HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 620 '1 ,~ , I , ;"'1 ;;;..1 I ,- ,J..-:_ - i , " ~ . - " . ;' ""7/r . /' ;). . ("J( . / ~,;;~~I , ... ORDl\ ..'iCE NO. 6;?D CITY OF OCOEE, ! LORIDA AN OPL~INANCE lZLLi\.TI\; TO RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF CERTAIN P~OPERTY WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIE::; OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HERE';,rJFORE ZONED RT- 2, PROVIDING LEGAL DESC.~IPTIONS, DEFINI- TIONS, RESTRICTIONS CF THE rJSE OF LAND, PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT, PROVIDING PENALTIES, PROVIDINC FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . WHEREAS: There is w.~ thin the municipal limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, certain property described below which has heretofore been zoned RT-2 as provided by tlle City of Ocoee Zoning '. rdinance, as amended, and WHEREI...S: Said prop\,;rty is presently owneCl 0} Ocoee Mobile Homes, a partnership and the legal dL'~'~ rip- tion of said property is as ~ollows: VALENCIA MOBILE HOML PARK: The El/2 of thl.: SW1/4 cf the ~El/4 n;,d the casterl}l 40.00' of the Wl/2 of the 0h 1/4 of the NE1/4 of Sectic 1 18, T22S, R28E, les:; the southerly 40.00' there0r for L_ght ot ~ay. ~~( to / ' ,,'- 5 PALMS MOBILE "OME PL. ,,;:: Be) :.L at Lhe SW corner of the SEl/4 "f thE) N~;J] /4 of Sectic" 18, Tc;\.,nship .. 2 Sou" RanS' 28 Ea..'C., Orar, ;,' o ' County, Florlda, rUJ thence :'J 0 07' 30" E along Lhe West Line, f said SE1/4 of NW1/4 of sald Section 65l.!7 feet; thence S 880 58' 07" W 308.86 feet; thence N 00 21' IS" E 652.48 feet; thence N 89011' 15" E 376.64 feet; thence S 500 3b' 00" F. 756.1G feet; thenc, S 390 24' 00" 'vI 60' ; then~~e 825' thence S 880 45' 00' W 336' tu P. 0, B., Cf;..- tainins appr ximate~ 15 ac~cs. y ('/14,. ;./ o ' . " I (; ~ .. 0' ' dnd WHEREl'.S: Ococe Mob.~,\~ Home<=., ,h.::reu,after c.:....Lled ., Deve.l. llJer", desires 'ha t ai.. or the- ab(yve describt;.J real. . propr:ct./ be subject to certaid restl.....;tLons and eas<.:ments "'or mutudl benefit and j,_ .t') teet1-'- , uf itself anc ~ll ~ers~',i::; who lkreinaftcr may;, lrchas, -;1 acquire sa~ . pro- pert, ,H any .t..J<lrt t.:lLreof ar" also ,0 :,} ute~t the l,^ "que char_cL2r of said prG~~r~y aLd to protect s~Ld pro:, 'ty's val ue "nd . ' \VHERl::.AS: the "i ty '-' :nissic...,;l of the City of Ocoec:' nas conducted an independent investigation and has deter- mined t~at because of the particular characteristics of the above described real property, it is necessary that there be restrictions as to the use of said real property over and above those set for'h in the Zoning Ordinance of . the City of Ocoee pertaining to the RT-2 zoning classifi- cation in general and has determined that said restrictions are ln the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Ocoee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE O~ THE CITY OF OCOEE, PLORIDA: Section 1. l\UTHORI~Y, PURN)SE, SCOPE: This ordinance is enacted under the authoriLY of Article VIII Section 2(b), cf the Constitution of the State of Florida, under auth~rity of Flurida Statutes, Chapter 69-1359, Special Act~ of 1969, for the purpose of previding restrictions as to the use of those p~rcels of real property described above. ~his ordinance 1S en- acted in the lnterest of the ?ublic safeth and welfare of the citizens and inhaoitants of the City of Ocoee, Florida and shall be in force and effect ana shall be enforced throt...S.l:1out the City. Section 2. DEFINITIONS: (a). "Owner" shall m~dn and refer to the property owners or their successors and assigns. (b). "Properties" sh,ill mean and refer to all that . certain real property referred to or. tht..: abcve ment.Loned Plat. (c) . "Lot" shall mea:. and re i c~r (.O.l.lY plot ur parcel of rc 11 properc.y, or tJortiUl. ur port. lons the: n~of, iI; shown on tLe above wentioned plat which an owner may own and upon which a dwelling unit (mObile hOIlle) is placed. (d). "Owner" shall TI...;an and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons.r entitles, of the fee simple title to any lot, including the seller of an executJry ) ~ . }I " 1< . contI tl..t for sale, bt:t. excl ucLng those having such interest merely ~ beneficiary or as security for the performance nf an obligation. (e). "Developer" shall mean and refer to Ocoee Mobile Homes, a partnership, and its successors by merger or consolidation, and assigns, and one of whose prlmary purposes shall be to develop Valencia Mobile Home Park and Palms Mobile Home Park. (f). "Restrictions" shall mean and refer to this Notice qf Restrictions and Easements on Real Estate. (g). "Development" shall mean and refer to all of th real property as is hereiDabove set forth and pa=ticularly descru.ied. (h). "Front lot line" shall mean aLa refer to that side of a lot that faces on 3 street or road. If more than one s~de of a lot faces on ~ street or road, the "front lot :l-ir.0" may Le any side th..it faces on a street or road, at tr.c uption of the -.Jwner ot said lot. 3. USE: (a). Mcbile fume spac~s will no longer be rented effective date of this ordlLance. (b). Mobile Home spaces that are presently rented will be permitted to remain in this status until occupant vacates, at which time the ~Juile Horne s~ace will revert to s..ngle ownership. (c). None of t..ne lots or tho improvements ti,ereon shall be used for anyt.hing other than Mobile Home, private resiciential purposes, excep~ that Developer may m~~ntain a sales office and S2_0S agLn~s on the property. D..1ring or ai ..~('r, but not before thl Jlacement of a mobile home, ther..: i.ldY also be placed a l' :...io, aWl, LLCJS cUld metal shed that blends with mobile home fer scorase purpose.:>, so lonq as the SdWO are connected (by c.iVered :.,coeZeVJdj or ot,.._.rwise) with, .;..ad useci in COL':;Wicti(:1 wittl '~uch lloLl.le home' f.Jrivate 3 - . resiJcltCe. Ci ty of Ocoee s1.._11 also have the right to amend Lnese restrictions or add additional restrictions as her~inafter provided. 4. LOT AREA: Except as hereinafter provided, no lot shall be subdivided aDd no reore than one single- family mobile home may be erected or placed or permitted on anyone lot. However, one who purchases more than one lot adjoining will not be restricted as to placement of mobile home on lot. 5. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: No building or other structure shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until at least the prelimina.y plans, specifications and plot pl.~ns have been submi tt.2d to the: Developer and the City of Ocoee, and the same approved by the Developer and the Clty of Ocoee in writing in the following particulars: (1) 'l'hat saiLi building or oLler structure complies in all respLcts with ~hese restrictj,ons, reservations and conditions, and (2) The color and texture of materials and pai;; t to be used on the exterior of all dwellings, and (3) That said building or other structure is in conformity and harmony not only with respect to the topography and fini- shed ground elevations, but also with the architectural desiS": of other complet2d or l-ropos.::d structLlres ir. said subdivlsion, and (4) The proposed landscaping of suld lot, l.ncludi.:1g the proposed remOval of any trees or other plants ~resently growing on said lot. In the event the Developer fails co approve or dlsapprove such design and location within thirty (30) days after the same have been suLmitted to it, such ar.proval will net be required and this ccvenant will be deemed to have been ',ill ly cumpliCd wi th. ~iL~ L back requirements for utilicy bu~_~ings outlinea in the City of Ocoee, Zoning Ordinance, do riot apply in tn~ Parks. 