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AN ANNI,;XIN(� ('111'I'MN
W 111,11 E A.'--,,
the owner of the folluwirrg descrihdd parted of real proper•t.y,
have petitioned the City of Ocoee, 11orid.i to annex the same in and
to the municipal boundaries of said City, and,
XVI IEIiI,;AS, .;:ii(I Own(,r- has rd(Indr;tdd th;it :i porlion
of the said property be zoned as an R-3 district in conjunction
with its anrnexat:ion into said City, and,
WHEREAS, the owner of said property has filed wit:lr
the said City a sits plan as rdqui_red by ('hapt:er 5, Section 5.3 (1-)
of the Zoning Ordiiiance of the City of Ocoee (,-;tahlishirr,g the
.creas of propose(i R(-3 �,onillg use, and,
WHER-HAS, c� public hearing was held on the question
of annexation of said parcel of real property after due public notice
thereof published not less than ten (10) days and not more than
thirty (30) clay;-; prior to said public hearirng, and,
W1i1♦.' iE'AS, the City Coni nission of I,he City of ()Co('(',
Florida, has made an independent exami-twtion of said property and
determined, and does hereby find and determine, that the area
involved qualified for municipal benefits and that it is to the best
interests of the City of Ocoee that such area should annexed to
and be included in the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee,
Florida, Now, Therefore,
Be it enacted by the People of the City of Ocoee:
Section One: That the following described parcel
of real property situate in Orange Country, Ulorida to -wit:
The NRrth Four(4) chains of the Southwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section
Twenty-eight(28)9 Townshi Twenty-Two(22)
South Range Twenty-eightf28) East, containing
Eight(8) acres more or less;
-Begin 4 chains South of the Northeast Corner of
the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 28, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, run
South 4 1/2 chains, West 20 chains, North 4 1/2
chains, thence East 20 chains to point of beginning.
Begin 8 1/2 chains South of the Northeast Corner
of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 2$, Township 22 South, Range 28 East,
rur; South 1 1/2 chains, thence West 20 chains, thence
North 1 1/2 chains, thence East 20 chains to beginning
being the South 1 1/2 chains of the N 1/2 of the SW
1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 28, Orange County
be, and it hereby it, incorporated into and made part of the muni.-
cip��1 houndsari(s of the City of Ocoee, Florida.
Section Two: The Z011ing for the p.roper•ty shall be
R_3 _s defined by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ocoee,
1' loricla.
Section 'Three: This Ordinance shall become, effective
irnrnediately upon its becoming a law.
\ U'I 11ENT[ C'A'I' ION
i'lre undersigned hereby authenticate the final passage
of the f )",Igoinp. Ordinance on the ,�� day of
1tf72, by tlreit signature1 herOu►ito
4e� hr� Cit4*L�
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M ayor. , a .� presiding o ficer