HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 571 ~ ' ... ,~ . . ' ORDINANCE #571 J' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 439 ADOPTING THE ORANGE COUNTY ELECTRICtL CODE BY PROVIDING THIn A CERTIFICATe: OF COMPETANCY FROM ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHALL 8E ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF AN EXAMIN- ATION BY THE CITY OF OCOEE AND BY ESTAB- LISHING AN AMENDED SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR ELECTRICAL PERMITS BE IT O!ACTED by the People of the City of Ocoee, Florida: . Section 1. Ordinance No. 499 of the City of Ocoee, Florida, shall be amended by adding to Section 5 of the OrangE provision: County Electical Code therein adopted by reference the fol lo~in( Illn 1 ieu of an examination being administered by the City of Ocoee, Florida, said City shall accept a val id and current certificate of competancy issued by Orange County, Florida." Section 2. Ordinance ~!o. Y)9 of the City of Ocoee, Florida, shall be amended by deleting the Schedule of Fees for Electical Permits of the Orange County Electrical Code therein adopted by reference and establ ishing in place thereof the Schedule of Fees for Electrical Permits hereinafter set forth: Schedule of Fees For Electrical Permi ts Df'scrlpt !':>n Cor,ll,i(~ 1-" . H i n i III U III E 1 e c i~ i cO) 1 P ,~ r ,) i _ ch Ol.lt]ct := " c h f i )( t u r e F 1000 1 ie' I1t - 3 00 " OUll eel -' -~ nc!ol" :: i r cond i t ion i nu Coniinuous recE'pt;~(lc stri: (per outlet) Sf' rv i cc UD to ?OO J\HP E<'ch (!cJdi'tion;-:l 100 /\11P lip to 100 /c,1P Each sub-feed panel icmporary Service i.io tor S 0 1- G(~ nc r;~ tor ~j - I HP 0\/(: r 3 HP If", S t h;=; n ~i HP Ov('r 5 HP IJ:ss th<"n 10 HP Over 10 HP Less than 7.5 HP Over 25 HP Less than 50 HP Over 50 HP Less than /5 HP Ove r 7:; HP Sion Outlet rer ClrCUI t He a tin '1 and He a tin 9 t' p p 1 i an C e ~; Up to ] Ki Over 1 K\! ami up LO 5 K\! Over'.) K\,' and up to 10 K;! Ovel- 10 K\'! and Lip to 15 K\/ Ove r l~) K\/ and up to ')5 K\J Over 25 K1/ Electrical Water Heaters r) rye r , D i 5 i1\.,,') S he r , 0 i S po s 01 '1~ l c . i "~:"' sid (~ !l tit, 1 ~?5.{)O .1 C . ]C) 1.00 .SC .1 C ~\ ~',~ . c~ t .OJ , - . 1 ~ 1 i~ : .01) .so ] .. . , -) ,) (C' '.. '."\.) ').00 1 . 00 ?OO '~. 00 1.00 :'.00 /.00 .so ,. ,"" > ~,j 1.00 ; . DO 1+.00 5.0C ',).00 10.00 . :)0 ~' .00 j.OO L,.OO - .00 ,:,.00 lO.OD .50 1 .00 ,!.oo 3.00 Lj, . DO 1.00 ;;.uo 3.0n 11,.00 S.DO 0.00 1.00 1. DC .50 . :;0 '" "t;. , .. .. ... .. ~ fJescription Fles i dent i a] Commercia] -;-.-- . Cook Top Oven X-Ray r>ental Unit Gas Fired Oil Burner E;:haust Fan Exhaust Fen ~ I-!P to 1 HP Exhaust Fan over 1 HP f;ttic Fan Electric Elevator E 1 e c t r i c \!e 1 cI e r Generatoi- SDrne (is rnotros Electric sisns up to 3C sockets Each additional 20 sockets Sign Flasher T I me s\,! i t c h ~Icon Transformer Each additional transformer Display Cases 10 1 ights or over $ . SO .SO $ 1 . -0 0 i .00 :':.00 ?oo 1 . 00 . 1 0 .50 1.00 1 .00 2.00 . i ] .00 2.00 7.50 ?OO 2.00 1 . 00 1.00 .50 1. 00 .50 1 . 00 s,'ction 3. 1\11 Ordinances or peres of Ordinances in confli ct herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming a lavi. AUTHE~!T I CAT I ON The undersigned hereby authenticate the final passage of t he Forego i ng Ord i ncnce On ,he ! 9 day of d~i,J"-i i' 1972, by their signatures hereunto placed. Ui, 21i1t, the C I t Y 0, o Oti- Ice r <1l ~l'l",-, . :oce /; . ~.