6. STRUCTURES: (a). No dwelling shall be placed or permit~~~ to . - 4 -- remain In any ~ot that ccntal~S less than 600 square feet on the main floor (10' x 60 I :-1obile Home). This require- ment being exclusive of addi, ional attached garages, car- ports or patios. (b). No structure sh011 be u3ed or occupied until the exterior thereof, as approved pursuant to Paragraph . Five (5) above, is finished a~d water and sanitary sewer- age disposal facilities (compiiance with Paragraph Seven- teen (~7) below are completely installed and operable. Each lot served will be requ~red to pay a connection charge, if an11 for tbe electric service to the residence. ~his charge is to be paid dir0ct to the Electric POwer Company furnishing such service. (c). No dwelling sha 1;. be located 01, any lot nearer than 38ven and one-half (7-1/L) feet measuri~g horizontally to base of dwelling, to any front, side or interior lot line, except tlidti (1). If one structure is constructed on a purcel of propE: l. consisting cf more ~r.an one lot, tne combi!1<.:'d area shall (for this purpose) be .nsidered as one lot. (2). The set-back li~es may 0e relaxed by decision of thE Developer (if approved by the:: Ci ty of Ocoee), ;, f the above prescribed distances an, not ~'..1sible considel:~ng t 118 terrain and topography of the lot or property. (d). Except as hereinafter provided in Parasraph 21, no trai ler, tell t, shack, garLt-je, barn or other outbuilding , or structure of a temporary character shall, at any tlme, . ever be attached to the propc,rty or be used as a residence, temporLlrily or perman~- ntly, Lur shall any structure ('ver be moved onto or permitted to [. l,l.lin on ,my lot. No tl 1,'ks or equipmf>nt largE~r than 9,000 l,:'unds 'J.coss velHcle weiJht, may be parkE2d or stored on a res Ldentiu 1 lGt or the st:Oc:"l ad- joining it except during actudl plac.. ,lent of a :nob~,. ~ horn;,; on tha'l lot. No stn:ccure L to be erected on a f(L:~dtion of crt:,osoted poles or c:!:evatcc: above normal foundaL..r)~. heights. . (e). Once placeme:,::. :m an approved structure has corruncnc(~d, it shall, v.ltn rc-,;onable diligence, continue and shall be complt....: ted wi thin SlX (6) days thereafter (unless prevented by war, strikes, or acts af God or any other reasons beyond the control of the owner) as to its exterior, and all temporary structures or equipment used shall be removed. (f). On the sides of lots that face a street or road, no fence, wall, hedge or bush shall be built nearer than or.e (1) foot, measured horizontally at ground level from the lot line. On all other sldes of lots, fences, walls, hedges or bushes may be built to the lot line. 7. SIGNS: No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public V1CW on any lot except one sign of not more than four (4) square foot o.dvertis~ng the property for ~ale or rent, or signs used by the De~eloper or builder to advertise the ~~overty during constructlon. Developer or its ~gents shall HelVe the right to remove any signs which violdte this prov Slon, and, in so doing, shall not be liable for trespass or ott'it.::r tort 1.n conn, ...:tion '.lerewi th, or 0.1 ising ",)ffi such removu.l 8. NUISANCES: No nOX10US ur offensive activity shall be carried on or mainta';ned 0:, l;Y lot 1n the sub- division, nor shall anything 1.>e don or permitted to be done t :,ereon which may be or .)8COm(:-< nuisdnce in :',;.:' neigtworhood. Motor bikes will not be permitted if ~y reason of noise or manner of ...lse they are consid"en. i by the Developer to be a nuisance. Drying of clothes shall be restricted to rear 25% 0> lot. ~he Developer reserves . the rljht, if u residence is rented, to requcst an 0wner to remov" a tenant that becomes.:;bnoxicjL.:s 0,' '1 '1iolo. L, en of dny 0:= ~he other restrictior- ' and ccnd~ l LUllS of tr.L~ notJ.cc, u. n d l, rc:qullL c..ll(~' 0\ ~l not Lo ren -:.. to Sd Ld tenant dg 0.111 L. If, dLeer request, the owner fails cu r<:~mGV, said U :.ant, the IJt,.\!cloper (and/or City ot Ocoee) shall ;lave th, ..-ight t.o rc )/8 said tenant on its uwn initlativc' and tht' uwner - v - cf the lot from whom said te;'Jnt is removed, hereby shall be lidcle to pay all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, lncurred by the Developer in removing said tenant. 9. FIREARMS: The use or discharge of firearms is expressly prohibited within the subdivision. 10. \'V'ATER, GARBAGE A?'JJ TRASH SERVICE: . (a). All trash, garbage and other waste shall be kept and stored in containers which shall be keltin a clean, sanitary and sightly condition, which containers, if kept outdoors, must be "animal proof" containers. Said trash, garbage and other waste shall be deposited by each indivi- dual o~ner in an area designated by the City of Ocoee. Fees for pickup and removal of garbage and trash will be paid for by tht~ \jwners to the City of ',coee. The Developer shall also make arrangements for a garbage service to pick up said trash, garbage and other waste from said central 10- cation. All owners of lots \\'ith motile homes in place that a::e occupied shall pay their proportior cite shc' r.