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NO. 579 ·
t~, ORD I hl NCE t\~'NE)( I ~\lG CEln/", IN PROPE:HY/
I ~!TU THE MUN I C I PAL GOl;nD.{\',~! ES o C'- T:'{E CITY
OF 0 C 0 E E, FLU i < I D t:~, ,(\, 1\' 0 EST 1\ B LIS H I N G THE
zor~l~,r; i,.L/SSJFiCITiot: OF SUCH PROPERTY.
\;ii1r:.i~E/\S, TH E FIRS T 1/1ERR I TT liOR TGAGE C Ol,ip!' NY,
the owners of the following described parcel of reol property
have petitioned the City of Ocoee, Florida to annex the same
in and to the municipal boun aries of said City, 2nd,
WHEREAS, soid owners have requested that portions
of said property be zoned as R-3, R-1Af, and R-1AAA districts
In conjunction with its 2nnex2tion into said City, and,
\!HEF{EAS, the ovmers of said property has filed
\tiith the said City a site rlan 2S requirpd by Cld,')1:'2r S, Section
5.3 (1) of the Zoninq Ordinance of (he City of OcoRe establish-
Ino the areas of proposed R-j, R-1Af, and R-1AAA zoninq use,
a nrl ,
\fHERUS: a publ ic hearing \to/as held on the question
of 2 n f, e Xc t ion ') F s aid p (', r C E' 1 0 f 1- c':: 1 pro per t y <3 f t e r due pub 1 i c
notice thereof publ ished not less then ten (10) davs and not
mo r e t r. ant h i r t y (j 0) day s p r i 0 r to sa i d pub 1 i c he (' r i f.'J , cr, c! ,
:n-lEHEf'S, the City Commission of the City of
Ocoee, Florida, hE'S made an independent examination of said
property and ~etermined, and does hereby find and determine,
that the area involved qual ified for municipal benefits 2nd
that it is to the best interests of the City of Ocoee that
such area should annexed to and be inclueJed ill the municipal
houndaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida, Now, Therefore,
Be it enacted by the People of the City of Ocoee;
Section One: That the fol lowing describ~rl
parcel of real property situate in Orange County, FloriJo,to-wi
The S-} of the SEt; and tile SEt,. of the S\,rt; and that P,:-.rt
of the NEt; of the swk of Section 9, Township 22 South,
RangE? 28 East, Orangc County, Florida, lllin9 south of
the south right of way of COUNTY ROrD, said right of way
being recorded in Official ~~c~rds Book 1204, Page 172,
of the Publ ic Records of Orange County, Florid, subject
to an easement and ri~ht of way for drainage purposes,
as recorded in Official Records Book 1204, Paqe 173 of
said Public Records, and also subject to the ~i9nts of
the Pub 1 i C 2 n dot il e run k n m'in 0 a rt i est 0 a n e)( i s tin u
qrc:d,',eJ c12Y roed t'hich encroa'ches 3 to !..;. feet' upon-thc
, , . ....
. .
, '
easterly boundary th reof;
AND ALSO that part of the N! of the SE* of Section 9,
Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County,
Florida, lyincj south of the south right of lAti=JY 1 ine of
P. D. HII''lS RO/\D, as described in Official Records Book
1204, Paqe 172 of the Publ ic Records of Orange County,
Florida; LESS AND EXCEPT the east 562.00 feet thereof;
tND ALSO that part of the NEk of Section 16, Township
22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida,
described as follows:
Bcqin at the Northwe~ Corner of Lot I of LAKE JOHIO
SHbRES accordinq to olat t~ereof recorded in Plat Book
";2", Page 51+ Publ ie h,eco(cs of OranSJe County, Florida,
run South 512 feet N 510101E, 306.2 feet; N 360501E,
274.7 feet; thence r\! ]/+035'[, 100.00 ff:et to point
,1.23 feet e2st of said Nonhv.'est Corner, thence v;est
L~23 fcoet to the POINT OF BEGINNiNG all bearinq based
on north 1 i ne 2S true East ane I,lest.
C .. 177..? acrres,
ontalnlng ,- .:.
mo reo r i e s s ,
I to 21 I .
be, and it he(eby is, incorporated into End made pan of tile
municipal boundaries of ~he City of Ocoee, FloridF.
Section Two: The zoning for said propprty shal I be
R-3, R-1AA , R-ltAA as depicted in the map of the proposed
land use plan filed ~ith the City incorporated reference herein;
provided; nowever,
t hat the est co: b 1 i s hme n t 0 f the Z 0 n i n (] c 1 ass-
ification does not include approval of the location of a
sewer treatment plant as depicted on said map.
In reference
herein to zoning classification sha] 1 be as defined by the
zoning ordinance of the City of Ococe, Florida.
Section Three: This Ordinance shall become effective
immediately upon its b~c0ming 2 law.
The undersigned hereby cuthentlcate the fi nal passaqe
of tle forpgo i n~j Ordinance on the '~Pi('l a'cUe'lda,!. of ~~~7'-'
1973, by twir signatures hereunto
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C.e~1 the City or ~e
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presiding off1~r