HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 639 ORDINANCE NO. 631 . AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE INCORPORATED AREAS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA TO CONTROL AND REGULATE MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS I AND MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS; ESTABLISHING THE SCOPE AND PURPOSE; ?ECVIDING DEFINITIONS OF TERMS; PROVIDING AN ADMININSTRATIVE OFFICIAL; ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY TO ENTER BUILDINGS; REQUIRING INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS; PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS OF OFFICE; REQUIRING CONTRACTORS TO HAVE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY AND BE BONDED; PROHIBITING FALSE ADVERTISING AND PERMITTING FALSE USE OF NAME OR LICENSE; REQUIR- lING OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE; ESTABLISHING GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF !I I CERTIFICATION; REQUIRING INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BY BUILDING IN- I SPECTOR; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE, HEARING AND ACTION BY THE BOARD; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF BOARD'S DECISION; PROVIDING FOR RECERT- IFICATION; REQUIRING PERMITS; ESTABLISHING QUALIFICATIONS FOR PERSONS APPLYING FOR PERMITS; ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS AND ?'ORMS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS; PROHIBITING TRANSFER OF PERMITS; ESTAB- LISHING EXPIRATION OF PERM[TS; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT FEES; PRO- VIDING FOR APPLICATION FOR PERMITS; REQUIRING SPECIAL APPROVAL FOR DANGEROUS REFRIGERANTS; ESTABLISHING FEE WHEN WORK COMMENCED BEFORE OBTAINING PERMIT; ESTABLISHING GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMITS; REQUIRING INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTION OF VIOLATIONS; PROHIBITING CONCEALMENT PRIOR TO INSPECTION; REQUIRING DISCONNEC- TION OF DANGEROUS INSTALLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF ELECTRIC, BUILDING, PLUMBING AND GAS REGULATIONS TO THIS ORD- INANCE; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT FEE WHEN OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED; REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING REQUIREMENTS; ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR MECHANICAL WORK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; SETTING PEN- ALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PRO- VIDING FOR ENACTMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION. . ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: . SECTION ONE. This ardinance is enacted under the Hame Rule Pawer of the City for the purpose of praviding necessary regu- latians far air canditianing, refrigeratian, heating and ventila- tian cantractars in the interest af the public health, safety and welfare af the citizens and residents af the City af Ocaee. This ordinance shall apply and be enfarced in all areas af the City. SECTION TWO. This ardinance shall be referred to' as the Air Canditianing, Refrigeratian, Heating and Ventilating Ordinance af Ocaee, Flarida. SECTION THREE. Definitians. (a) The Board. Fire and Building Trades Baard. (b) City. City af Ocoee, Flarida, a geagraphic laca- tian. (c) Mechanical Cantractar. The wards, "Mechanical Cantractar," when used in this ardinance shall mean any persan whO' in any capacity undertakes or affers to' under- take ar purparts to' have the capacity to undertake, ar accepts an arder ar cantract either an a fixed sum, cast plus a percentage, or fixed fee, or any cambinatian thereaf, ar submits a bid to install, extend, alter, repair, maintai , ar remave any mechanical apparatus, ar any device in con- nectian therewith, for air canditianing, heating, venti- lating, ar refrigeratian, including any persan whO' far a salary, fixed fee, wages, by the day, ar far any ather campensatian, agrees with the awner, tenant, accupant, ar agent af any praperty to' dO' any af the foregaing, ar have the same dane when any part af such shall be campensatian for the supervisian, directian, ar inspection but shall nat include any persans emplayed by an awner, tenant, accupant, ar agent to' perfarm unskilled labar anly under the direct- ian af the awner, tenant, accupant ar agent. There shall be the fallowing classes af mechanical cantractars: (1) Class "A" - Mechanical cantractar unlimited, whO' may participate in all types of installatian ar altering and repairing af air canditianing, heating, mechanical refrigeratian and ventilatian equipment, and/ar their com- panent parts ar cantrals. . (2) Class "B" - Mechanical cantractar limited, whO' may be permitted to' install, alter, ar repair air canditianing, heating, mechanical refrigeration, and/ar ventilatian equip ment where no component exceeds 25/HP, and/or 300,000 BTU. (3) Class "C" - Mechanical cantractar limited, whO' may be permitted to install, alter, ar repair heating equipment anly. (4) Class "D" - Cantractor Refrigeratian anly, a cantractar whO' shall install, alter, repair and maintain any system af refrigeration