~ for said garbage service. There shall Le no burning of trash or other waste. All contracts for the flacement of dwelllng units on any lot shall contain a provision whereby the Builder agrees to remove or arrange for the removal of all trash and waste created by said construction or placement. (b). Each lot will be serviced with an lndividual water meter. Upon receipt o~ the meter connection fee, the City of Ocoee shall furnish an inst,~11 the necessary fittings, meter and meter box at the property line. The owner is . responsible for water lines inside the proi?erty lines. ( c). Wa t e r an d ~~, u ita t 1 i n bill i n g will be in accord~nce with present polJ:les of the C1CV of Ocoee, and any future policies establls1".ed by tliC ,,~'Cj' Conuni~)sion. 11. STORAGE OF r-1J,TE Id A.LS : No Duilding mat rial of any kind shall be placed or stored upon any lot. 12. M~IMALS: No !1oJ':.'~s, cows, hogs, poull~./ or Ii vestoL:k of any kind ',otL:'r 'han house pets of reasonable size, kind and number, and stall be leashed when outside the mobile home) may be kept on l~y lot. Only one pet per family will be allowed. Should such pets become a nuisance in the . opinion of the City of Ocoee, they must be removed from the premises and the subdivisLon. 13. DN\INAGE STRUCTURES AND DRIVEWAYS: Drainage structures under private driveways shall always have a drain- age opening of sufficient size to permit the free flow of water without backwater. All culverts or drainage struc- tures shall be so constructed that they will not cause damage to other lots or streets in any part of the sub- divislon. All driveways sha~l be constructed and designed to be "all-weather" driveway.:; and shall be a minimum of ten (iO) feet .in width. The :.\ainteLanc~ of said drlveway and dralnage structures there~nder shall be the res~onsi- bili t:l of the owner of the I.Jt. over which said dri vt.'way and dr cunage st.ructure lies. Al thouq h the L'sponsiL di ty of the mainten3nce of the roadway and t.he drainage uitch on sa id roadway across the o"ner' s lot ~hall be the ,(2- sponsLbility of the Developer (and subsequently the City of Ocoee), any damage done to said roadway and drainage ditch that occurs durlng the ,onstr~ctiorl tnd/or illaincen- ance of said driveways and drainage ~cructures thereunder shall be the responsibility G~ and pald for by the o~ner as hereinafter provided in Subparagra~h 25-8. 14. UN~~GHTLY ~TORAG~: If open carports are used, .' no unsightly storage therein shall be permitted that is v .isib.: e from t..:le stre~ t or f ~ C;li any other r~'sidence :~ Ii c:.he sui},livision. No lrlsli..jllt.J' DOelt:,;, truc;:c; or vchJ(;lcs shall Le stored (or kept for c.ne puri:Jose of repair) on any lots or driveways. L S. OFT-STREET PARKL,:: There shall lJe no on-street parking anywhere in the subd..lision, except wnere :,:_,cifically - 8 ' provided. Both prior to 0:: .: ter the OCCUP,lncy of d dwelling on any lot, the owner shall UJO appropriate space for off- street parking of his and his guests' vehicles. 16. CLEANING LOTS: Lwners of lots, their heirs and assigns, agree to keep their ~roperty clean and if this is not done, upon notice Leing duly given, the Developer (and . subsequently the City of OCO~(,) may, without any liability for any type of trespass or dill~ages, clean the lot and charge the purchaser or other subsequent owners of the pro- perty the cost of cleaning the same not to exceed a charge of $25.00 per lot per cleaning. 