HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Approval of Health Center Roof Replacement to Britt Construction, Inc. center of Good LI ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 3, 2009 Item # if Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Health Center Roof Replacement. Background Summary: Last fiscal year, the City remodeled an existing structure located on East Oakland Avenue into a Health Center. The roof replacement on the structure was delayed at the time in order to save costs until such time as the Center created enough of a savings to fund the new roof. The Health Center has been successful in reducing the City's insurance costs and the condition of the roof necessitates its replacement prior to another Florida rain season. The City solicited pricing from several vendors and recommend the work be awarded to the low responsive bidder, Britt Construction, Inc., for the not to exceed amount of $8,090.00. The Facilities Division of the Public Works Team will perform any repairs for deteriorated wood that is encountered. The Facilities Team will also be adding insulation to the attic of the Center's rear office while the roof is removed as it is otherwise inaccessible. Issue: Request the City Commission to approve proceeding with the installation of a new roof on the Health Center utilizing contracted services. Recommendations Recommend awarding the Health Center roof replacement to Britt Construction, Inc., for the not to exceed amount of $8,090.00. Attachments: Britt Construction, Inc., proposal. Financial Impact: This project will be funded through the Health Insurance account. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J _ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading. Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. ~&tr N/A N/A Reviewed by N/A 2 uc~ C~ cuu~ lC;UO~n n~ ~na~~~~1 rnn r-.... brittconstructfon inc. cbc034413 P.O. Box 651 . Oakland, FL 3475Q..065I Phone 407.1177.()()OO. Fax 407.877.0014 N&me~i ~ O[6~.e,I."iJ;.~.~nJOt./!::lI'i C~~~ A.&clress ~f E. ~l~l~"Vot. Av..._ Ck'J O~.~~e. BmmgA~S1 \~D N. ~k~~~-~ Qr. Oal"~~ H... ~4"~1 Home Pbooe # War.k# Home: Phone # .. State F.L Da.te , 0 . d:3 -d'~ Zip 3:~1~~ Cell.# 4c:n. CSD1. 5bO:'\ .f.OB SITE lINFORMA..TION Stories \ Pitch 4H~' Roof Ago t 14 ~{Ii""' '<. Location to pla.c:e delivery materials RE-ROOFIREPAIR. 3-T6b Composition Architectural Shingles #1 Wood Metal Flat Driveway Damage Clean & Hall! Roof Debris Clean Gutters of Roof Debris Protect landscaping Magnetically Roll Sumnmding Property for Nails Install Per Manufactm'ing Specs and UBe Tear Off Feh Paper v r ce & Water Guard Drip Edge Valley Hat Vents Ridge Vent V RoofStac~ V Chimney Reflashed Skylight Reflashed New Skylight Deteriorated DecJdng to be replaced @ $ SS' Additional specificationg 8' La en #15 #30 3 Ft 6Ft. Replace Color ~I'l.i" 'If_ Metal Color \ h ,. ~,,, Replace Color ~ 0 Feet Replace With ~~~I'. --a~~" 7$6 ~ ':> \~A.Ctb:nh ;)...0" \~L.t"~Q:J'r I ' . per sq. foot &iorpeQ:!l" she;Q BRAND C, 0('.h .." Ct!).-~ "3 M.ANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY g D LABOR WAJRRANTY 51 i~~ . Prices and &puiflCaJiDru on either skk ofJiziz contract are agr-eed upon. Verbal rrtpreael'ltalions arB immaterlaltr.r /hU i.9 the entire agrurnnrt. Please rerify choices above QTr! what was explailWi to you. COLOR YRS. Customer' Initial brand/color choice: ~chaser fil-SSN Proposal Amount Upgrade to Architectural Shingles Contract Amount Less Down Payment Received on Check # New Balance: s $ 51 $ $ ?urchascr #2-SSN JpOll ~l.!rence Approvel Jpon Financing ApproVZLl Amount Due ~pon r,faterial Delivery Balance Due Upon Completion ~$ [[ ~ nqf'J .m . . "/oJs '" ose,,,,,,,,, eontr=from any othu c_~". Paym_skalI he made """" <cmpeticn <>1.eacA )I"'fe. ~"ner . Contractor ~ SiJPlQttvc ~rl!. -......:::;: . -............ Proposal RC@~33~54 Vt'EST ORANGE ROOFiNG, ENe. 17611 Seidner Rd. Winter Garden, FL. 34787 Pbolllle:407-656-8920 * Fax: 407-656-6709 Emai!: Bworoofin aoLcom PROPOSAL SUBMITfED TO: PHONE:407 509 3603 DATE: 10/24108 CITY OF OCOEE FAX: 407-905-3176 17 OAKLAND ST OCOEE FL We hereby submit specifications and estimates, subject to all terms Sind conditions &5 set forth hereof, as follows: ITEMS LISTED -RE.MOVE OLD ROOFING 29SQ SHINGLES -INSTALL NEW 30LB. FELT -RE-NAIL DECKING TO CODE 6" ON CENTER 8PENNRE RINGSIDNK NAIL -INSTALL NEW VALLEY METAL 26GAUGE -INSTALL NEW EVE-DRIP 2 V."FACE -INSTALL NEW RANGE VENT CAP -INSTALL NEW 4FT. OFF RIDGE VENTS X6 -INSTALL NEW LEAD BOOTS .INSTALL NEW FIBERGLASS 30 YEAR ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES -EXTRA COST, WOOD 'REPAIRS- SSO.OO PER SHEET OF PLYWOOD -APPROXIMATE COST FOR WOOD REPAIRS _7_ -HAUL AWA V OLD ROOnNG MATERIALS AND CLEAN UP GROUNDS -30 YEAR MFG.W ARRANTY -s YEAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY ""'''''NOTE- DET A TCHED GARAGE JSSQ. -SAME WORK SPECIFICA TIO:SS AS LlSTED ABOVE, EXTRA COST 54,200.00"'*"'** --ALL WORKERS ARE COVERED UNDER WORKMEfIlS COMPo AND GENERAL LIABILlIT INSURANCE. . . . We propose hereby to furtJish material and labor-complete in accordance with above specifications for the sum of $8,700.00 Eight thousand sel'en hundred dollars and 00/100. Note this proposal may be witbdrawn by us ifnot accepted within 30 days. ACCEPTED: The above prices, specifications .and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do tbe work as specified. Payment will be made when repairs are completed. West Orange Roormg is not responsible for damaged or cracked driveways. Authorized Signature: B()bby Swindle SRJSslesman Date: Signature: Signa11Jre: All material is goaranteed to be as specified. All work is to be completed in a workmanlike maDner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from specifications involving extra costs will be executed only Ulloa ~'riUen orders, and will become so extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contiDgent upon strike~ accidents or delays beyond oor control. Owner to carry fire,tornado, .and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance.