HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 638 ( ", ORDINANCE NO. 63 8 . AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE INCORPORATED AREAS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: PROVIDING REGULATIONS TO CONTROL ELECTRICAL CON- i TRACTORS AND ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION: PROVIDING DEFINITIONS OF TERMS: ESTABLISHING THE SCOPE AND PURPOSE: PROVIDING FOR AN AD- MINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL: PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO ENTER BUILDINGS: PROVIDING FOR INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS: PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS AND MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS OF OFFICE: REQUIRING OCCUPAT- IONAL LICENSE: REQUIRING CONTRACTORS AND ELECTRICIANS TO HAVE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY: REQUIRING CONTRACTORS TO BE BONDED: PROHIBITING FALSE ADVERTISING AND PERMITTING FALSE USE OF NAME: ESTABLISHING GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATION: REQUIRING INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BY BUILDING INSPECTOR: PROVIDING FOR NOTICE, HEARING AND ACTION BY THE BOARD: PROVIDING FOR RECERTI- FICATION: REQUIRING PERMITS: PRESCRIBING REQUIREMENTS AND FORM FOR ISSUANCE FOR PERMITS: REQUIRING PERMIT BEFORE WORK COMMENCES: ESTABLISHING QUALIFICATIONS FOR PERSONS APPLYING FOR PERMITS: PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AND PAYMENT OF FEES THEREFOR PROVIDING FOR SCOPE, EFFECT OF PERMITS: ESTABLISHING EXPIRATION OF PERMITS: PROVIDING FOR FEE WHEN WORK COMMENCES BEFORE OBTAIN- ING PERMIT: PRESCRIBING GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF PERMITS: PROVIDING FOR NOTICE, EFFECT, HEARING AND REVIEW OF BOARD'S DECISIONS: REQUIRING INSPECTIONS: ESTABLISHING VIOLATIONS PRIOR TO INSPECTION: PROVIDING FOR CORRECTION AND REINSPECTION OF VIO- LATIONS AND FINAL INSPECTIONS: PROVIDING FOR TEMPORARY ELECTRIC POWER: REQUIRING CONDEMNATION OF HAZARDOUS INSTALLATIONS: PRO- VIDING FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF BUILDING, PLUMBING AND GAS REG- ULATIONS TO THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR PERMIT FEE WHEN OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED: ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION: PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR ENACTMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF OCOEE, FLORIDA: . SECTION ONE. Purpose. This ordinance is enacted under the general Home Rule Power of the city for the purposes of pro- viding necessary regulations to control and regulate electrical contractors and electrical construction, maintenance, and repair within the City of Ocoee. SECTION TWO. Scope; Enforcement. This ordinance shall apply and be in force and effect within all of the incorporated areas of the City. SECTION THREE. Definitions. (a) "The Board" - Fire and Building Trades Board. (b) "City of Ocoee" - The incorporated territory of the City of Ocoee. (c) "Person" - Individuals, firms, associations, joint ventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other legal entities or combinations thereof. (d) "Electrical Construction" - All work and materials used in installing, maintaining, extending and/or connect- ing a system of electrical wiring for light, heat, or power and all appurtenances, apparatus, or equipment used in connection therewith. (e) "Electrician" - A person qualified under the terms and provisions of this ordinance who is engaged in the trad or business of electrical construction. (f) "Electrical Contractor" - A person qualified under the terms and provisions of this ordinance who is engaged i the business of electrical construction and possesses the training, experience, and technical knowledge to plan, lay out, and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for light, heat, or power. (g) "Journeyman Electrician" - A person qualified under the terms and provisions of this ordinance who possesses the training, experience, and technical knowledge to instal electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for light, heat, or power and who is capable of doing electrical work under the supervision of an electrical contractor. . (h) "Maintenance Electrician" - A person qualified as hereinbefore described as a journeyman electrician who is regularly employed by one and only one person to maintain and make minor repairs to the electric wiring, apparatus, and equipment, which is installed, contained, and used upon the premises or within the buildings owned, occupied, or controlled by the person for whom the maintenance electri- cian is a full-time employee. (i) "Apprentice Electrician" - A helper or assistant to a journeyman electrician who is not qualified to work electrical construction alone. (j) Reference to any office or officer includes any person authorized by law to perform the duties of such offi(e. (k) The singular includes the plural and vice versa. (1) The masculine includes the feminine and neuter and vice versa. SECTION FOUR. Administrator. The Building Official, shall be the administrative official for the provision of this ordinance and shall have jurisdiction and control over electrical constructicn, maintenance, and repair within the city. . SECTION FIVE. Authority to Enter Buildings. Upon proper showing of identification, the Building Inspector is empowered and authorized to enter into or upon any public or private building or premises during reasonable hours for the purposes of examining, inspecting, or testing any electrical system within such building. No owner or occupier of any public or private building or premises shall refuse to permit entry, inspection, or testing by the Building Inspector pursuant to this ordinance. SECTION SIX. Investigation of Complaints. The Building Inspector shall examine all premises about which a complaint concerning an electrical system is made and shall upon evidence of an unsafe condition condemn such system and notify the owner or hi~ agent to make the necessary corrections in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance. Such notice shall be made in writing and specify a time certain for compliance. Any person fail ing to place the electrical system in a proper and safe condition as instructed by the Building Inspector within the reasonable time fixed by the Building Inspector shall be in violation of this ordinance. SECTION SEVEN. Approval of Plans; Records of Office. The Building Department shall examine all plans and specifications filed with it for approval. The Building Inspector shall issue and sign all notices, certificates, and permits for the installation or repair of electrical systems. The Building Inspector shall keep a record of all inspections made, complaints received, plans and specifications examined, notices served, fees collected, certificate applications received, and all other services performed by this section. SECTION EIGHT. Certificate of Competency; License Required. (a) It shall be a violation of this ordinance for any person to engage in the business of or act in the capacity of an electrical contractor within the City without first obtaining: (a) a current certificate of competenoy as provided for in this ordinance and (b) an occupational license as provided by law. The following shall be exempt from these pravisians: . (1) Any person whO' is the bana fide awner af a single family dwelling in which he resides ar intends to immediate y and permanently reside and whO' shall dO' all the wark himsel except that he may hire ane unskilled labarer to' assist him under his direction and supervisian. Such wark, however, shall be done in a manner which camplies with this ardinancE . (2) Emplayees af public utility campanies, regularly engaged in the manufacture ar distributian af electrical pawer, may perform the fallawing wark, pravided such wark is perfarmed under the supervisian af duly autharized affic als af such utilities: (i) Outside canstruction wark, either averhead ar undergraund. (ii) Installatian and maintenance af undergraund service canductars and all primary services. (iii) Installatian and maintenance af any equipment an cansumer premises which is the praperty af the utili y. (iv) Maintenance af electrical wiring apparatus and -?