equipment. (5) Class "E" - Duct and Ventilatian cantractar,: a contractar whO' may participate in all types of fabricatian, installatian, altering ar repairing af duct wark, ventila- tion and general sheet metal ward and/ar their campanent parts and cantrals. . SECTION FOUR. Administration. The City Building Inspectar shall be the administrative afficial far the pravisians af this ardinance, and shall have jurisdiction and cantral aver all air canditianing, refrigeratian, heating and ventilation wark, con- sisting of the installation, alteration, repair, maintenance, and remaval af all mechanical systems and devices within the City which installatians are under the supervisian and cantral af.the Building Department. SECTION FIVE. Authority to enter buildings. The Building Inspectar is empawered and autharized to' enter intO' ar upan any public ar private building ar premises during reasanable hours fa the purpases af examining, inspecting, ar testing any heating, air canditianing, refrigeratian ar ventilating system within such building. NO' awner ar accupier of any public ar private building ar premises shall refuse to permit entry or inspectian ar to per- mit the testing af any heating, air canditianing, refrigeratian a ventilating system pursuant to this Ordinance. SECTION SIX. Investigatian af camplaints. The Building Inspectar shall examine all premises abaut which a camplaint af an air canditianing, heating refrigeratian ar ventilating system is made, and shall upan evidence af an unsafe ar unfinished candition candemn such system and natify the awner ar agent af such premises to' arrange such system in accardance to' the re- quirements af this Ordinance. Such natice shall be made in writin Any persan failing to' place the air conditioning, heating, re- frigeratian ar ventilating system in a praper and safe conditian as instructed by the building inspectar within the reasanable tim fixed by the building inspectar, shall be in vialatian af this Ordinance. SECTION SEVEN. Appraval af plans, recards af affice. The building afficial shall examine all plans and specificatians file in his affice far appraval. He shall also issue and sign all nati es, certificates and permits far installation ar repair af air condit'on- ing, heating, refrigeratian ar ventilating systems. The building afficial shall keep ar recard all inspectians made, ar complaints received, and investigate plans and specificatians examined, nati served, fees collected, applicatians for certificates and other services perfarmed by his department. SECTION EIGHT. Certificate af campetency, license required. It shall be a vialatian af this Ordinance far any persan to' engag in the business or act in the capacity of a mechanical cantractar within the City without first obtaining a current certificate af campetency in the manner pravided far herein and an accupational license therefar. SECTION NINE. False advertising prahibited. It shall be a vialation af this Ordinance for any person, firm ar carporatian, other than a certified and licensed Mechanical Cantractar to' ex- pase a sign, "Mechanical Cantractar," ar use any ather advertis- ing pertaining theretO'. . SECTION TEN. Permitting false use af license ar name. It shall be a vialatian of this ardinance far a mechanical cantracta to lend his license, or to take a permit in his name for the use af any other persan ar to' allow the use of his name directly or indirectly far the purpase of abtaining a permit. SECTION ELEVEN. Mechanical Cantractars certified. All persa s desiring to' engage in the business ar act in the capacity of a mechanical cantractar within the City shall passess a current and valid certificate af campetency issued by Orange Caunty or the State af Flarida. SECTION TWELVE. Occupatianal license, band required. NO' person shall be issued a permit to engage in the business ar act in the capacity af a contractar until such persan has (1) paid the prescribed license fee as pravided herein; (2) exhibited a current certificate af campetency far the class af cantractar far which he seeks a permit; and (3) has filed with the City a duly executed third party band far the respective sum af five thausand ($5,000.0 ) dollars far all classes af cantractars, ar a renewal thereaf with carparate surety satisfactary to' the City with duly certified pawe af attarney attached, which band shall be a farm as the Baard of City Cammissianers may by regulatians prescribe. -2- SECTION THIRTEEN. Revacatian af certificates - graunds. The Baard shall have the pawer to' revoke the certificate af campe- tency and it shall be the duty af the Board to' revake the certi- ficate in any case where ane ar more af the follawing graunds shall exist, ta-wit: (a) Misrepresentatian af any material fact in the applicatian far a certificate ar far a permit; (b) Cantinued perfarmance af mechanical wark in a negligent, incampetent ar unwarkmanlike manner; (c) Engaging in the business af acting in the capacity af a cantractor withaut a valid occupatianal license; . (d) Cantracting in a name ather than that registered with the inspectar; (e) Abandanment af any cantract far the perfarmance