HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 601 . . , , . ..... ~ CR81 '!P. ~JC[ 601 v r,'0 L_ . CITY CF [,CUE:, FLC:21 Dj\ A~ CR)I~A~CE R~LATING TO THE ANN~X^TICN CF CERTAIN D~CPERTY INTO THE MUNICIDAl 20UfID/\RIES ~F TH':: CITY OF (l[OEE, FLCRID!-;; ft:Af(HIr, FHJDH1GS OF Ff\CT; D'.:SCRISIiJC THE nRCiJERTY TO BE rl'H!:::XED; I~'CQRn(JR,"\TP!G SAID iJRcr'ERTY H!TC THE fr:Ui,II:I !'i\L [lCurW- ,1\RIES OF THE CITY; .4~Jf) iJRC:VIDP'r; Ft:R [;[,) EFFECTI'JE Di\ TE. ~HEREASt James J. and Helen l. Jaros, the owners of the following described oarcel of real property, have netitioned the City of Ceoee, Florida, to annex the same in and to the municioal boundaries of said City; Bnd ~H:REAS, said fee simDIe owners have filed their Petition Bnd Consent with the City Commission as provided hy jJ,rticlC' 1 of Section 6.1 of the City Ch3rter of the City of Deaee; and ~HEREAS, a nublie hearing as provided hy Article 1, Section 6.1, tlleS held on the question of annexation of =aid o8reel of rea] rronerty ~fter dus nublic notice thereof 'lubliS~8d not less than 10 days Rnd not more than 30 days rrior to said nubIic hR2ring; 8nd !:iHEREr\S, the City r:o:T:!T1ission of the City of Ccoee, ~lorida, has nade an indeDsndent examination of the said 'lrooerty 2nd determined, 2nd doss herehy find, that the are? involved quaJ.ifiRs -for nunici;-:'31 benefits and that it ; sin the b est i n t ere s ~t S 0 f t h (] C j t Y 0 fee 0 2 n t r (' t sue h ? rea should ~o annexed to god be included in the ~unici)al bounrl- Brins of t.h8 City' 'Jf CC'Jon, Florin?; 2nd 1,1~,r-p!=,"'^, r I" ..:... . \'_4 r", .:J J the :ity Commission of the City of CCnes, FIDrid2, does herohy find 3n~ deter~ine that th~ s2id nro~- p r t ~' 5. c: c n n t .~.= U 0 us to th,., ~unici~2' boundaries of tr~ r.;.t." . '. '.... j nf r1rC2~, Florirl?, . . .. . .~ r 'IIJ ' c , i:C ;",:",C)"'~f';:)'" r- "f'~ .. .;~""Tr:; :?y T~) :: ':ECr,C:: OF TI.Jr r~Tv r-~ (l~"-lc-7" ,. ___ ,,'''''' I, ....1 ,.. -_ ,_ :lBCt5.c"'i: 1. That thp fC111Q1,!!in~ ~r~ cri~:8d ,:ar~el of rosl ~rO~2rty lO~2tori i.n Cr8ngo CnfJrty, Fl.arid?, ~0 8~d the sanl~ 11ereby is incorporated into 2nd mads part of the muni=t~~l houndaries of the City of GeDee, Florida: . ' of f' 117.p FT. of '2 725.G2 FT ? .. 1 2f ~ 370 PT of ~ ~ of ~_ ~ of f!:- 1. (I FCC' c: "n cT- of' " 1 c; FT , . _ 0+ \. '" -. ~):J ..... ....- '-.'- I .. , , ....~ TH[RECr) (\!"") (LESS [ 30 FT FeR R 1) '1/"1 .) ~ (1 "':L-">- "- L~ Soction 2. This Ordinance shall beCOG8 effective ir.'r:1sdi2tely u'Jon Q2SS:::C)8 by the City Commissi,on of the City of ['leDGe. ~~r<t\CT:l thi,s 11 day of .~ h6 , 197/1 [TTY CF CC2EE, FLCRID0 1v-5.- S;u->'f.J~~ "2yor l\TTE:3T: c~~?-~----~~