HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1964 I I I =:I~:UT~:::' CF T:E REGUL(II. r.:EETU;G CF TEE CIT~ COu~:CIL (,ii' T IE CITY OF OC8EE, FLOItIDI\ lIELJ CCTOJER 20 lof,l, -, -.,.. l're sent: CO'J.ll ci.lr"en Pounds, r:2 rsd2:1, I:iller, Jr2 ce' :e11 (1 nu I:eid ::"':-or ::0':1ell '.':'sellt: ::O:1e T},e ;:-eet.ing ':IDS c{:llJ.ed to order by Councilr.nn Reid '1t 8 :05 F.r:. Ite ~i~utes of ~~e l~st regul~r ceeting held Cctober f, 1964 ~ere read a~d approved. 80'lrci 1 il":< ;.:Clrsden ,.ade a rr.otion th8t Council approve the follo'.1- i ng 'hi lls. Co'mcl1rcm ;.;j ller seconded the rnotion. '/oted "nc c"rried. ( !-) FRCI: GElmR(L FUf:D: CentrDl Florid~ Fire Equip. Richardson Trector Company ~tlQntic Che~icals, Inc. 'vulcan I,:aterials Co. t,peple Products :Lee Che:~..i cal Corp. Byr~~ Electronic Service ?'lid-FloridLl Gc.s Co. George F. Cake Co. Florida Pcwer Ccrp. JiG. Ruddy Conrad's GC:Tage t,'lorey 3tarling - Poli ce Dept. Se.., Gli'"er - .l:'ter Dept. o. G. J~itl~ - St. Dept. J. . :;:. ..Jer~?:.gan : Sent. Dept. Ot::.. s ileL3-,-e~ - ..;c,n t. Dept. George }lo.rper - St. Dept. 1,:el \'1.n Sr:.i tL - St. Dept. Jennie Oliver - St. Dept. E. C. .lade - St. Jept. rro: RichDrds - S~nt. Dept. Carl '::;2nder3 - St. &. '.later Depts. 01.lid:.. LeeLs-Of~i ce Eelp Florida Telephone Corp. D~r~arz Eoohs - Fees T T r~ n11ad" '~ter :lep 'r,e:-' u. wV. u(...;.....L .. - dL' 1). l.... J... Tho:;,&3 ;.:. Var. lIorn, Jr. ~.Jater Dep. Ref. ~~breJ ~tarling - Folice Dept. Fischers '::;ea Foods - Polit~cQl Rally S2~,: Oliver - '.:0. ter De p':. . O. G. ~r..itL - '::;t. Dept. J. 1. ,jern.i.gc...n - SC.l.t. Dept. Otis Hensley - S2nt. Dept. George HQrper - St. Dept. ~el\in Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oli\er - St. Dept. PC '[' ~ 1't 11. . .aue - 0t,. .uep . J. r'i Schuette - '.later Jep. ::ef. .Ii lliar.. R. rio.ger - Poli ce Dept. Leroy T~rner - Police Ctief Fred Daughtry - Folice Dept. b2r:..o.ra '.lilson -. Police Dept. Bar'u.:-r.:-. hooLs - Police Dept. R2~~ond G. Hewe:l - ~~yor Spe,:cer C. Cross - :.t tor;:1e~~ Bar'uc.ra Hooks - Cler~ Ed1ilin lot..nd:; - Council:"c.n Ja c;: I':,'J.rsden - I' ,. J ..J. ueid "d. T. l3racevlell, Jr.!! E. I). :'.:iller n Ja:-;':es T. Vandergrift ;- ]prbar2. Hooks - Fees Bad checks Fire Cheif 191.75 51.89 9.0C 45.60 45.00 : 26 ?-0 1.. . ,..jV G1.05 '1 '7 ! ') .1./.'-r'...I 56.24 6,.., ') ') 1 0..).) ...) 13 .00 43 .71 "CJ. 0-' ;(.o.~..L. cJ.r: r:'7 ("..).'/1 78.61 ~:.79 62.37 57.14 60.74 59.1+3 62.64 60.57 57.14- l' J" ~'+''+'- I c} ....-. ..;-V . .) -'- 5.00 '+.30 3.25 28.21 12:::.00 85.57 7EL jl (? 70 '-' ""- . I ;,I /" 'i ""l r"'J 0.:....)1 5'7 l! I . ~'+ 60.7'+ 59.43 62.64 -. ') ~ 1......) l' cJ. 11' ,+O.~v 175.25 2.27.4u 30 c'- t:...u) 50.0J 4C.19 200.00 '1 .... 7 ,,- .l...,) i . U..L 24.0t: 24.08 24.08 24.03 24.0e 24.0t 5.00 13 .24 ,- Councilcan Bracewell r:.ade a r::ct:::.on to purchase a PaYli.::Lster check- writer for ~)179. 50. Counciln,,::m T.:ille1' seconded the motion. Councilman ~iller, Karsden, Pcunds and Bracewell voted YES. No NO T S. Carri ed 'mani:::ousl~'. Councilman Killer L&de a motion to purchase a st1'edt uarker and 15 gallons of yellow paint. Council~an Pounds seconded the moti on. CClA:::1 ci lnlen I'~i 1181', l\.LD.r 3 den, Pounds Clncl Era c ewell voted YES. No ~OT3. Carried ananicously. Council:::.an I.:arsde:::1 J.,ade 0. :-::otiO:::1 to let the Ocoee Lions Club draw up a tentClt:::.ve plan of by-IClws for the Ocoee Recreation Center and present it to the Ci ty Council 2.t the next Leeting for their ?pproval. Cou:::1cil~an f~ller seconded the ~otion. Councih,an r.:arsden, Founds, Liller cn:d Bracevlel1 voted rES. IJo :JO T S. C.::.rried una:1i;,:ousl:'. CouncilLan Pounds cade a motion to have the City books audited o.t the er,d of the f:::.scc.l ~e.::.r? ?ctobe~ ~l, 1964, by .Iells, , Lane:', Ehrlich and D::Ler, GertlfleJ PUDllc ;ccountants. Councl1- :::an r.::;,rsden se cOl.Lued tIle lilOtio:1. Counciln:en Pounus, 1,:arsden, r.:iller and Dr.::. ce";lell voted YES. :;0 no T S . Co. 1'1'::" ed uno.n:::.r.lOusly. Councilm.::.rl I.:c:-,rsden :.lade (' r,otio:1 to :;,ave the City Electi..)n in th~ Cit~ ~all and to have the ~ity Hall o~~n fo~ City Business. Councll:-,:Clr. l-1l11er seonded the Lotlon. Cour.c:. _:;,en h;'1 reJen, Pounds, ;,1iller 2:1.1 Drace'dell voted YES. Ho. NO T S. Carried unan:: :::ou51:' . Counc:::.lman Pounds made a ~otion for the Fish Frv to start Clt ~ : 00 P .1,:. I:oc:er..te1' 2, 19(,4. Councilr::an I.:arsden- seconded the ;notion. COl.1.ncil::.en Pcur:.d:::;, 1'",::1,r3den, I,~i1ler and Brnce','fe11 voted y~::.;. I~o l~C tlS . Carri ed unanir::cus1y. There ':Jeing r.o further busir.ess Council:::al1 I':2.rsder:. Ll2.de a n-:otion d . tL . .. . C . , , . l' II ' ...' t' to a Journ n:;.s 1::ee vlng. OUnCl-LI;lPn !'ll .l.e1' secon......ea l.ne E:O lon. Thereupon Council adjourned 3. t ll: 1J P. 1'1. i~ttest: 6?rid~~_~/P~ Cler1: --, I I I I ~