HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
January 20, 2009 at 7:15 P.M.
State of the City Address
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Mayor Vandergrift gave the Invocation and Representative Brian Nelson led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentation by Senior Girl Scout Troop 32 Regarding their Gold Award Project at
Central Park on Lake Moxie - Jeanne Washington, Troop Leader. Al Butler Capital
Project Manager.
Mr. Butler advised that Girl Scout Troop 32 contacted him in search of a Gold Award project
that they could do; he described the project he identified for the scouts; a Boardwalk around the
southern shore of Lake Moxy at Central Park which was approved as a Gold Award Project by
the Citrus Council in July. The Girl Scouts worked on research over the summer on the ecology,
vegetation, wildlife, etc. In September the conceptual plan was approved by the Parks and
Recreation Board, and the project, for which $100,000 had been budgeted, is going out to bid
this week. Three girl scouts, Jeanne Washington, Kaley Hoover, and Raquel Quinones described
the boardwalk proj ect and the research that they have done.
Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said this is part of the overall Parks Master Plan and can
be expanded in the future as money is available.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to approve
and support Girl Scout Troop #32 Gold Award Proiect to build a Boardwalk on the
southern end of lake Moxy at Central Park. Motion carried 5-0.
State Legislative Update with Gray Robinson -Chris Carmody and Robert Stuart of Gray
Robinson, gave a presentation. Mr. Carmody discussed the results of the election stating that in
the Florida House of Representatives the Republicans only lost a net of one seat, there are 120
Members (76 Republicans, 44 Democrats). Mr. Stuart said nothing changed with the Florida
Senate which has 40 members (26 Republicans, 14 Democrats). He stated that Andy Gardiner,
State Senator that represents this area wanted to be here tonight but was ill; he stated that he
would like to attend a Commission Meeting at a future date. They discussed the Special Session
where the legislature was faced with a $2.4 Billion gap that was bridged for the FY 08-09 year
by budget cuts and fund transfers. They discussed the 2009 Regular Session Priorities:
Dedicated Transportation Funding, Red-Light Cameras, Municipal Pension Plan, Participation at
Public Meetings, Reclaimed Water Regulation, Special Assessments to Fund Law Enforcement
Services, Tax Reform, Unfunded Mandates to Local Governments, and Water Management
District Governance. Discussion with Rep. Brian Nelson took place regarding the red light
cameras. He said that he does not believe the state wants to get involved with the red light
City Commission Regular
January 20, 2009
cameras to make money; he believes their objective is to create uniformity of standards among
all cities that incorporate red light camera into their traffic enforcement. He wants to assist
moving a bill forward but he would not be in favor of a bill that causes the cities to loose money
and then not install red light cameras. He said Ron Regan is only sponsoring this bill this year
and he is going to be a prime co-sponsor because Apopka is one of the cities at the forefront of
this issue.
Federal Legislative Update with Alcalde & Fay- Assistant City Manager Croteau
introduced Randall Morris, Central Florida Representative for Alcalde & Fay. Mr. Morris
gave a PowerPoint presentation and stated that the city would probably not be able to get money
from the stimulus package this year, but there are five different Federal funding sources that the
city should consider using and he identified them as: Transportation Sector, Law
Enforcement/Homeland Security, Community and Economic Development, Utilities and
Sanitary Sewer, Housing and Urban Development. He recommended that the City identify four
or five projects using money from these sources. He discussed the legislators who represent the
City in Washington. Assistant City Manager Croteau reviewed projects that staff has
identified that would fall under large (7.5 - 20 million) and small projects (under 7.5 million).
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve
directina Alcalde and Fay to move forward with the reauest of funds from the
Federal Utilities and Sanitary Sewer Fund for the West Side Sewer Loop and Lift
Station proiect from the and to hold a Special Session on Monday. January 26. at
7:00 p.m. to determine proiects from the other four fundina sources. Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner
Keller had no announcements.
Mayor Vandergrift - 1) St. Johns River Water Management District is having a meeting at
Lake Sumter Community College on February 6, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. 2) Congratulated Yancey
Cleveland for his promotion to Battalion Chief.
