HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 640 ORDINANCE NO. tlfD . AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE INCORPORATED AREAS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO CONTROL AND REGULATE PLUMBING CONTRACTORS AND PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS~ ESTABLI:~HING SCOPE AND PURPOSE, PROVIDING DEFINITIONS OF TERMS, ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY TO ENTER BUILDINGS, REQUIRING INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS, PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS OF OFFICE, REQUIRING CON- TRACTORS TO HAVE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY AND BE BONDED; ~ PROHIBITING FALSE ADVERTISING AND PERMITTING FALSE USE OF NAME, ESTABLISHING WHEN BONDS EXPIRE, ESTABLISHING GROUNDS FOR REV- OCATION OF CERTIFICATION; REQUIRING INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BY BUILDING INSPECTOR, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE, HEARING AND ACTION BY THE BOARD, PROVIDING FOR RECERTIFICATION, ESTABLISHING UTILITY COMPANY RIGHTS; ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS REGARDING MASTER, JOURNEYMAN AND MAINTENANCE PLUMBERS, REQUIRING PERMITS, ESTAB- LISHING REQUIREMENTS AND FORMS FOR PERMITS; PROHIBITING TRANSFER OF PERMITS, ESTABLISHING QUALIFICATIONS FOR PERSONS APPLYING FOR PERMITS, ESTABLISHING GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMITS; PRO- VIDING FOR FIXING OF PERMIT FEES, ESTABLISHING FEE WHEN WORK COMMENCED BEFORE OBTAINING PERMIT, ESTABLISHING SCOPE, EFFECT OF PERMITS, ESTABLISHING WHEN PERMITS EXPIRE, REQUIRING INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTION OF VIOLATIONS, REQUIRING DISCONNECTION ~F DAN- GEROUS INSTALLATIONS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF BUILD- ING REGULATIONS TO THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR PERMIT FEE WHEN OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED, REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING REQUIR- MENTS, ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, SETTING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PRO- VISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: . SECTION ONE: This ardinance is enacted under the Hame Rule Power af the City far the purpose af praviding necessary regula- tians far plumbers and plumbing contractars in the interest of public health, safety and welfare af the citizens and residents af Ocoee, Flarida. This ardinance shall apply and be enfarced in all areas of Ocaee within the baundaries af the city. SECTION TWO: This ardinance shall be referred to' as the Plumbing Ordinance af Ocaee, Flarida. SECTION THREE: DEFINITIONS. (a) The Baard. Fire and Building Trades Baard. (b) City. City af Ocaee, Flarida, a geagraphic locatiO' (c) Plumbing Canstructian. The term "plumbing construc tion" as used in this ardinance shall be held to' include an gavern all wark and materials used in installing, maintain- ing, altering and/ar extending a system af piping for pro- viding water ar waste dispasal ar venting and all appurten- ances, apparatus, ar equipment used in cannectian therewith, inside ar attached to' any building structure, lat ar premis s. (d) Plumber. The ward "plumber" as used in this ardin- ance shall mean a persan whO' is regularly engaged in the trade ar business af plumbing canstructian and whO' is qualified under the terms and pravisions of this ardinance. (e) Master Plumber. The term "master plumber" as used in this ordinance shall mean a persan whO' passesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to plan, lay aut, and persanally supervise the installatian af plumbing and whO' is certified under the pravisions of this ordinance. (f) Journeyman Plumber. The term "jaurneyman plumber" as used in this ordinance shall mean a persan who passesses the necessary qualificatians, training and knowledge to' install plumbing and capable af daing plumbing wark accard- ing to' the plans and specificatians furnished to' him and is qualified to' perform wark under the personal supervisian af a Master Plumber and whO' is certified under the pravisia s af this ardinance. . (g) Maintenance Plumber. The term "maintenance plumber" as used in this ordinance shall mean a persan whO' is quali- fied as hereinbefare prescribed as a "jaurneyman plumber" but whO' must be regularly emplayed to' maintain and make anly minor repairs to the plumbing, piping, apparatus, and equip- ment which is installed, cantained, and used upan the pre- mises or in a building awned, occupied ar cantrolled by the persan, firm ar carparation by wham the maintenance plumber is a full-time emplayee. (h) Plumbing Cantractar. The term "plumbing cantractar" as used in this ardinance shall mean a persan, firm, ar carporatian engaging in the business af plumbing cantracting. The persan in charge af the plumbing installatians far said persan, firm, ar carparatian shall have qualified as a "master plumber" accarding to the pravisians af this ardinan e and possess a Master Plumbers Certificate issued by Orange Caunty ar the State af Flarida. (i) Apprentice Plumber. The term "apprentice plumber" as used in this ardinance shall mean a helper ar assistant to a Jaurneyman ar Master Plumber. SECTION FOUR. Autharity to enter buildings. The Building Inspectar is empowered and autharized to enter into ar upon any public ar private building ar premises during reasonable haurs far the purpases of examining, inspecting ar testing any plumbing canstruction within such building or premises. No owner ar accupie of any public or private building ar premises shall refuse to' per- mit entry ar inspection ar to' permit the testing af any plumbing canstructian pursuant to' this ardinance. . SECTION FIVE. Investigatian af Camplaints. The Building Inspectar shall examine all premises abaut which a camplaint af any plumbing canstructian is made, and shall upan evidence af an unsafe ar unfinished candition candemn such system and notify the owner ar agent af such premises to arrange such system in accar- dance with the requirements of this ardinance. Such natice shall be made in writing. Any persan failing to' place the plumbing canstructian in a proper and safe canditian as instructed by the building inspectar within the reasonable time fixed by the build- ing inspectar, shall be in vialatian af this ardinance. SECTION SIX. Appraval of Plans, Recards af Office. The building afficial shall examine all plans and specificatians filed in his affice far appraval. He ar his designee shall also issue and sign all natices, certificates and permits far installation ar repair af plumbing canstructian. The building afficial shall keep ar recard all inspectians made, or camplaints received and investigate plans and specifications examined, natices served, fee callected, applicatians far certificates and ather services per- farmed by his department. SECTION SEVEN. Certificate of Competency, Required. It shall be a vialatian af this ardinance far any persan to' engage in the plumbing business or act in the capacity af a plumbing cantractar within the city withaut passessing a valid, current certificate af campetency issued by Orange Caunty ar the State af Flarida. SECTION EIGHT. False Advertising Prahibited. It shall be a violatian of this ardinance far any persan, firm or carporatian, ather than a certified and licensed plumbing cantractor, to' expase a sign, "Plumbing Cantractar," ar use any ather advertising per- taining theretO'. SECTION NINE. Permitting False Use af License ar Name. It shal be a violatian of this ardinance far a plumbing contractar to' lend his name, ar to' take a permit in his name far the use of any ather persan ar to allaw the use af his name directly ar indirectly far the purpase af abtaining a permit. . SECTION TEN. Master Plumber to' Furnish Band. Befare a permit is issued to' any Master Plumber, he shall file with the city licensing autharity a band payable to' City af Ocaee, in the amaunt af Five Thausand Dallars ($5,000.00). Said bond shall be executed by the master plumber as principal and by a surety company license to' dO' business in the State af Flarida as surety and shall be canditioned as follows: That the principal herein shall pratect said city and awner or awners af premises upan which said principa daes any wark against all lasses ar damage accasianed by the neg- ligence af said principal in failing to' pramptly pratect all wark dane by him, ar his emplayees, ar under his directian or supervisi and fram all lass or damage accasioned by ar arising in any manner from any such wark dane by said principal ar his emplayees, ar under his directian ar supervision, which is nat caused by negli- gence af said city, its agents or emplayees; and that said prin- cipal herein shall keep and abserve all regulatians at any time in farce in said city relating in any way to' plumbing and plumbing canstruction. The said band shall be far the benefit af all persan injured ar aggrieved by any violatian of or to neglect to observe this ardinance or the rules and regulations established under the authority thereaf. Said bond shall be renewed at the end of each license year. SECTION ELEVEN. When Bands Expire. Bands shall expire on 30 September af each year, and nO' plumbing work shall be dane by and nO' permits shall be issued to' any master plumber whO' has nO' such band as herein pravided, and in full farce and effect. -2- SECTION TWELVE. Revacatian af Certificates, Graunds. The Baard af Adjustments shall have the pawer, in addition to' all pawers pravided far in this ardinance, to' suspend far a length af time nat to exceed ane (1) year or to revoke the certificate af campetency af any plumbing cantractar, whO' shall be guilty of any ane or mare af the follawing acts ar omissians, ta-wit: (a) misrepresentatian af any material fact in the appli- catian far a permit; (b) cantinued perfarmance af plumbing constructian in a negligent, incampetent ar unwarkmanlike manner; (c) engaging in the business af acting in the capacity af a cantractar withaut a valid occupatianal license; . I il (d) cantracting in a name ather than that registered wit the inspectar; (e) abandanment af any cantract far the perfarmance af plumbing canstructian withaut legal