- equipment necessary far the aperatian af the utilities in central statians, sub-statians, plants, ar exchanges awned ar occupied by such public utility companies. (b) It shall be a violatian of this ardinance for an electrical contractar to employ a persan an any job in the capacity af an electrician without such persan being in passessian af a current certificate af competency as pravide far in this ardinance. Nathing in this ardinance shall be held to' prahibit the warking af helpers ar apprentices an any jab of electrical canstruction when the work af such helpers ar apprentices is performed under the persanal supervisian af and in the immediate accampaniment af an electrician holding a certificate of campetency. . SECTION NINE. False Advertising Prahibited. It shall be a vialatian af this ardinance far any persan, firm, ar carporation, i ather than a certified and licensed electrical cantractor, to' expase a sign, "Electrical Cantractar," or use any ather adver- tising pertaining theretO'. SECTION TEN. Permitting False Use af License or Name. It shall be a vialatian af this ardinance far an electrical cantrac- tar to' lend his ltcense or to' take a permit in his name for the use af any ather persan ar to' allaw the use af his name directly ar indirectly for the purpase af abtaining a permit. SECTION ELEVEN. Electrical Cantractars and Jaurneyman Electri- cians Certified; (a) Any persan desiring to' engage in the business ar act in the capacity of an electrical cantractar ar jaurneyman electrician within the incarporated areas af the City af Ocaee, Flarida, shall passess a current and valid certificate af campetency issued by Orange Caunty or the State af Flarida. SECTION TWELVE. Band Required. NO' persan shall be issued a permit to' engage in the business ar act in the capacity af an electrical contractar within the City until such person has (a) exhibited a current certificate af campetency fram Orange Caunty ar the State af Florida, and (b) filed with the City Building Department a duly executed third-party band far the respective su af five thousand ($5,000) dallars far all classes af electricians. Each bond shall be with a carparate surety satisfactary to' the city with duly certified pawer af attarney attached and shall be af such farm as the Baard of City Cammissianers may by regulatian prescribe. SECTION THIRTEEN. Revacatian af Certificates; Graunds. The board shall have the pawer to revake ar suspend the certificate a campetency in any case where ane ar mare of the follawing graunds shall exist: (a) Misrepresentatian af any material fact in the applicatian far a certificate or far a permit. . (b) Continued performance af electrical wark in a negligent, incompetent, or unwarkmanlike manner. (c) Engaging in the business ar acting in the capacity of a electrical cantractar ar journeyman electrician with- aut a valid occupatianal license. (d) Cantracting in a name ather than that registered with the Building Department. (e) Abandanment af any cantract far the perfarmance af electrical wark withaut legal grounds. (f) Diversian af praperty or funds received pursuant to' cantract far canstructian, alteration, repairing, remodelin , ar demalitian af any building. (g) Departure fram the plans and specificatians of any electrical contract ar accampanying applicatian far permit withaut the cansent af the party far wham the wark is being performed. -3- (h) misrepresenting the requirements of this chapter regulating electrical cantracting in arder to abtain or increase the scope af work under any cantract. . (i) Violatian of any pravisiions af this ardinance. (j) Failing to repart to the Building Inspectar ar attempting to' canceal the vialatian af any pravisian af this chapter by any contractar. (k) Allawing any persan to' dO' electrical contracting wark under a permit obtained by said certificate halder when said person is nat warking bath under the supervisian of said certificate halder and as a regular emplayee af the contractor in whose name the permit is issued. SECTION FOURTEEN. Investigation and Repart by Inspector. Atl any time that it shall came to' the attentian af the Building Inspector that any af the faregaing grounds far revacation may exist as to any electrical contractar, it shall be the duty af sa d Building Inspectar to' make a full fact-gathering investigatian an file with the baard a written repart thereof tagether with a statement as to' whether ar not such graunds dO' exist. SECTION FIFTEEN. Notice and Hearing. At any time the repart af the Building Inspector shall show the existence af ane ar mare graunds far revacatian ar there is filed with the baard the com- plaint af any persan alleging the existence of any such graunds, it shall be the duty af the board to' order the inspector to' serve upan the alleged vialatar a natice of the alleged graunds far revacatian and the time, date, and place af a hearing befare the baard thereupon, which natice shall be served nat less than ten (10) nar mare than twenty (20) days priar to said hearing. The alleged vialator shall have the