17. SEWAGE: Septic Links WL 1 not be permitted. Perpecual e~~ement5 for private 18. EASEMENTS: rights-of-way are hereby reserved ove~ and across all pro- rties designated as "streets" or "roads" on the plat of the above described real property, for the use and benefit of all (,.If the CN"ners of lots dS well as their tenants, guests, invi tees, successors a:,d ass_ :!ns. All of said areas en- compassed wi thin the propert'z designated as "streets" or "roads" on the said plat are ,11so hereby reserved for the purpose of installing, repairing and maintaLning or con- veying easements to proper parties so that they may i~stall, repalr and maintain e18ctric lJower, water, sewage, gas, tele- phone and similar util~ty faCilities and services for all of the lots and propercies iL the sUbdivision. The installa- tion of all sl.;ch facilities .::'nall be so located within said right-of-way, however, so as "!ot to interfere with vehicular . and pedestrian traffic ln sa~Q streets or roads. ~'o the extent necessary to serve a~ lot, easements for SUCh util~ty purposes are also reserved o~~r and ~~ross portion~ of said lots ~lthout the owner of the lot over whiCh said easement runs Dt, i ng entl tled to any c( ,npensa tion or r0.dress by reason of tl'1, :act or t_he locatiolJ .:- such easement and the instctlla- t ion, .r epair and main r,,!lLL'.~'C ,} f any such facl Ii ties dcross - ') - . said lat., the only limitati," being that the location of such easements across said l:)ts and the installation, repair and rnalntenance of such faCllities shall be such as to not interfere with the use of s~ld lot by its owner. Sa1d utulity easements are undergruund rights. The utility easements reserved and dedic~ted uncer the terms and pro- visions hereof shall be for t~e general benefit of the sub- division except for access t~ the o~e liftstation on Silver Star Road. Access is limited to easement adjacent to lift- station and shall also inure to the benefit of and may be used by any public or private utility company entering into and upon said tJroper'--,/ for t,ne purposes Clforesaid, without the necessity ,)f any further grant of such easement rights to such utility companies. Should t.he Dev810per lat~r decide that it would be in t~~ best interests of th~ owners of tL", lots 1n the subdivis_uIl to dL:dicale as a pu:....lic road or SCH'ct a part or all of t :".,~ areas encompassed v-",,-,tnin the propt'r~i.es designated on trh :jubdlVision pl..lt as ": ::..reets" or "roads", then it shall [L.';: the J."ov-..er to do so \.ithout the pccessi ty of the Joinc.eL l)f any of the indi vic.uai owners of lots in the sULJlv~sion. 19. OIL, GAS I MIUEl<J,;., II.ND WATER DEVLLOPMEN'l': No oil, gas or dri11i-d for ~dter 0 jUarrYl:lg or ;,ining c~.J..;raticns of any kind shall be permitt~J upon cr 1n any lot in this subdivision. 20. TRAVEL OR RECREl\'~ :::ONAL TRAILERS AND TEN'l'S: No such use of a lot shall be d ,~owed. . 21. LhNDSCAP l:~G: Lt, _ owners are required t.o lantl- scapc: tneir 10.::s in a mannel COnc.uCl ve to '.; :Jod dev(o'J. upmen t tastes. 22. P L,.8S : .~0 op'2n ~.,d/or U.l.Jttdlded fires ..;hall be permittedLn the subdivis.,)r1. Chelrcoal or fire~; In out- door,!r ills Sh,111 be ~)ermi tt <=-.d in ah,::.ropriate conLd .1ers, - 1;) - . but even these fires shall b~ supervised and not left un- attended at any time. 24. POST OFFICE BOXES: Post office boxes shall be permitted as long as the one used 1S approved by the U. S. Postal Service and the design and location are approved in advance by the Developer (and subsequently by the City of Ocorr) . . 25. PROPERTY O\~ERS' ASSOCIATION: (a). Each such person, by acquiring title to any lot in this subdivision, shall be deemed to also covenant and agree to be bound and abide by all of the terms of these restrictions as well as all rules and regu- lations hereatter promulga~b~ first by the Developer and later by the City of Ocoee. At the time such a person becom~s an owner, they shall supply Developer with what- ever 1nforrnati.on is necessary to include them on the rolls of the lot owne:s inclJding but limited to name, address, ages, names and age~ of children, telephone numbers, etc. (b). Ownership Ol a lot entitles the owner Ol any lot and the members of his family and their gUt.': tS to use, subject to such rules and regulations and assessJOents as mJY be from time t:.0cime l, stablished by the Developer and the City oi Ocoee, of al~ of the properties and to the use of all recredtional or