af mechanical wark withaut legal graunds; (f) Diversian af property ar funds received pursuant to cantract for mechanical wark; (g) Departure fram the plans and specificatians af any cantract far mechanical wark or accampanying applicatian far permit withaut the cansent of the party far wham the wark is being performed; (h) Misrepresenting the requirements of this chapter I regulating mechanical wark in arder to' obtain ar increase tfue scape af the wark in any cantract ar mechanical wark; (i) Violatian af any pravisians af this chapter; (j) Failing to' repart to the Building Department ar attempting to' canceal the violatian af any pravision af thi chapter by any contractar; (k) Allawing any persan to' dO' mechanical wark under a permit obtained by said certificate halder when said persan is nat warking bath under the supervisian af said certifi- cate halder and as a regular emplayee af the cantractar in whase name the permit is issued. SECTION FOURTEEN. Investigatian and report by inspectar. At any time that it shall came within the ascertainment of the inspector that any of the faregaing grounds far revacatian may exist as to' any cantractar it shall be the duty af said inspectar to make a full fact gathering investigatian and file with the Baard a written report thereaf tagether with a statement as to whether or nat such grounds dO' exist; and in the event that it shall come within the ascertainment of the Baard that any such graund exists as to' any cantractar the Baard may arder the in- spectar to make such investigatian and repart, . SECTION FIFTEEN. Natice and hearing. At any time the repart of the inspector shall show the existence of one or more grounds far revacation or there is filed with the Baard the camplaint af any persan alleging the existence af such graunds, it shall be the duty af the Board to' arder the inspectar to' serve upan the alleged vialatar, a natice of the alleged grounds for revacatian and af the time, date and place af a hearing before the Baard thereupan, which natice shall be served not less that ten (10) nO' mare than twenty (20) days priar to' said hearing. The alleged vialatar shall have the right to' appear at such hearing, be repre sented by caunsel, praduce evidence and crass-examine witnesses. All witnesses testifying at such hearing shall be swarn to' tell the truth. SECTION SIXTEEN. Actian by Baard. If, after such hearin~ , the Baard shall determine that ane ar mare af the abave graunds f(r revacatian exist, it shall enter a written arder signed by the chairman, revoking the certificate af the vialatar. -3- . SECTION SEVENTEEN. Re-certification within one (1) year. NO' certificate shall again be issued to' such persan, ar the firm ar corporatian licensed upan said certificate, if such be the case, far a periad up to', but nat exceeding ane (1) year, at the discretian af the Board. All permits shall be withheld fram the certificate halder and the firm or carporation responsible for the wark perfarmed which resulted in the revocatian af the certificate SECTION EIGHTEEN, Permits required. It shall be a vialatian of this ardinance far any person to' do any mechanical wark an any building ar structure within the scope af this ardinance in the City withaut first abtaining a permit therefar fram the Building Department, except when the installatian cansists af the fallowing (a) Air caaled self-cantained air canditioning units a 36,000 BTU or less and nat attached to' ducts; I (b) Air caaled self-contained refrigeratian equipment far meat, dairy and faod cammodities; (c) Repairs and service to' an existing installatian where such services ar repair daes nat include replacement af the entire candensing ar air handling unit, ar fuel supp y changed. SECTION NINETEEN. Canditians, farm far issurance af permits NO permit shall be issued until the fees therefar have been paid t( I the Building Department and all permits shall be issued in writing upan farms pravided therefar by said department. SECTION TWENTY. Permits nat transferable; subsequent permit1 far same wark. NO' permit shall be transferable and the issuance af a permit far certain wark shall nat preclude the issuance af a subsequent permit far the same wark. SECTION TWENTY ONE. Persans qualified far permits. The follawing persans shall be qualified to' be issued permits: (a) A persan who halds a certificate af campetency far the wark permitted, ar his duly autharized agent. (b) Any persan regularly emplayed as a maintenance man by ane awner, accupant or tenant af any cammercial ar industrial building ar buildings af which his employer is sale awner, tenant ar accupant and which such maintenance man is duly registered in writing with the Building Depart- ment and whO' passesses a certificate af campetency far the class af wark propased. (c) Any person whO' is the bana fide awner af a single family dwelling in which he resides ar intends to' im- mediately reside and whO' shall dO' all the work himself, ex- cept that he may hire ane unskilled laborer to' assist him under his directian and supervisian. . SECTION TWENTY TWO. Special appraval required far dangeraus refrigerants. NO' permit far