right to' appear at such hearing, be represented by caunsel, praduce evidence, and cross-examine witnesses. All witnesses testifying at such hearing shall be swar to' tell the truth. SECTION SIXTEEN. Actian by Baard. If after such hearing, th baard shall determine that ane ar mare of the abave graunds far revacatian exist, it shall enter a written arder signed by the chairman reprimanding the vialatar, revaking ar suspending the certificate of the vialatar. SECTION SEVENTEEN. Re-Certificatian Within One (1) Year. After revacation nO' certificate shall again be issued to' a persan ar the firm ar corparatian licensed upon said certificate, if suc be the case, far a periad up to', but nat exceeding, ane (1) year at the discretion af the baard. All permits shall be withheld fram the certificate halder and from the firm ar carporatian responsible far the acts which resulted in the revacatian af the certificate. After revacatian and at the end af the abave-said period af time, a certificate shall be issued anly upan applica- tion far reinstatement by the baard. . SECTION EIGHTEEN. Permits Required. It shall be a vialation af this ardinance for any persan to do any electrical wark an any building within the scape af this ardinance withaut first obtain- ing a permit therefar fram the Building Department, except the fallawing: (a) work done by emplayees af public utility campanies; (b) repair af damaged apparatus ar equipment and ardina y wark necessary for the maintenance of the same; (c) service calls invalving nO' wiring or installatian af equipment ar fixtures. SECTION NINETEEN. Canditians and Farm far Issuance af Permi s. No permit shall be issued until the fees therefar have been paid to' the Building Department and all permits shall be issued in writing upan farms pravided therefar by the Building IDepartment. SECTION TWENTY. Permits Not Transferable; Subsequent Permit Far Same Wark. No permit shall be transferable and the issuance af a permit far certain work shall nat preclude the issuance af a subsequent permit far the same wark. SECTION TWENTY ONE. Persons Qualified far Permits. The follawing persons shall be qualified to' be issued permits: (a) A persan whO' halds a certificate af competency far the wark permitted, ar his duly authorized agent. (b) Any person who is the bona fide awner af a single family dwelling in which he resides ar intends to' immediate y and permanently reside whO' shall build no more than ane hause every twO' years, whO' shall shaw proaf of awnership, and who shall dO' all the work himself, except that he may hire ane unskilled labarer to assist him under his directiar and supervisian. . SECTION TWENTY TWO. Applicatian for Permit. Applicatian far permit shall be submitted on forms provided by the Building Depart- ment and shall be accompanied by a sufficient descriptian clearly defining the intended wark and a camplete set af plans, specifi- catians, and schedules as are necessary to' describe the wark to' be done. Such applicatian shall also be accompanied by an appli- catian fee to' be established and fram time to' time amended by duly adapted resalutian af the Board af City Cammissioners. Such fee shall be based an the nature af the wark to' be perfarmed. SECTION TWENTY THREE. Scope and Effect af Permits. The issuance or granting af a permit ar appraval af plans and specifi catians shall nat be deemed ar canstrued to' be a permit far/ar an appraval af any vialatian af any af the pravisians af this ardinarce. NO' permit presuming to' give autharity to vialate ar cancel the provisians af this ardinance shall be valid, except sa far as the wark ar use which it autharizes is lawful. The issuance of a perm t upan plans and specifications shall nat prevent the Building Inspectar from thereafter requiring the carrection af errars in such plans and specificatians, nar from prahibiting the starting ar cantinuance of work thereunder when in vialatian af this ar- dinance af af any ather provisians of this ordinance. SECTION TWENTY FOUR. Fee When Work Commenced Before Obtainil g Permit. Any person whO' shall cammence any electrical wark withaut first abtaining a permit therefar shall, if subsequently per- mitted to' abtain a permit, pay the required permit fee; pravided, hawever, that this provisian shall not apply to' emergency wark, but in all such cases a permit must be abtained as saan as prac- ticable. If there is any unreasanable delay in abtaining such a permit, such penalty