HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 642 . J J---; Jf I / l' ~ I ' 't' ..- / t".:., . ~..- \ :J.. i r..., / ORDINANCE NO. 6lf:lr " . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING A BOARD TO BE KNOWN AS THE FIRE AND BUILDING TRADES BOARD OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE. ESTABLISHMENT AND COMPOSITION: A Board 0 Appeals is hereby established which shall be known as the Fire and Building Trades Board of Ocoee, Florida. The Board shall consist 0 seven (7) voting members and two (2) ex-officio (non-voting) membe s, appointed by the City Commissioners. The voting members shall con- sist of one (1) Plumbing Contractor, and one (1) Electrical Con- tractor, one (1) Building Contractor, one (1) Heating and Air Con- ditioning Contractor, one (1) Swimming Pool Contractor, one (1) member of the Fire Prevention Industry, and one (1) Lay Citizen of the City. The ex-officio members shall be the City Fire Inspector and the City Building Official. All voting members shall be resi- dents of and licensed to engage in business in Orange County,excep the Lay member, who shall be a citizen of the City. SECTION TWO. TERMS OF OFFICE, REMOVAL, AND VACANCIES: Members of the Board shall be appointed for initial overlapping terms of two, three, and four years and shall serve until reappoin ed or their successors are appointed. Each member shall be appointed for terms of two years after the initial term. No more than three member's terms shall expire at anyone time. Any member of the Boa d may be removed from office for failure to attend meetings or other cause by a three-fifths majority vote of the City Commission, upon written charges and after a public hearing. Any vacancy occurring during the unexpired term of any member shall be filled by the Cit Commission for the remainder of the term. Such vacancy shall be filled within 30 days after the vacancy occurs. . SECTION THREE. OFFICERS, RULES AND PROCEDURES: The Board shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from its members and shall appoint a secretary who shall maintain a written record of all business conducted by the Board. Terms of officers shall be for one (1) year with eligibility for re-election. The Board may vote and fill other such offices as it may determine. The Board shall meet four (4) times each year with the meetings to be sche- duled as near to three (3) months intervals as possible. The chair man may also schedule special meetings provided each member is notified of such special meeting at least fourty-eight (48) hours in advance of the time of said meeting. The Board shall make all by-laws and rules not in con flict with this ordinance or the applicable general or special law of the State of Florida, that may be needed in performing its duti s, and shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record. The Chairman, or in his absence, vice chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall keep minutes of its meetings, show- ing vote of each member on each question, or failure to vote, and all other official acts, all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the Building Department and shall be public recor SECTION FOUR. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE FIRE AND BUILD ING TRADES BOARD: (a) To hear any appeals from decisions made by the City Fire Inspector or City Building Inspector pertai - ing to enforcement of the City Fire Prevention Codes or the Building Trades Codes, from any person, person, or organization who may be aggrieved by said decision (b) To give notices of hearings and conduct hearings upon charges of violations of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code or the Building Trades Codes as adopted by the City, by any person, organization or Contractor. (c) To revoke or suspend the privilege to work in the City of any contractor found by the Board to have vio- lated the provisions of that City building ordinance pertaining to the trade of said contractor in accordanc0 with the grounds and procedutes.'f5Q'r~revocatton 'orsus- pension as ,set ,fot.th ,in, said ordinance. (d) To recommend to the City Council, from time to time, amendments, deletions. additions and changes to the City ordinances relating to Fire Prevention and Building Trade Codes. SECTION FIVE. ROUTE OF APPEAL: The route of appeal shall follow procedures as set forth in the appropriate Fire or Building Trade Ordinance relating to the Fire Codes or the particular Build ing Trade Codes involved in the appeal. . SECTION SIX. REPEALING ALL LAWS INCONSISTANT WITH THIS ORDINANCE: All special acts, ordinances, resolutions or inter- pretations in conflict herewith. are hereby repealed. All City Fire Prevention and Building Trade Codes adopted by the City are hereby amended to delete that portion of said codes requiring Boards of Appeal and Adjustment. It is the intent of this ordinanc that the Fire and Building Trades Board shall serve as a Master Board for all Fire Prevention and Building Trades Codes and Ordin- ances adopted by the City. SECTION SEVEN. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming a law. SECTION EIGHT. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION NINE. Should any portion of this Ordinance be hel invalid. then such portions as are not declared to be invalid shal remain in full force and effect. DATED THE / -f-I- DAY OF n6rvilr'1 / .1977 ATTEST: ,,7 ~~~QC~ CITY CLERK .