other fac~l~ties which may from time to time be constructed, maintained and operated on said properties by the Developer (and subsequentJy the Ci ty 0 r Ocoee). The j udgItl-2L t of the ::)ev(~loper (and sdb- sequently the City of Ocoe'c~ .:.is to the n(~cC'ssi ty or Jesirabili ty of tLc J nstalla tion or CAlst r llction 0 f (iLY recrca l LvIJal or other facilities for the us~ ()f the owners cf lots shall at all tlmes be final and ;;ullclu:..:ive. ,.. - Ii - 25. PPC~)ERTY Oi'JNERS I ^SSOCIA'l'ION: (B CONTINUSD) Any such facilities so constructed by the Developer (and subsesuently by the City of Oooee) may be operated u~der the direct control of the Developer (and subsequently the City of Ocoee) or may be leased or licensed to other per- sons to operate in any other manner as the Developer (and . subsequently t~e City of Ocoee) may from time to time determine. (c). At such tiil,e as all lots are sold by Developer, Developer shall deJicate to the City of Ocoee the land and facilities of the park. (c:.). As each 10:' in the Mobile Home Park lS sold , five percent (5Yi) of t~le Gross cos toE each lot will be placed in ai, escrv,n J.ccou t requl CLIl'J sj'Jnature..; ()f both parti.:s (City of Ocoe0: and D,.veloper) to witndraw mO.jLes. This ~D~ey is to be used for the construction of Recreational Facilities ln the City of Occ0e. (e) . Both Parks insofar d' ::'l i;:.provements, l.e. street.s, sidewalks, water, llghting, dral;uge and sclnitary sewer lines inside the Parks will be completed in dccordance with ~lans suLmitted to thL ~Lty of 0~oee 21 September 1972. Inspection wi 1.'- be comvle tea t,y the Ci ty En(j ineer ar1c1 a report submit~"d to t ''': City CommiscoLon pr:,;!" to a,;.:'~ptance. (f). Suby:ct to release by UI( mortga<je holders as to Park and Recreational J.reas, screets, sidewalks and all ut..ili ty lines to include: vJater, sewer.:l\J,," and lightins thereon which will be owned a.,d operated by the City of Ocoee . by W2lr ranty Deed with 2l one . ",..:ar It'd': n to nance warran ty . (g). The City s:k,11 11o';e cliO option to Clssume owner ;,hip and operation of L'crea t. i (lL ,\ L pc.! r:-ks and '::lL('<1S, streets, sidewalks aLd all ~:llity lines to Lnclude water, sewer (lge and lighting therec'" s ubjec t tJ L'lease LI the mortgage: holdl;rs. Developer shall be held respons.ible ,for one ,year ,maintenance warranty. - 12 - . (h). In thl_ l,"",lit damage occurs to thf~ driveway or dralnage facilities alons the road on a lot, which damage 1S occasioned by the negligent act or failure to act by the owner thereof, and the owner, after request by the Deve- loper, (and subsequently by the City of Ocoee), fails to cepalr said ddmage, then the Developer (and subsequently the City of Ocoee) shall have the right, but not the obligation, to repair such dallage and to assess the owner of the lot for all costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith. The amount so assessed shall be due and payable irmnedia tely by the owner of the property so affected to the D~veloper (and sUDsequentiy the City 01 0coee). ( i) . In order to secure the pdyments of the asses Sli1ents plovided in this paragLll-'h, a vendor's 1 ien, or its equivalcnt, sh~ll be 3nd is hereby expressly re- served to sec~re the payment of said assessment, which lien may be enforceable by a~Jropriate judicial process by the Developer (and subsequently by the City of OC02~) . Such vendor's lien shall, hcw~ver, be automalically second cmd slL,ordinate to the lien - liens of any bona f~dc lender .- which tlereafter lends money L, the owner of dny lot for the purchase of such property or the contruction of imp.ovements on said property. It is eXiJl-,,:,;ssly [~rther prcvideu, nowever, that the forec.1osure <) any !)rior llt.~n agair.st any lot shall extinguish only the a,'lount of any accured and unpaid assess- ments against such lots as or the date of such foreclosur~, and shall not terminate the ..L i abli ty of the new owr.er of such lot for ~ayment of asseSciments which shall accrue suL- sequel.:': to the date 0 r ~;ucb .'