fee as may be prescribed by the Baard af Cit Cammissianers by duly adapted resolutian shall be charged. The payment af such penalty fee required hereunder shall nat preclude nar be deemed a substitute for penalties atherwise provided herei far cammencing wark withaut first abtaining a permit. . SECTION TWENTY FIVE. Expiratian af Permits. Every permit issued by the Building Department under the pravisians af this ordinance shall expire by limitatian and became null and vaid if the wark autharized thereby is not cammenced within ninety (90) days fram the date af such permit ar if the wark autharized by such permit is suspended ar abandaned far a period af ninety (90) days at any time after the wark is cammenced, except far delays where accasioned by Acts af Gad ar ather causes beyand its cantra Before such wark can be cammenced ar completed, a new permit shal first be abtained therefor upan payment of the fees for the wark to' be done far an original permit. An extension up to' sixty (60) days may be granted in writing upan request af the cantractar at the discretian of the Building Department. SECTION TWENTY SIX. Revacatian of Permits; Grounds. All permits issued under this chapter shall be revocable by the Building Official at any stage af the work upon the fallawing graunds; (a) The permit was issued by mistake of law ar fact. (b) The permit is far wark which vialates the provisian af this ardinance. (c) The permit was issued upan misrepresentation by the applicant. (d) The wark vialates any ordinance af the City. -~- (e) The wark is nat being perfarmed in accardance with the pravisions af this ordinance. (f) The certificate af campetency upon which said permi was issued has become invalid by reason af expiratian ar otherwise. (g) The wark is not being perfarmed under the super- visian af the halder af the certificate af campetency upon which the same was issued. . SECTION TWENTY SEVEN. Notice; Effect; Hearing. The Building Official shall issue and serve upan the permittee written natice af any permit revocatian and the graunds therefor, and it shall be a vialation af this ardinance far the permittee ar any other persan with knawledge af such revacation to' continue such work thereafter until said permit is reinstated ar a new permit issued Any persan whO' may be aggrieved by any ruling ar arder af the Building Official shall have the right to request by written natice to the baard a hearing to be held within ten (10) days in arder to' resolve the dispute. The petitianer shall have the right to' be represented by counsel and to' present evidence and crass- examine witnesses, which witnesses shall be sworn to' tell the truth. SECTION TWENTY EIGHT. Review af Board's Decisians. The Baard af City Commissianers af Ocoee shall hear all appeals fram decisians af the baard, provided that notice of such appeal shall have been given in writing by the person aggrieved to' the baard , and the Baard of City Cammissianers within thirty (30) days after entry by the board af the disputed decision. If the decisian af the baard shall be affirmed by the Baard af City Cammissianers, the persan aggrieved may appeal fram such arder af affirmance to' the Circuit Court af the county within thirty (30) days after entry af such arder af affirmance, but not thereafter. SECTION TWENTY NINE. Effect on Permits af Certificate Suspensian or Revacatian. Suspensian ar revocation af any certifi cate of competency as provided in this ardinance shall autamati- cally suspend ar revake, as the case may be, any permit that may have been issued in the city to' the persan whase certificate af campetence has been revaked. SECTION THIRTY. Inspections Required. It shall be the duty af the Building Inspectar to make an initial inspection of each electrical system within a reasanable time after notificatian by the persan, firm, or carparatian perfarming the electrical work that said wark has been campleted and to leave proper natice of said inspection at the service switch ar in anather suitable plac When any electrical wiring, apparatus, or fixtures covered by a permit shall be faund by the inspectar to' canfarm to' the rules and regulatians af this ardinance, the inspectar shall issue a final certificate af inspectian certifying that the wiring, appar - tus, or fixtures have been isnpected and faund to' camply with the terms af this ardinance. NO' final certificate shall be issued until such equipment canforms to' the rules and regulatians