HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 570 . < ' .. Ii ORDINANCE # 570 AI,! OiW I ~!P, ~JC:: OF THE CITY OF OC DE E, FLO!{ I )!J AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 497 ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE BY PRO- VIDING THAT A CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY FHO:1 ORAHGE COUNTY,FUYUDt\,Sj/'.LL BE AC- CEPTCD IN LI:::U OF fA!\! EXI\J1If'JATIC)ri fW THE CITY OF OCO;:E MID BY EST/~d3L I SH I NG p,t\1 AHEt'D- ED SCHEDULE OF FEES Fon PLUIH3II\!i':; Pi:;UII TS CE IT U\I/\CTED bv the People 01' the City of Ocoee, Florida: . Section 1. Ordinance t'lo. i+97 of the City of Ocoee, Flol-ida, shall be aml:ncled by r-~,,:ding to Section 109.2 of the Southern Standard Plumbfng Code therein adopted by reference the following provision: Illn lieu of an examination beino administered bv the City of Oco~e, Florida,said City shall'accept a val id and current ccrt if iC,Jte of competency issued by Orange County, Florida." Section 2. Ordinance No. 497 of the City of Ocoee, Flor ida, shal 1 _be amended by delet I ng the Schedule of Permi L Fees for pl ulT\b , n permi ts of the Southern Standard Plumbin':cJ Code therein 2dopted ty reference end establ ishin':, -' in plncC" thereof the Schedule of Permit Fees for plumbing permits hereinafter set forth: 'Ij(L~.3 Schcd~,lc of Permit Fc:cs (,J) Fee shall be a rnini::lul.1 of One Dol12r and Fifty Cents ($1.50) (or each Plurnbinl P I-L:it issued for e;1(: h b u i 1 cJ ; no. (' ) t... ,--1 Up co eight ("dditional fixtul-es - $1.00 (c) Each 2ddition2l fixtures (d) Hoof DrClins .50 1 . ~jO 1 . 1;0 . (e) Gas Pipin\j (f) Gasol jnc (end Fuel Oi 1 Tanks (9) Water Closet 1 .00 each 2.00 (h) LaVAtory 2.00 (i) Rc"lhtub 2.00 (j ) S hmve r 1 .00 (k) Urinal (1) Sink 1. 00 1.00 .. ~ }I . (m) DisposcJl Unit 1 .00 (n) DishvJasher - 1 .00 (0) Le:undry Tub - 1 .00 (p) V!a t e r Heater - 1 .00 (q) Drinking Fountain , .00 - I (r) S eltJe r - 1 .00 ( s ) Floor Drain - 1 .00 ( t ) Grease Trap - 1 .00 (u) Service Sink - 1 .00 (v) Trailer Connection - ;~. 00 (vi) Miscel laneous - 1 .00 Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conf11ct helewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming a lavJ. AUTHENTICATION The undersi9ned hereby authenticate the final passacie c., ! ~ of t he forego i n~, Ord i nunce on the III da y OL:J?:i--Z-;u/( c> 1972, by their signatures hereunto placed. fA, .. / the City J/~ Presiding Officer .