsden seconded the IT'.otior. Pounds and DrDce'::ell voted YES. I to authorize Sa~ Oliver to pur- fix the voting booths. Council~ Councilmen lliller, T.;:< rsden, 1;0 1;0' S. Carried unnnir.:ously. Tl-:ere beint:; no further business CouncilL1an I.:iller r.iade a r:;otion to adjourn this ~eeting. Cour..cilman ~arsden seconded the motion. Thereupon Council 8djourned at 10:50 r.~. t.ttest: I ....