af this ardinance. . SECTION THIRTY ONE. Violatians Prior TO' Inspectian. It shal be a vialatian af this ardinance far any persan, priar to' inspect ion and appraval by the inspectar, to: (a) lath, seal, ar in any manner canceal any electrical wiring ar equipment; (b) use any electrical current in ar through any w1r1ng apparatus ar fixtures far light, heat, or pawer in any buil - ing or structure; (c) connect a distributian system with any installation af wiring apparatus ar fixtures in ar an any building if such persan is furnishing electric current far light, heat, ar pawer. SECTION THIRTY TWO. Temparary Autharizatian. On non-residen tial sites anly, the building inspectar may, befare a final cerri i- cate af inspectian is issued, give temporary authorization to' can nect and furnish electric current to' any wiring, apparatus, ar -6- ..oIIIIIl fixture far a periad not exceeding thirty (30) days if such wirin , apparatus, ar fixture is in such condition that current may safel be connected therewith and there exists a necessity far such use. SECTION THIRTY THREE. Carrectian and Re-Inspection af Violations. In the event the Building Inspector, upon inspection shall find any work not in campliance with this ardinance, the persan daing said wark shall pramptly dO' everything necessary to' bring said work within the requirements af this ardinance. The Building Inspectar shall then, upan notice fram such persan, re- inspect said wark after payment af such re-inspectian fee as is established and fram time to' time amended by duly adapted re- salutian af the Baard af City Cammissianers. . SECTION THIRTY FOUR. Final Inspectians. After natice af compliance fallawing the inspection ar re-inspection, the person daing the wark shall camplete the final wark and then make a re- quest far final inspection. If the inspectar upon final inspectia shall find said wark nat in campliance with the pravisians af thi ardinance, he shall notify the person daing the wark, specifying in what particulars said wark fails to' camply. Said persan daing the wark shall make the same confarm to' such requirements and request a re-inspectian. SECTION THIRTY FIVE. Hazardaus Electrical Work. (a) Whenever any wiring, apparatus, ar fixture is faund by the building inspectar to' be unsafe ar hazardaus to' life or property, the inspectar shall immediately apen the switch ar circuit breaker cantralling the supply af current to' such wiring, apparatus, ar fixture and shall past in a canspicuous place near such switch ar circuit breaker a notice printed in red letters as fallaws: "NOTICE--WIRING CONDEMNED. THE USE OF ELECTRIC CURRENT IS PROHIBITED THROUGH THIS WIRING UNTIL PROPER REPAIRS HAVE BEEN MADE AND APPROVED BY AN ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTOR. REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE BY A CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN AND THE ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTOR SHALL BE NOTIFIED WHEN COMPLETED." (b) After such natice is pasted, no persan shall clase the switch ar circuit breaker which has been apened by the building inspectar, nar use or attempt to' use any current thraugh such wiring which has been candemned until necessar repairs have been made and appraved by the Building Inspect r. SECTION THIRTY SIX. Applicability Of Building Regulations. All installations necessitating building alteratians shall be subject to the pravisions of any existing City Building Cade, and a separate building permit shall be required. . SECTION THIRTY SEVEN. Applicability Of Plumbing And Gas Regulations. All piping af patable water, gas supply to' equipment and final cannectians, and all gas operated devices ar equipment shall be subject to the pravisians of any existing City Plumbing and Gas Cade, and a separate permit shall be required. SECTION THIRTY EIGHT. Permit Fee When Other Permits Require In any case where an installatian is subject to' an inspectian and permit fram any af the abave-mentianed cades, the cast af that part af the installatian far which a permit is issued under said cades shall nat be included in the electrical permit which shall be issued far the electrical installatian. SECTION THIRTY NINE. Standards Adopted. To the extent nat mare permissive than this ordinance, there is hereby adapted by the City for the purpase af establishing and prescribing rules and regulations far electrical canstructian, maintenance, and repair within thecity'.; thase certain standards known as: (a) Natianal Electrical Cade, NFPA NO'. 