graunds; (f) diversian af praperty ar funds received pursuant to' cantract far plumbing canstructian; (g) departure fram the plans and specificatians af any cantract far plumbing canstructian ar accampanying applicatio far permit withaut the cansent af the party far wham the wark is being perfarmed; (h) misrepresenting the requirements of this ardinance regulating plumbing canstruction in arder to' abtain or in- crease the scape of the work in any cantract or plumbing wark (i) vialation af any pravisians af this ardinance; (j) failing to' repart to' the building department ar attempting to' canceal the violatian af any pravisions af this ardinance by any cantractar, master ar journeyman plumber; and (k) allawing any persan to' dO' plumbing wark under a permit abtained by said certificate halder when said persan is not warking bath under the supervisian af said certificate halder and as a regular emplayee of the cantractor in whase name the permit is issued. SECTION THIRTEEN. Investigatian and Repart by Inspectar. At any time it shall came within the ascertainment af the inspector that any af the faregaing graunds far revacatian may exist as to' any contractar ar plumber it shall be the duty af said inspector to' make a full fact gathering investigation and file with the Baard a written repart thereaf tagether with a statement as to' whether or nat such graunds dO' exist; and in the event that it shall come within the ascertainment of the Baard that any such graund exists as to' any cantractar ar plumber the Baard may order the inspectar to make such investigation and repart. . SECTION FOURTEEN. Natice and Hearing. At any time the repart af the inspectar shall shaw the existence af ane ar mare graunds far revacatian ar there is filed with the Baard the camplaint af any persan alleging the existence af any such grounds, it shall be the duty af the Baard to' arder the inspectar to' serve upan the alleged vialator a natice af the alleged graunds far revacatian and af the time, date and place af a hearing befare the Baard thereupan, which notice shall be served nat less that ten (10) nar mare than twenty (20) days priar to' said hearing. The alleged vialatar shall have the right to' appear at such hearing, be re- presented by caunsel, praduce evidence and crass-examine witnesses All witnesses testifying at such hearing shall be swarn to' tell the truth. -3- SECTION FIFTEEN. Actian by Baard. If, after such hearing, the Baard shall determine that ane ar more af the abave graunds for revacatian exist, it shall enter a written arder signed by the chairman, revaking the certificate of the vialatar. SECTION SIXTEEN. Re-certification within One (1) Year. NO' certificate shall again be issued to' such persan, ar the firm or carparatian licensed upan said certificate, if such be the case, far a periad up to', but nat exceeding ane (1) year, at the dis- cretian af the Board. All permits shall be withheld fram the certificate halder and the firm ar carparatian respansible far the wark perfarmed which resulted in the revacatian of the cer- tificate. . SECTION SEVENTEEN. Utility Campany Rights. The fallawing I wark may be performed far their emplayers by regular employees af , a utility campany, who are regularly engaged in the distribution af water or a sewer plant pravided that all such work shall be perfarmed under the supervisian af the duly autharized afficials af such utilities: (a) autside canstructian wark; (b) the installatian and mainteneance af undergraund primary service piping and all primary services, service equipment ar metering equipment an consumer premises which is the praperty af the utility campany; and (c) the installatian and maintenance af plumbing ap- paratus and equipment necessary far the aperation af the utility and central statians, sub-statians and plants, awne ar accupied by such public utility companies. SECTION EIGHTEEN. Regulatians Regarding Master, Jaurneyman and Maintenance Plumbers. (a) An apprentice plumber is nat qualified to' wark an plumbing installatians alone, but must at all times wark under direct supervision and be accampanied by a qualified jaurneyman ar master plumber. Any master plumber faund guilty af allawing or sending an apprentice ar helper to' do any type af plumbing work alane will be summaned to' a meet- ing af the Baard to shaw cause why his license shauld nat be suspended ar revaked. (b) A maintenance plumber is nat authorized to' install any new plumbing. (c) It shall be unlawful far any plumber to' engage or wark at the business or trade af plumbing canstructing in the City when said certificate af campetency has been re- vaked and it shall be unlawful for any plumber, either journeyman, maintenance ar master plumber, to' work at the trade ar business af plumber during such time when his certificate of campetency has been suspended ar revaked. . (d) No licensed master plumber shall allaw his name to' be used by any persan ar party, directly ar indirectly, either far the purpose of abtaining a permit ar to' dO' any wark under his license. (e) A master plumber may be the awner, praprietar, emplayee or carparatian afficer, but