~ reclo::., lre. In the eV,-IJ t: DeveloiJer transfers the r lCJhl to CC'l. '[ ,'ct the assossmO:lts to the alJC,vc rneLtlo;led C.l.ty O~ veol's, iJ"v'cloper ::;hall lU~ewlse have the right co traILS Ie r cH,(l ass ign its r HJht of all vendor's liens 3ecuring t?aymen t tLereu 1 to ':>,:\1 d Ci ty of Ocose. - 13 - .-: ' . . 26. ENl'ORCEMLNT: 0(: 'It.: loper (and subseqU(~n tly the City of Ocoee), its s~cccssors and assigns, shall have the right to enforce abservance and performance of the re- strictions and covenants contained and provided herein, and In order to prevent a breach or to enforce the obser- vance or performance of same, shall have the right, in addition to all legal remedies or remedies elsewhere pro- vided herein, to an injunction either prohibitive or man- datory. In any legal action brought by the Develope~, (and subsequently the City of Ocoee) I its successors and assigns, in which said action is successfully completed, the pa~ty against whom said act~on is Drought hereby covenants and agrees to reimburse the Developer, (and subsequent~y the City of Ocoee), its successo~s or assigns, such reasonable costs incurred in said legal .lction, including but nc,t being limited to reasonable attorney's fees. 27. AMENDMENT: So long as the DevLloper owns any of thu lots in this s~bdivision, other than those lots desig'lCl Led on t.he pIa t as be Lng owned by the parklild those designated for utiliti~3, and except for those pro- visioIL3 contained in Paragra~Jhs 2, 25 and 27 hereof, the City of Ocoee shall have the right to amend these re- strict l,ons In whole or In pal'::" by e:.LCU tin,:;; .:l wri t tc::n instrument maklng said chang<...:s and ':lvin'1 U:<...: sa.'Tle dUly recorded in the official rE.cords of (jranse Cuunty, ,'l,Jrida. As to the provisions contaiIlL'G in sa~d Paragraphs 2, 25 and 27 dnd as to all of the rest at these restrictions after DeV2- loper, or its buccessors and ~sslgns, no longer owns .lny lots 1.L this S JDdi ViE .l.on, U._ City of Ocoee may chZln'Jc these covend;,ts In wh')}, or ::, part by likewise executing a wriLLun instrwnent to that. ~ffect dnd recording siud in- strument or instruments in t'l<.' official recocds of (.ILinge Count,:, Florida. - 14 - .... . . . .. . . , 28. DLi.v\TION OF RES'L.. CTIONS; Thes~ are not only covenants, conditions and eaS0ments ~hat are to run with the land, but, except as they mayor might be amended in accord- ance with Paragraph 27, they shall be binding on all parties and all persons claimi~g under them until December, 31, 1999, at which time said covenants shall be automatically (~xtended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless the City of Ocoee agrees to change said 80venants in whole or in part, or ot terminate them. 29. Invalidation of any covenant PARTIAL INVALIDITY: or restriction (by court judgment or otherwise) shall not affect in any way the validity of all other covenants, re- strictions, rL~ervatio~ls and conditions, all of which shall remain in full force and effect. Acquiescence, regardless of time involved in any violation shall not be deemed a waiver of the rights of enforcement against the violator or others the conditions and covenants so violated or any other con- ditions. Developer, (and su.,sequenl. lY ttlt::; City of ,)coee) , its s~ccessors or assigns, sOdll have the right to clnter the property of the violator and correct the violat~on, or to requlre that the same be 20rrected and to recover the cost of damages thereof. 30. I~ any s~ctlon, sentenc(, clause, SEVERABL,.IITY: phrase or word of this ordir..dce is for any reason i).dd or declared to be unconsti tutionctl, inoperat.i ve or V01U, SUC.l holding of invalidity shall not affect the remailling portlons of this ordinance, and it shall be construed to have been the legislative intent to pass thiS ordinance without s~ch un- consti t L.<tional, invalid or i ;l~)pera ti ve part thereir~ and the remalI".der of t~hlS or<.l,; nancC' ,\ f tcr tl.~ ('XC 1 us ion of ~; llch pa rt or parts shulL be deellled aad held tc be valld as it ;';uch part or parts had not bedl 1 'Icluded iwrc:ln. If this or- dinance or any provisiol; the: rcof snu11 be l!t:ld inapJ?licaLle to anj person, group of persu~s, prcj?orty, Kind of 0Loperty, - is - '. . . . " . ' circumstances or set of circ~rnstances, such holding shall :lot affect the applicability :"ilereof to any other person, property or circumstances. 