a refrigeration system cantaining taxic, flammable, ar explasive refrigerant shall be issued and nO' such system shall be installed until the appraval af the inspectar has been given upan submissian af acceptable evidence that nO' publ c hazard will thereby be created. SECTION TWENTY THREE. Revacatian of permits - Graunds. All permits issued under this chapter shall be revacable by the build- ing afficial at any stage af the wark upon the fallawing graunds: (a) The permit was issued by mistake af law ar fact; (b) The permit is far wark which vialates the pravisian af this ardinance; (c) The permit was issued upan misrepresentatian by the applicant; (d) The wark vialates any ardinance af the City; (e) The wark is nat being perfarmed in accardance with the pravisians af this ardinance; -4- (f) The certificate af campetency upan which said permi was issued has become invalid by reason af expiratian ar atherwise; (g) The wark is nat being perfarmed upan the supervisia af the halder of the certificate af campetency upan which the same was issued; (h) The wark is nat being done in accardance with the terms of the permit ar the applicatians upan which the same was issued. . SECTION TWENTY FOUR. Notice; effect; hearing. The inspectar shall issue and serve upan the permittee written natice af such revacatian and the graunds therefor and it shall be a vialatian af this ardinance far the permittee or any ather person with knawledg laf such revacatian to' continue such wark thereafter until said permit is reinstated ar a new permit issued. Any persan who may be aggrieved by any ruling ar arder of the building afficial shall have the right to request by written n9tice to the Baard a hearing to' be held within ten (10) days in order to' resalve the dispute. The petitioner shall have the right to' be represented by counsel, to present evidence and cross-examin witnesses, which witnesses shall be sworn to' tell the truth. SECTION TWENTY FIVE. Review af Board's deicisians. The Baar af City Cammissianers af Ocaee shall review any order that may have been given by the Baard refusing to' issue a permit, certifi- cate af campetency ar suspending ar revoking any certificate of campetency, pravided that natice af applicatian far such review shall have been given in writing by the persan whase permit of certificate af campetency has been denied ar whase permit ar certi ficate af competency shall have been suspended ar revaked to' the Baard and the Baard af City Cammissioners within thirty (30) days after entry by the Baard af the denial af the permit, certificate af campetency, ar af the arder af suspensian ar revacatian. If the denial af the permit, certificate af campetency, ar if the suspen- sion ar revacation shall be affirmed by the Baard of City Cammiss- ianers, the persan aggrieved may appeal from such arder af affir- mance to' the Circuit Caurt af the Caunty within thirty (30) days after entry af such order af affirmance, but not thereafter. Suspensian or revacatian af any certificate af campetency ar permi , as pravided in this ardinance, shall autamatically suspend ar reva e, as the case may be, any permit that may have been issued in the Ci y. SECTION TWENTY SIX. Permit fees. Permit fees shall be based an the cantract ar selling price af an installatian ar alteration job. Permit fees shall be fixed and prescribed by the Baard ofCit Cammissianers far air canditianing, heating and ventilating in- stallatians ar alteratians in regulatians to' be enacted pursuant t this ardinance. . SECTION TWENTY SEVEN. Fee when work cammenced befare ab- taining permit. Any persan whO' shall commence any mechanical wark withaut first abtaining a permit therefar shall, if subsequently permitted to abtain a permit, pay the fe.e;-: pravided, hawever, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work, but in all such cases a permit must be abtained as saan as practicable and if there is any unreasanable delay in abtaining such a permit, such fee as may be prescribed by the regulatians adapted pursuant here- to' shall be charged. The payment af such fee required here-under shall not preclude nar be deemed a substitute far penalties ather- wise pravided herein far cammencing wark without first abtaining a permit. SECTION TWENTY EIGHT. Scape, effect, af permits. The issuance or granting af a permit ar approval af plans and speci- ficatians shall nat be deemed ar canstrued to' be a permit far/or an appraval af any vialatian af any af the pravisians af this ar- dinance. NO' permit presuming to' give autharity to' vialate or cance the pravisians af this ardinance shall be valid, except sa far as the wark ar use which it autharizes is lawful. The issuance af a permit upon plans and specificatians shall nat prevent the inspec- tar fram thereafter requiring the carrectian of errars in such plans and specificatians or fram prahibiting the starting or con- tinuance af wark thereunder when in vialatian af this ardinance ar of any -ather pravisians of this ardinance. -5- . SECTION TWENTY NINE. Expiratian af permits. Every permit issued by the Building Department under the pravisions af this or- dinance shall expire by