HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-2008 Minutes THE CITY OF OCOEE POLICE PARKING INFRACTION HEARING BOARD MEETING - August 21, 2008 I. Chairman Minarcin called the meeting of the City of Ocoee Police Parking Infraction Hearing Board meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The roll was called and a quorum declared. MEMBERS PRESENT: Victoria Laney, Robert Minarcin, and James Stein. Also present was Staff Liaison Sgt Alexander, Lt Brad Dreasher and Recording Secretary Betty Decker. ABSENT: Carole Arney (absent excused), Louis Torres, Joe Chinelly, and Matt Garland. II. PRESENTATION OF CASES Case #1 - 2008-02-1770 - Ofc Addeo gave testimony to this case. Defendant, Ms. Robinson said she had parked in the handicap spot after 10:00 pm; ran into the lobby and told the security guard she was parked there for a minute while she got her keys off her desk. When she came out a few minutes later, Ofc. Adams had already given her a citation. She said that usually after 10:00 pm the security guard does not enforce parking rules because it is so late and very few employees are there that late. Questions were asked by the board - this office is located on private property. Chairman Minarcin asked for a motion and a motion was made bv Member Lanev that an infraction had occurred. seconded bv Member Stein. to oven it for discussion. Motion vassed. Stein then made a motion for the fine to be reduced bv 50%. no second to the motion so the motion failed. The motion for a fine of $125 and a $25 court fee was made bv Rob. seconded bv Lanev to oven it for discussion. Stein votes in favor of the motion. no second is made. so motion failed. Lanev makes the motion to keev the fine $250 and have no court fees. seconded bv Minarcin. Motion carried 2-1. The defendant is given 60 days to vav the fine. Case #2 - 2008-02-3827 - Ofc Adams presented this case with testimony and photos. Defendant presents her case saying she is pregnant and new to the US and that the security guard had told her to park there because she has a small vehicle. Member Laney stated that someone needs to speak with this security guard, as these cases are all from the same business' parking lot. Ofc Adams says he speaks with security there on a regular basis and they are usually the ones to call the PD reference violators. Member Laney says the business should enforce the handicap parking and tow the vehicles. Member Stein makes a motion that an infraction occurred. seconded bv Lanev. There is no further discussion and motion vasses 3-0. A motion is made bv Stein for the fine of $250 with court costs of $50. seconded bv Minarcin. Open for discussion - Lanev wants to forgive the court costs but the motion of$250 fine vlus $50 court costs vasses 2-1. Case #3 - 2008-02-5503 - Ofc Adams presents this case with testimony and photos. Ofc Adams states that the Police Department is working with Westgate regarding the parking problems. Page 1 of2 The Defendant speaks highly of the security staff at Westgate and apologizes for blocking the handicap loading spot and talks about other offenders in the same parking lot and says the $250 fine will hurt him financially. Member Stein makes a motion that an infraction occurred. second bv Lanev. Motion passes 3-0. Defendant again pleads his case. A motion is made for the penalty to be $250 with no additional court fees and an extension of 120 days for payment bv Member Stein. seconded bv Lanev. Motion passes 3-0. The defendant asks about making installment payments. This is approved by Lt. Dreasher and will be documented by the clerk. III. NEW BUSINESS IV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /~ 7 ',V er - Recording Secretary Z-~ ... ~ Rob Minarcin - Chairman Contact the City Clerk's Office to listen to an electronic copy of these minutes. Page 2 of2