HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-2008 Minutes THE CITY OF OCOEE POLICE PARKING INFRACTION HEARING BOARD MEETING - December 18,2008 I. Chairman Minarcin called the meeting of the City of Ocoee Police Parking Infraction Hearing Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The roll was called and a quorum declared. MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Minarcin, Carole Arney, James Stein, Joe Chinelly, Matt Garland and Recording Secretary Betty Decker. Also present was Staff Liaison Sgt. Wagner. ABSENT: Victoria Laney (excused), Louis Torres (excused). II. PRESENTATION OF CASES Case #1 - 2008-03-9451 - Sharif Simmons Chairman Minarcin swear in the defendants and officers. CSA Sulkowski takes the stand and presents the case with photos showing the violation. Defendant Simmons takes the stand and presents his defense. Sgt. Wagner states the definition ofthe city code ordinance for the violation for clarity. Member Garland makes a motion to find the defendant fluiltv of the violation of parking in a handicap parkinfl area. seconded bv Member Stein. Motion passes unanimouslv. Chairman Minarcin asks for motion for penaltv. Member Stein makes a motion for reflular cost of the fine with no additional court charges. seconded bv Member Amev. Motion passes 4-1. The defendant asks for 60 days to pay the fine, which is granted. IV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -z Rob Minarcin - Chairman Contact the City Clerk's Office to listen to an electronic copy of these minutes. Page 1 of 1