70-1975 (b) Underwriter Labarataries, Inc., "Standards for Safety, Electrical Lighting Fixtures, and Partable Lamps," UL 57-1969 and UL 153-1970; -7- (c) Underwriters' Labaratories, Inc., "Standards far Electric Signs," UL48-l966; (d) The regulations af the divisian of hatels and restaurants af the department of business regulatian, appli cable to' emergency lighting, S590.2ll (6) (g) and 509.211 (7) ; (e) NFPA No. 56A-197l, "Inhalatian Anesthetics Code," (f) NFPA NO'. 56B-1968, "Inhalatian Therapy;" (g) NFPA NO'. 56C-1970, "Hospital Labarataries; " (h) NFPA NO'. 56D-1970, "Hyperbaric Facilities; " . (i) NFPA NO'. 56F-1970, "Nanflammable Medical Gas System " (j) Chapter 10 D-29 af the rules and regulatians af the division of health of the department of health and rehabili tative Services entitled "Nursing Hames and Related Facil- ities Licensure;" (k) The minimum standards for grounding af partable electric equipment, chapter 8AS-2 as recommended by the Industrial Safety Sectian, Bureau af Workmen's Campensatian Divisian af Labar and Employment Oppartunities, Department af Cammerce; (1) "Essential Electrical Systems for Haspitals," NFPA NO'. 76A-197l; and (- (m) NQ!i~ Florida Electrical Cade; pravided, haweveJ , that with the exceptian of canductars far residential and cammercial services and panel feeders, alluminum wire con- ductors shall nat be installed and used in any residential, cammercial, ar ather structure hereafter altered, built, canstructed, erected, ar repaired in, or maved intO', the incarporated areas af the City af Ocaee. SECTION FORTY. Severablilty. It is declared to' be the Baard af City Commissioners' intent that if any sectian, subsectian, sentence, clause, phrase, ar partion af this ardinance is far any reason held ar declared to' be uncanstitutianal, inaperative, ar void, such halding or invalidity shall nat affect the remaininl partians of this ardinance, and it shall be construed to have beel the legislative intent to pass this ardinance withaut such un- canstitutiansl, invalid, ar inaperative part therein, and the remainder af this ordinance after the exclusion af such part ar parts shall be deemed and held to' be valid as if such part ar parts had nat been included herein. If this ardinance ar any pravisian hereaf shall be held inapplicable to any persan, graup of persans, praperty, kind of praperty, ar circumstances ar set af circumstances, such halding shall nat affect the applicability hereof to any ather person, praperty, ar circumstance. . SECTION FORTY ONE. Canstruction. This ardinance shall be deemed to' be cumulative and supplemental and in additian to' any ather act, law, ar ardinance relating to electrical cantracting and electrical canstruction under the jurisdictian of the City of Ocaee, Flarida; pravided, hawever, that this ardinance supersedes and repeals any existing ordinance ar special law ar city reg- ulation which is in direct, irrecancilable canflict herewith. T4e pravisions af this ardinance shall be liberally canstrued in arde to' effectively carry aut the purpose of this ardinance in the interest af the public health, safety, and welfare af the citizen and residents of the City af Ocoee, Florida. SECTION FORTY TWO. Enactment af Rules and Regulatians. The Baard af City Commissioners may by resalutian enact reasanable rules and regulations to' implement and carry aut the pravisions 0 this ardinance; pravide, hawever, that such rules and regulations shall be reduced to' writing and made a part af recard readily available to' any persan concerned. SECTION FORTY THREE. Penalty. Any persan, firm ar carparaticn vialating any af the pravisians of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty af a misdemeanar and upan canvictian thereaf shall be fine -8- in an amaunt not exceeding $500.00 dollars ar be imprisaned in thE City ar Caunty jail for a period nat exceeding thirty (30) days 0'1 be both so fined and imprisaned. Each day such vialation is cammitted ar permitted to' continue, shall canstitute a separate affense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. SECTION FORTY FOUR. Effective Date. This ardinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the City Cammissian af thE City af Ocoee, Florida. ENACTED this /% day of Ud "'1 C./.;1 "--"1 / 1976. . CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Mad"" tJ;!2: ~ MAYOR / ATTEST: ,(" C . c~~cLfu><' .,- r I .