shall in all cases be the persan who is directly respansible far the physical and mechanical manner in which plumbing material, equipment and devices are placed or installed. (f) A master plumber shall sign all applicatians far plumbing permits and persanally supervise plumbing wark autharized by such permit. (g) The name af the master plumber autharized as such for the person, firm ar carporation for wham applicatians are to be signed shall be set farth in the business license and nO' persan shall be entitled to' a license to carryon the business af plumbing cantracting in the City whO' is nat a master plumber, ar daes nat have at all times a master plumber in his emplay. -4- . (h) It shall be unlawful for any master plumber to' permit his name to be used ar to' knawingly permit himself to' be held aut, as an afficer ar emplayee af any persan, firm or carparatian halding a plumbing cantractar's license unless he is such afficer ar emplayee and daes, in fact, persanally supervise the doing ar installatian af plumbing wark perfarmed by such plumbing license. (i) A master plumber shall nat emplay a persan on any jab in the capacity of a plumber, withaut such persan being in passessian af an Orange Caunty certificate af campetency pravided that nathing in this subsectian shall be held to' prahibit the warking af helpers ar apprentices an any job a plumbing canstructian, when the wark af such helper or ap- prentice is perfarmed under the persanal supervisian af a plumber holding a certificate af campetency. (j) A person may install plumbing in his awn hame (if the building is single accupancy) for himself and by him- self praviding the wark is done in a manner which camp lies with this ardinance. This privilege may be exercised for nO' mare than ane (1) hause in any twO' (2) year period. Satis- factary praaf af awnership will be required by the City Building Inspectar. (Applicants under this pravision are advised that the City Building Inspectar is an inspecting authority and is nat available as a technical advisar). SECTION NINETEEN. Permits Required. A permit shall be re- quired to' dO' any plumbing canstructian af any character, install any plumbing piping apparatus ar equipment, ar make any extension ar changes to existing systems af piping far water ar waste dis- pasal within the City, excepting wark dane by emplayees af utilit campanies, and further excepting the repairing af damaged apparat s ar equipment and the ardinaIY wark necessary far the praper main- tenance of same. NO' permits shall be required on service calls invalving narmal maintenance by a master plumber and/ar his licensed jaurneyman. SECTION TWENTY. Canditians, Farm far Issuance af Permits. NO' permit shall be issued until the fees therefar have been paid to the building department and all permits shall be issued in writing upan farms pravided therefar by said department. SECTION TWENTY ONE. Permits Nat Transferable; Subsequent Permits far Same Wark. NO' permit shall be transferable and the issuance af a permit far certain wark shall nat preclude the issuance of a subsequent permit far the same wark. SECTION TWENTY TWO. Persans Qualified far Permits. The fallawing persons, firms ar carparatians shall be qualified to' be issued permits: (a) a licensed plumbing cantractar; . (b) a master plumber; and (c) any person whO' is the bona fide awner of a single family dwelling in which he resides or intends to' immediate ly reside and whO' shall dO' all the wark himself, except tha he may hire one unskilled labarer to' assist him under his directian and supervisian. SECTION TWENTY THREE. Revacation Permits - Graunds. All permits issued under this chapter shall be revacable by the build- ing afficial at any stage af the wark upan the fallowing fraunds: (a) the permit was issued by mistake af law ar fact; (b) the permit is far work which vialates the pravisia s af this ardinance; (c) the permit was issued upon misrepresentatian by the applicant; (d) the wark violates any ardinance af the City; (e) the wark is nat being perfarmed in accardance with the pravisian of this ordinance; -5- (f) the certificate af campetency upan which said permit was issued has became invalid by reasan of ex- piratian ar atherwise; (g) the work is nat being performed upan the supervis- ian af the halder af the certificate af campetency upan which the same was issued; (h) the wark is not being dane in accardance with the terms af the permit ar the applicatians upan which the same was issued. . SECTION TWENTY FOUR. Natice; Effect; Hearing. The inspectar shall issue and serve upan the permittee written natice of such revacatian and the graunds therefar and it shall be a violatian of this ardinance far the permittee ar any ather person with knwaledge af such revacatian to' continue such wark thereafter until said permit is reinstated ar a new permit issued. Any persan who may be aggrieved by any ruling ar arder af the building afficial shall have the right to' request by written natice to' the Baard a hearing to' be held within ten (10) days in arder to' resalve the dispute. The petitianer shall have the right I to' be represented by