31. CONSTRUCTION: This ordinance shall be deemed to be cumulative and supplemental and in addition to any other act, law or ordinance relating to the utllization of property zoned RT-2, providing, however, that this ordinance supercedes and repeals any existing ordi~ance which is in direct, irreconcilable conflict herewith. The provisions of this ordinance shall be liberally construed in order to effectively carry out the purposes of thIS ordinance in protecting the intere3t of the public healL" safety and welfare O~' the citiz~ns and residents 8f the City of Ocoeo. 32. EFl-ECTlVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect inunediat:ely upon passa'je by the City ConunissiuD of tLt: Clty of Ocoec, Florida. ENACTED this __~ day uf _Q_~fot~~__, 1975. eli OF OCOEE, FLORIDA BYS~,__ ATTEST: ~ill~~__ - lC - t.XHIBIT A" SECTION SEVEN R-T-2 MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY DISTRICT 7.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION This district is composed of certain lands where it is desirable to attain a high density area consisting of mobile homes on single lots for sale to individual owners or for rent. 7.2 USES PERMITTED . Property and buildings in an R-T-2 Mobile Home Park District shall be used only for the following purposes: (1) Mobile Homes and their customary accessory uses. (2) Same as for R-l Single Family Dwelling District, including customary accessory uses. 7.3 REQUIREMENTS (1) Each application for rezoning shall be accompanied with a site plan as required. (2) Each R-T-2 Mobile Home Park District shall contain a mlnlmum of ten (10) acres in area, shall have at least ten (10) mobile homes spaces completed at first occupancy, with no mobile home space containing less than thirty-five hundred square feet in area. (3) No part of any mobile home or addition thereto shall be placed within seven and one-half feet of any mobile home lot boundary line; nor shall same be located within fifteen (15) feet of any accessory I or service building. (4) Each mobile home lot shall have unobstructed access at least fifteen (15) feet wide to a paved street of not less than twenty (20) feet in paved width. Hard surfacing shall consist of a base at least six (6) inches thick of lime rock or soil cement or an equivalent material and a top at least one (1) inch thick made of asphaltic concrete or an equivalent material. Such streets shall be lighted by a system which consists of a one hundred watt mercury light for everyone hundred twenty (120) linear feet of roadway or shall with some other system supply two-tenths lumen per square foot of roadway. (5) Closed ends of dead-end streets shall be provided with an adequately paved area of at least 60 feet. (6) Deed covenants for lots sol~ shall be developed to insure the maintenance and upkeep of areas and facilities retained in common ownership in order to provide a safe, healthful and attractive living environment within the Mobile Home Park and to prevent the occurance of blight and deterioration of the individual units. (7) For lots rented, it shall be the duty of the landlord to keep an accurate register containing a record of all mobile homes, owners and tenants of the rental lots. The register shall contain the following information: . (a) Name and address of owner and each occupant. (b) The mobile home lot on which the mobile home is parked. (c) Date of entering the park. (d) Date of leaving the park. (e) The license number with date of issuance, year, make and model of each mobile home and the vehicle by which it was trans. ported unless such vehicle is a licensed transporting company. The landlord shall keep the register available at all times for inspection by law enforcement officials, public health officials, anc other officials whose duties necessitate acquisition of the infor- mation contained in the register. 7.4 SIGNS Signs for identification of mobile home parks shall be provided as per Chapter III, Section 10. ........,