limitatian and became null and void if the ark autharized thereby is nat cammenced within ninety (90) days from the date af such permit ar if the wark autharized by such per it is suspended ar abandoned for a period of ninety (90) days at any time after the wark is commenced, except far delays where acca sianed by Acts af Gad, ar other causes beyaund its cantral; befare such wark can be cammenced or campleted, a new permit shall first be abtained there far upan payment af the fees far the wark to be dane far an original permit. An extensian up to' sixty (60) days may be granted in writing upon request of the cantractar, at the Idiscretian af the Building Department. SECTION THIRTY. Applicatian for permit. Applicatian for peri mit shall be submitted on farms provided by the Building Departmen~, and shall be accompanied by sufficient description to' clearly defi~e I the intended wark. Where the applicatian is for installatian or majar alteration af a system serving mare than ane accupancy ar where the to' tal installed harsepawer is in excess af three (3), th application shall be accampanied by drawings defining the intended wark. Where the installation of a system cansists af mare than 25 H.P. cannected electrical laad or more than 300,000 BTU, remova ar addition af heat, drawings shall be prepared bearing the seal 0 a professional engineer registered in the State af Flarida. Nathing herein shall be taken to' indicate any guarantee, either expressed ar implied by the building department af the City I regarding the aperatian ar effectiveness af the system as installe Drawings accompanying the application shall cantain the fallawing as a minimum: (a) Plan view drawn to' a scale nat less than ane eighth inch to' the faot; except, that where a dimensian af the buildings exceeds twO' hundred fifty (250') feet a scale af ane sixteenth inch to' the faat may be used shawing the laca tian and inter-cannectian af all equipment, duct wark, fire dampers, air autlets and returns, plenums, piping, aux- iliaries and safeties, vertical shafts and ducts, fans, etc , prepared in such a manner and cantaining such large scale partial plans and details as to clearly set farth the scope and intent af the wark described in the applicatian, and to' permit an evaluatian af the system as to' safety and cam- pliance with this Ordinance. (b) Plan indicating the placement af all buildings on the sites, the lacatian af the praperty lines and the lacatian and placement af all equipment and accessaries an the site external to the buildings, including any inter- cannectian by piping ar ather means. (c) Type and capacities af all equipment, including electricity ar other fuel ar energy. . SECTION THIRTY ONE. Inspectians required. It shall be the duty af the inspectar to' make an initial inspectian within a rea- sanable time after natificatian by the persan, firm ar carparatian making the installatian, that the installatian is camplete, and to' leave proper notice af inspectian attached to' equipment of all apparatus or devices that are to' be cancealed in any building ar sturcture before cancealment and to' inspect each mechanical system upon its campletian. be a ceal ture upan SECTION THIRTY TWO. Cancealment priar to inspectian. It sha 1 vialation of this ardinance far any persan to permanently can any part af a mechanical installatian in a building ar struc- until the inspectar has made an initial inspectian and left the premises a natice af campliance. SECTION THIRTY THREE. Carrectian, re-inspectian af viala- tians. In the event the inspectar, upan initial inspectian, shall find said wark nat in campliance with this ardinance, the person daing said wark shall pramptly dO' everything necessary to' bring said work within the requirements af this ardinance. The inspector shall then, upan natice fram such persan, re-inspect said work after payment af such fee as may be prescribed by the Board af Cit Cammissianers. -6- . SECTION THIRTY FOUR. Final inspections. After notice af camplicance fallawing the initial inspectian, ar re-inspection,the persan daing the wark shall camplete the final wark and then make a request far final inspection and if the wark camp lies he shall attach to the equipment a duly authenticated tag shawing the wark to' be complete in accardance with this ardinance. If the inspectar upan final inspectian shall find said work nat in campliance ith the pravisians af this ordinance, he shall natify the persan Idaing the wark specifying in what particulars said wark fails to' camply and the persan daing the wark shall make the same canfarm to' such requirements and request a re-inspectian, after payment of such fee as may be prescribed by the Baard af City Cammissianer SECTION THIRTY FIVE. Discannecting dangeraus installatians. At any time the inspectar shall find an existing installatian upan ar within any premises sa dangeraus, in the apinian af the in- spector, as to' place persans ar praperty in imminent danger of in- I jury ar damage, sa that an emergency is created, the inspectar sha 1 I forthwith discannect the same fram service. It shall be a violatia af this ardinance far any persan