caunsel, to' present evidence and crass-exami e witnesses, which witnesses shall be swarn to' tell the truth. SECTION TWENTY FIVE. Review af Baard's Decisians. The Baard af City Cammissianers af Ocaee shall review any arder that may have been given by the Baard refusing to' issue a permit, certifi- cate af competency ar suspending ar revaking any certificate of campetency, provided that notice af applicatian far such review shall have been given in writing by the persan whase permit ar certificate af campetency has been denied or whose permit ar certificate af campetency shall have been suspended ar revaked to' the Baard and the Baard of City Cammissianers within thirty (30) days after entry by the Baard af the denial af the permit, certif icate af campetency, ar af the arder of suspensian ar revacatian. If the denial of the permit, certificate af campetency, ar if the suspensian ar revacatian shall be affirmed by the Baard af City Cammissianers, the persan aggrieved may appeal fram such order af affirmance to' the Circuit Caurt af the Caunty within thirty (30) days after entry of such arder af affirmance, but nat thereafter. Suspensian ar revacatian of any certificate of campetency ar perm't, as pravided in this ardinance, shall autamatically suspend or rev ke as the case may be, any city permit that may have been issued in the City.ta the persan whase certificate af campetence has been revaked. SECTION TWENTY SIX. Permit Fees. Permit fees may be fixed by the Baard af City Cammissianers by resalutian. . SECTION TWENTY SEVEN. Fee When Wark Cammenced Befare Ob- taining Permit. Any persan whO' shall commence any plumbing work without first obtaining a permit therefar shall, if subsequently permitted to' abtain a permit pay the fee; pravided, hawever, that this pravisian shall nat apply to' emergency wark, but in all such cases a permit must be abtained as soan as practicable and if the e is any unreasonable delay in abtaining such a permit, such fee as may be prescribed by the regulations adapted pursuant heretO' shall be charged. The payment af such fee required hereunder shall nat preclude nar be deemed a substitute far penalties atherwise pravi - ed herein far cammencing wark withaut first abtaining a permit. SECTION TWENTY EIGHT. Scope, Effect, af Permits. The issuanc ar granting af a permit ar appraval af plans and specificatians shall nat be deemed ar canstrued to' be a permit farjar an appraval af any vialatian af any af the pravisions af this ordinance. NO' permit presuming to' give authority to' violate ar cancel the pra- visions af this ordinance shall be valid, except so far as the wark ar use which it autharizes is lawful. The issuance of a permit upan plans and specificatians shall nat prevent the inspec- tar fram thereafter requiring the carrection af errars in such plans and specificatians ar fram prohibiting the starting ar can- tinuance af wark thereunder when in violation af this ardinance ar of any ather pravisians af this ardinance. -6- . . SECTION TWENTY NINE. Expiration af Permits. Every permit issued by the building department under the pravisions af this ordinance shall expire by limitatian and became null and vaid if the wark autharized thereby is nat cammenced within ninety (90) days fram the date of such permit ar if the wark authorized by such permit is suspended ar abandaned for a periad af ninety (90) days at any time after the work is cammenced, except far delays where occasianed by Acts af God, ar ather causes beyand its cantral; befare such wark can be commenced or completed, a new permit shall first be obtained therefar upan payment of the fees far the wark to' be done far an ariginal permit. An extensian af up to' sixty (60) days may be granted upan request in writing af the cantractar, at the discretian af the building department. SECTION THIRTY. Applicatian for Permit. Applicatian far permit shall be submitted an farms pravided by the building de- partment, and shall be accampanied by sufficient description to' clearly define the intended wark. The written applicatian far permit must be made to' the City building department by a master plumber intending to install the wark. The applicatian shall be accampanied by a camplete set af plans, specificatians and schedule, as may be necessary in the apinian of the City Building Inspector to determine whether the installatian as described will be in conformity with the requirements af this ardinance. If it shall be faund by the City Building Inspectar that the installa- tian as described will in general confarm with the requirements af this ordinance, and if the applicant has camplied with the pravisians af this ardinance, a permit far such installatian shal be issued by the City Building Inspectar. The permit when issued shall be far such installatian as is described in the applicatian SECTION THIRTY ONE. Inspectians Required. It shall be the duty af the inspector to' make an initial inspectian within a reasanable time after natificatian by the persan, firm ar corpor- atian making the installatian, that the installatian is camplete, and to' leave proper natice af inspectian attached