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(, f',l Cl;~~D I ~.l:", t,lCE /~, L:flD i t-.,~~; O!-(I) I fd"f\ ~'CE ~',IO. L~
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COHP'~TF.Nr:y F,~DH O:~f,'\!(;c:. CO!!~:T'(. !:~m{! nr,
SHiLL 8~ ,tCC~PT[J 1\' '.I:::U OF :=Xt:ll~l!nIO~'
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r>[ IT [~'j^iCH:D by t:1C? People of the City of Ocoee, Flol-jC!,,:
Sec t ion 1.
Ot'dir' 'lCC' "'0. ;<le of' the City of Ocoee,
Florida, sh,:~11
2r<ienclcr,'_! b;/ (Jcl
r'" ; r,C' .~<Oc i' '10'-1 10.")' 2 of t [lE'
. , I ! .;' ,~....... __ _ ~ I . . ' , -
SOIJt:,(?rn St<:ln,i,"'(i! Pili 1dinC! Coc'c 1.:h,:reir"1 {~('o:)ted h/ reference
.~nd c'ddi!lC! in pl;:'ce thet"coF h' fC011o\iirw prolfi5icn:
"lO').'!-Contr;c ':l(S L,ice'lsc 2nd gond l~eC1uired
It ',h,,11 he tile duty of ell !-y cont:r-cJctor
or builder. \ho shall rn.:tke :,)ntracts for the
erection or con:;truct,oll or rep<,'ir oi= r-;uilclirl'Js
FOi- \';hich c' :,c;rl'lit i~~ required, ,:'n'-' 'ver/ COn-
tr',JCO( or bl,!lder 1,12kin::,' ~;I:ch cC)ntl-;~ct,; ,'Ile;
sublcttillC! L'ie "',,"1
() ran ;/ p (:1 r t l h r (' 0 F, t 0
obt2in 2 ccrt i !=jcc:iJ' of competency from Ora:;':~
C"Juni:y, Florid2 2nd to di~play tilE' ';?rne to th,~
Rui ldinJ Inspector prior to issuance of a bui ld-
Ill] permit,
I L ',; flL' 1 1
be the further du~y of
{.-; nCI
eC:lch such person to
Ive Jood i:lnd 'iufricient bon
in the SUiil of ;=;\le thousand (~:;OOO.OO)
I' , . I ,- 'L' b . 1 I'
conu I ,: lone:,! to con i'on;; [0 U1C U I CIi n':~
r c: :' l.l 1 ? t i ()
I=he r"equlations of this sect:'on, and oth"r ordi-
n2nc:<'s or 1;:1\5 of: tllf~ c'pp] icable clovernirr=; body in
refel-ence to bui1din~:s."
Section ;7.
Onjin;;nce ~'o. /,91: of i,112 City' of'Ocoef',
1--1 or; c:a ,
lilY Sr'Clion l07.L~ of t
hi! 1 1 i (' ,11
nl;C~',; f1Y '.ie.' 1
Southern St':lfl<i,'lrd 8uilding Code ?doptecl by refercncfC:lcl-('If!
;~ ntf c s L ,J b 1 i ":, hi n
in ~)lc1cc [.llel-coF ;~n ;'li1end(-"c; Schedt,le of !)crrlit
Fees to provide the follo~ing.
J\107.:} Schedule of Permit Fees
On all bui 1din'(;,Slructures, or !,lter,-='tions
r e qui r- i n~] ;:; b u ! ] ci i n c; p C' n:l it, set f 0 n~ h inS (' c i:: ion
105;:- fee' shall be pc-iie! as rcql'lt"ec; 2t thci:,lC ()f
filin; ;lppllci3tlon in c'ccordance \\iLh the ~()11o\i
~ f '~
" ,
(2) C21culation of Value:
(1) For 1,000 squ;:>re f(eet or 1es5,
$10.00 per squai-e foot of 1 ivin9 .",rea ,Jno $5.00 per square fOOL
of non-livin(~J (Cre2 SUC;-1 s Loggia, Patio or Carport;
(?) For more than 1,000 square feet,
but less than 2,000 square feet, $12.00 per square foot of
I iving area and $6.00 per square foot of non-l iving area;
(3) For more than 2,000 square feet,
$13.00 per square fool: of 1 ivin area and $\).50 per square foot
of non-l ivino area.
(b) Fees:
(1) For valuation up to $1,000.00 the
fee sholl be $10.00;
(~) For valuation fro~ $1,000.00 to
$15,000.00 the fee shall be $10.00 plus $3.50 for each
$1,000.00 of valuation, or fr3ction thereof, over $1,000.00.
(3) For valuation trom $15,000.00 to
$75,000.00 the fee shall be $59.00 plus $3.50 for each $1,000.00
of valuation, or fraction thereof over $1,000.00.
(4) For valuation from $~5,000.OO t,
$ 1 00 , 000 . 0 Ot h e fee 5 h cd 1 $ :) Lr . CJ 0 P 1 us $ 3 . 0 0 for each
$1,000.00 of valuation, or fraction thereof, over $1,000.00.
(5) For valuation from $100,000.00
to $1,000,000.00 the fee sha11 be $319.00 plus $2.00 for each
)1,000.00 of valuation, or Fraction thereof, over $1,000.00.
(6) For valuation from $1,000,000.00
to $2,000,00G.OO the fee shc:;] 1 be $~11-).00 plus $1.00 for CC1C:l
$1,000.00 of valuation, or fraction thereof, over $1,000.00.
(7) For valuation over $2,000,000.00
the fee shal 1 be $3119.00 plus $0.50 per $1,000.00 of
valuation, or fraction thereof, over $1,000.00.
Section 3. This Ordinance 511211 become effc:cLive
immediately upon its becorninr::! a 12\\1.
Section 4. All ordinances and parls of ordinances In
confl let herewith arc hereby repealed.
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IHJT I-I [ i'IT I U\ T I Qt>,
of ti,e' :orejorn'~ OnJiniJ:'cc: on the
/1 day
final, p2SSaSjC
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,~ '-//"./:7 ')/{; /nJ)t (-;
The u n d e r s i ~! fle ci h e I~ e :J Y 2 U the n tic 2 t e the
1)72, bi n,ell~ ~~;'jn3LUres hereunto placc:?d.
.". .
~du/t) /::4-
}1cyor, 2S Presiding Officer