to' re-cannect such device ar apparatus until the same has been made safe and written authari- zatian has been obtained fram the inspectar, SECTION THIRTY SIX. Applicability af electrical regulatians 'All electrical wiring shall be subject to' the pravisians af the City Electrical Cade, and a separate e11~ctrical permit shall be required. SECTION THIRTY SEVEN. Applicability af building regulations All installatians necessitating building alteratians shall be sub- jject to' the pravisians af the City Building Cade, and a separate building permit shall be required. SECTION THIRTY EIGHT. Applicability af plumbing and gas regulations. All piping of patable water, gas supply to equipment and final connectians and all gas aperated devices ar equipment shall be subject to' the provisians of any existing city plumbing and gas code and a separate permit shall be required. SECTION THIRTY NINE. Permit fee when ather permits required In any case where an installatian is subject to' an inspectian and permit from any af the abave mentianed bureaus, the cast af that part af the installatian for which a permit is issued by the said department shall nat be included in the mechanical permit which shall be issued by the Building Department. SECTION FORTY. Campliance with zoning requirements. All installatians shall canfarm to' setback and ather zaning require- ments as prescribed by the City. . SECTION FORTY ONE. Standards adapted. There is hereby adap- ted by the city far the purpose aT ed1:ablishing and prescribing rules and regulatians far mechanical wark, consisting af the installatians, extensian, repair, alteratian, maintenance and remaval of all mechanical systems and devices within the juris- dictian of the City, thase certain standards knawn as the Sauthern Standard Mechanical Cade, 1973 Editian, and ather regulatians that may be adapted by resalutian af the Baard af City Cammissianers. In nO' case shall any insulatian be installed which is af itself combustible ar is cavered with a cambustible material. In every case where nO' specific type or class af materials, or no specific standards af constructian are prescribed herein, then canfarmity with the reference standards as listed in the Appendix of the American Society af Heating, Refrigeratian and Air Canditianing Engineers Standards shall be prima facie evidence af canformity with appraved standards af canstructian far safety to' health, life and praperty. Suspensian af air handling units, furnaces ar similar equip ment in attics must be fram tap chard af trusses with praperly designed hanger to' suppart the laad. All such units must have an emergency drain pan two (2") inches wider than unit on all sides and two (2") inches in depth installed underneath the unit. A drain nat smaller than three- faurths inch in diameter fram this pan must terminate at a readily -7- isible paint autside the building ar appraved suitable safety switch in the drain pan. A service platfarm nat less than twO' (2') feet wide by six (6') feet, zerO' (0") inches, lang shall be provided on the service side af the equipment cannected to' the attic access by not less than twO' (2') feet, zerO' (0") inches, wide by ane-half (~") inch thick wood walk. The installing cantractar shall ascertain that roaf framing ar existing building is capable af safely carrying the aperating eight af the equipment to' be set. .' SECTION FORTY TWO. It is declared to' be the intent of the Baard of City Cammissianers that if any section, subsection, sen- tence, clause, phrase ar partian af this ardinance is far any reasan held invalid ar uncanstitutianal by any caurt af campetent jurisdictian, such portian shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent pravisian and such halding shall nat affect the validity af the remaining partian thereof. SECTION FORTY THREE. The pravisians af this ardinance shall be liberally construed in arder to' effectively carry aut the pur- pases af this ardinance in the interest of the public health, wel- fare and safety af the citizens and residents af the City. SECTION FORTY FOUR. The Baard af City Cammissianers may by matian or resalutian enact reasanable rules and regulatians to' implement and carry aut the pravisians af this ardinance; provided hawever, that such rules and regulatians shall be reduced to' writi and made a part af recard readily available to' any persan concerne SECTION FORTY FIVE. Penalty. Any persan, firm ar carparatia Ivialating any af the pravisians of this ardinance shall be deemed I guilty af a misdemeanor and upan canvictian thereaf shall be fined in an amaunt nat exceeding $500.00 dallars ar be impr~saned in the City or Caunty jail far a periad nat exceeding thirty (30) days ar be bath sa fined and imprdsaned. Each day such vialation is cam- mitted ar permitted to' cantinue, shall canstitute a separate offen e and shall be punishable as such hereunder SECTION FORTY SIX. Effective Date. This ordinance shall tak effect immediately upan passage by the City Cammissian af the City af Ocaee, Florida. ENACTED this /g- day af dat-?L/C1r~ / 1976. CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ATTEST: . c,,~ C____ CITY "LERK