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to approve
Consent Aaenda Items 1 throuah 7. as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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City Commission Regular
January 20, 2009
The terms of Members David Ball, Thomas Hendrix, Robert McKey, Bradley Phillips, and Louis Torres have
all expired, and all have indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment. There are no applications
currently on file. Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners re-appoint
members David Ball, Thomas Hendrix, Robert McKey, Bradley Phillips, and Louis Torres to serve on the
CACOPD Board for another three-year term ending January 2012.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
The City's continuing contracts for planning services have either expired or are non-existent. In compliance
with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee Code Chapter 21, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was
advertised with the intention to award continuing contracts for planning services to multiple firms deemed to be
the most highly qualified to perform the required services. Staff recommends that the City Commission award
three (3) Continuing Contracts for RFP #09-002 to Zyscovich Architects, Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin,
Inc., and Land Design Innovations, as the top three (3) short-listed firms and to authorize Staff to proceed with
contract negotiations with the selected firms.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Per Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "many local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant
to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than fifteen (15)
percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug
prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program(s). It is recommended that
the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Police Department to expend and! or
grant monies from its Forfeiture fund to law enforcement related uses/ charities as follows: $1,500 to Central
Florida Police Athletic League; $1,500 to A Child Is Missing; $1,500 to Orange County Sexual Assault
Treatment Center; $1,500 to Orange County Victim Services Center; $1,500 to Spouse Abuse Inc. Harbor
House; $2,500 to Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare (aka Central Florida Crisis Intervention Team); $1,500 to
purchase bicycle helmets to be distributed by the Department's Crime Prevention and School Resource Officer
unit; $3,000 for the City of Ocoee Spring Fling, $2,500 to the Ocoee Police Explorers; and $1,000 for citizen
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
This Collective Bargaining Agreement governs the terms and conditions of employment for Police Officers
covered under the PBA Union. This is the first Collective Bargaining Agreement with PBA. The previous
Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Teamsters ended September 30, 2008. The salary increases for Fiscal
Year 2008/2009 will be approximately 4%. The incentive pay and other increases will come from the Police
Department's overall budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Utilities would like to extend the POWR Park agreement between the City of Ocoee and Ocoee High School
(specifically the Agriculture Department), initially executed March 6, 2007, and amended October 2, 2007;
which maintains that the City shall compensate Ocoee High School $4,005.00 ($445.00 per month throughout
the 9-month school year) for "in-kind" services which include but are not limited to: the maintenance of the
POWR Park, planning and planting new vegetation, assisting with and attending POWR educational programs
and consulting with the City concerning expansion of the POWR Park.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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City Commission Regular
January 20, 2009
The Sleepy Harbour Condominium Association has a private sanitary sewer Lift Station which historically has
been maintained by the City for a nominal annual fee of $888.00. The Condominium Association and Staff
would like to formalize an agreement for the City's continued maintenance of the station. The agreement will
establish a monthly maintenance fee and levels of service to be provided. In addition, the agreement provides
for indemnification and access rights to the station. If the agreement is not approved, Utilities recommends the
maintenance responsibilities revert to the Condominium Association.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
This approval will be to amend the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Ordinance to change the
multiplier from 3.0% to 3.5% and to discontinue the $200 per month supplemental benefit (stipend) effective
October 1,2008. This issue was approved by the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Board and agreed
to by the Police & Fire unions. The impact to the City will be $100,492. However, the Actuarial Impact
Statements indicate the City's contribution to this fund will be reduced from 18.3% to 11.3% of payroll, or
approximately a $380,000 savings. This reduction was as a result of the re-evaluation of the assumptions to this
Pension Fund.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance on first reading. Mayor Vandergrift
announced that the second reading and public hearing will be held February 3,2009.
Mr. Vasquez spoke to the Commission on December 2,2008, regarding starting a Youth Advisory Council. He
distributed the proposed Bylaws of the Council and Commissioner Hood was appointed to act as City Liaison to
the Board. Mr. Vasquez would like to address the Commission again regarding this youth group.
Moved forward on the agenda and heard after Presentations.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to support
Hector VasQuez in startina a Youth Advisory Council and the by-laws. Motion
carried 5-0.
The Most Valuable Partnership Grants Program has been in operation for several years. The grant program
assists Ocoee neighborhoods and organizations with projects that will enhance property values and improve the
quality of life in Ocoee. The MVP grant program is a matching grant program held once each year. The
maximum matching grant award is $2,500. Funding is not given up front, but is reimbursed at the completion
of the organization's proj ect. Applicants fund their improvement projects and then get a portion back, up to a
maximum of $2,500. Eight applications were received for this year's cycle. The total amount of grant monies
requested is $18,400. There is $20,000 funded for this year's MVP grant program.
Community Relations Manager Wright explained that eight applications were received and
funding is available to approve all applications. The money will be received after the projects
are completed.
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City Commission Regular
January 20, 2009
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve
the eiaht applications submitted for MVP Grant Awards, total amount of $18,400.
Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Frank said they have a letter from the Mayor of Orange County asking for a
representative from the City for the 2010 Census; the county is putting together a subcommittee.
The first meeting is Friday, January 23, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Consensus of the Commission was
that a staff person should handle that.
City Manager Frank said the Women's Club ofOcoee is seeking sponsorship for a half page ad
in their program for $125.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to
approve the half-paae advertisement in the Women's Club proaram at a cost of
J125. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson noted that item should be one of those items that are automatically
placed in the annual budget.
11_111I11:.111) thanked HRDB for the Martin Luther King Parade 2) said Ocoee High
School Band has a Fundraiser, 1 ST ANNUAL GARAGE SALE in the Ocoee High School parking lot
on February 28, 2009. If you want to sell, it will be $10 for a space rental, contact Steve at
OHSmarchingnknights(iV,gmail.com 3) said on January 26, 2009 the Drama Club will have a
district showcase, 4) said the Ocoee School Advisory Board has had two further resignations, it
has not had a quorum in several months, and he would like the Commission to consider
s~rse~~~"lfhat~~:rd*w;;;~~:;,~sensus was to place that on the next agenda for direction.
14II1u!II,illlt:tllll.lll) thanked HRDB for the parade and agreed the route needs to go
!~~~2!ore of Ocoee.
iIIDlIItlllJlll'. asked to appoint Joe Hembrooke to the Ocoee Charter School Committee
to replace the member from his district who resigned. He said he is a retired School
Superintendent out of New York and long time Ocoee resident.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to appoint
Joe Hembrooke to the Ocoee Charter School Committee. Motion carried 5-0.
~~,~r y an~~=!I~sked that he submit an application to have on file.
.._"-"11) thanked staff for the speed limit sign on West Road, 2) advised City
Manager Frank that he would get with him regarding the noise ordinance, 3) finished sign-ups
for Little League, approximately 400 kids, they reduced the rates for signing up and required
perishable items be brought instead. They raised a lot of food items for the Ocoee Food Fund.
Bill Wetzel, 2702 Coventry Lane, thanked the Commission for suggesting the Water Polo Team
go to the MVP awards because tonight they received the $2500 grant from the City.
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City Commission Regular
January 20, 2009
Mayor Vandergrift 1) said he will be marrying people on Valentine's Day February 14, 2009,
at the gazebo, 2) asked about a sign in front of the Police Department stating that the new police
department is coming; Public Works Director Krug said the sign should be up next week.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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