to' equipment of all apparatus ar devices that are to' be concealed in any building ar structure befare concealment and to' inspect each plumbing canstruction upan its campletian. SECTION THIRTY TWO. Cancealment Priar to' Inspectian. It shall be a violatian af this ordinance far any persan to' per- manently canceal any part af a plumbing installatian in a buildin~ ar structure until the inspectar has made an initial inspectian and left upan the premises a natice af campliance. SECTION THIRTY THREE. Carrectian, Re-Inspectian af Vialatiars. In the event the inspectar, upan initial inspection, shall find said wark not in campliance with this ardinance, the person daing said wark shall pramptly dO' everything necessary to bring said wark within the requirements af this ardinance. The in- spec tar shall then, upan notice fram such persan, re-inspect said wark after payment af such fee as may be prescribed by the Board af City Cammissianers. SECTION THIRTY FOUR. Final Inspections. After natice af campliance fallowing the initial inspectian, ar re-inspectian, thE persan doing the wark shall camplete the final wark and then make a request for final inspectian. If the inspectar upan final inspec- tian shall find said wark nat in compliance with the pravisions af this ardinance, he shall natify the persan doing the wark specifying in what particulars said wark fails to camply and the person daing the wark shall make the same canform to such require- ments and request a re-inspectian, after payment af such fee as may be prescribed by the Baard af City Commissioners. SECTION THIRTY FIVE. Discannecting Dangerous Installations. At any time the inspectar shall find an existing installatian upan ar within any premises sa dangerous, in the opinian af the inspec- tar as to' place persans ar property in imminent danger af injury ar damage, sa that an emergency is created, the inspectar shall farthwith discannect the same fram service. It shall be a via- latian af this ardinance far any persan to' re-cannect such device ar apparatus until same has been made safe and written auth- orizatian has been abtained fram the inspector. SECTION THIRTY SIX. Applicability of Building Regulatians. I -7- J . I 11 installations necessitating building alterations shall be subject to' the pravisians af the City Building Cade, and a separat ! uilding permit shall be required. SECTION THIRTY SEVEN. Permit Fee When Other Permits Require In any case where an installatian is subject to an inspectian and permit from any of the above mentianed bureaus, the cast af that part af the installatian far which a permit is issued by said department shall nat included in the plumbing permit which shall be issued by the building department. SECTION THIRTY EIGHT. Campliance with Zaning Requirements. All installatians shall canfarm to' setback and ather zaning requirements as prescribed by the City. SECTION THIRTY NINE. Standards Adapted. There is hereby adapted by the city af Ocoee far the purpase af establishing and prescribing rules and regulatians far plumbing wark those certain standards knawn as the Sauthern Standard Plumbing Cade, 1975 Editian. Subsequent editians and amendments may be adopted by the Baard af City Commissianers by resalutian. This ardinance shall take precedence over any sectian af said cade in canflict with I this ardinance. SECTION FORTY.It is declared to' be the intent af the Baard af City Commissioners that if any sectian, subsectian, sentence, clause, phrase ar portian af this ardinance is for any reason held invalid or uncanstitutianal by any caurt af competent juris- diction, such portian shall be deemed a separate, distinct and , ~ndependent pravision and such halding shall not affect the val- Idity af the remaining partian hereof. SECTION FORTY ONE. The pravisians af this ardinance shall b liberally canstrued in arder to' effectively carry aut the purpases af this ordinance in the interest af the public health, welfare and safety of the citizens and residents of the City af Ocaee. SECTION FORTY TWO. The Baard of City Cammissianers may by natian ar resalutian enact reasanable rules and regulatians to' implemeno. ': and carry aut the provisians of this ardinance; pravide , hawever that such rules and regulatians shall be reduced to' writing and made a part of recard readily available to' any persan cancerned. SECTION FORTY THREE. Penalty. Any persan, firm ar carpara- tian vialating any af the pravisians af this ardinance shall be deemed guilty af a misdemeanar and upan canvictian thereaf shall be fined in an amount nat exceeding $500.00 dallars ar be imprisan d in the City ar Caunty jail far a periad nat exceeding thirty (30) days ar be bath so fined and imprisaned. Each day such vialatian is cammitted ar permitted to' cantinue, shall canstitute a separate affense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. SECTION FORTY FOUR. Effective Date. This ardinance shall take effect immediately upan passage by the City Cammissian af the City af Ocoee, Flarida. . ENACTED this /5? day af ~ J7 '-"'~r'7 / 1976. CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ATTEST: ~~ C~~ CITY ,CLERK