HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 568 . . '. .. ORDINANCE NO. 568 / tN ORD I N/HICE OF THE CITY OF OCQEE FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASS- IFICtITIOt-1 OF CERTAIN !\REA VJITHI~I Tile: 1'1UN I C 1 PA L BOU~ID/" R I ES ,~ t ..} WHEREAS the owner(s) of the parcel of real property located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and hereinafter described, has requested that the zoning classification of said property be changed from an A-l zone to an R-1A zone; and ~YHEREAS the Plannin0 2nd Zoning Commission of tile City of Ocoee, Florida, has held 2' publ:c hearing on the request for rezoning after due publ ic notice thereof and, upon consideratio has recommended that the request for rczon i n9 be appl~oved; nOV! therefore, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Ocoee, Florida: Section 1. The zoning classification of the fol lowing described parcel of real property, to-wit: IIBegin at a point on the section line betvv'een Section 19 and 70,r-1/2 chains South of the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter (SWk) of the Northwest quarter ( N~l k) 0 f See t ion ~ 0, T mm s hip 2 2 Sou t h , i{ a n 9 e ? 8 E C' s t ; run thence South 9 chains; thence East 9 chains; thence f\!onh:3 chains; thence Vfest 9 chains to place of begin: ning containing eight (8) acres more or less. Eight (8) acres in the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter (SWk) of the Northwest quarter (Nwk), Section 20, Town- ship 22 South, Range 22 East, beginning at a stake at the Southwest corner, run East 13-1/2 chain Nort~ S chains, West 13-1/2 chains, South 6 chains ~o ~oint beginning. Begin 9 chains East of NcrthvJest corner (Jf S()U.~;-i\j.\...}st quarter (Sh'k), of Northv'lest quarter Ul\rid, nil, f> t 11 cha ins, South 20 cha i ns, \^lest 5 2/3 cha i IlS, t!Uj- :, 6 c h a ins, \'J est 5 1 13 c h a ins , No r t h 1 3 1 12 c h F i i' S ~ 0 be~linning; and It/est quarter (\vk) of SoutheCJst qUcirter (SE&) of NOrth\'iest quarte r UJ\,I~), Sect ion 20, TOVIIl- ship 22 Sout~, ~ange 28 E~st. be changed From A-l to R-1A. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon Its uecoming a L:v:. /WTHENT I un I ON The undcl-signed hen.cby aut:,2nticate the fina) passage I ,- of the foregoing Ordinance on the / tj day of ,)lJy;z;,~hJ/LI!~~/ 1972, 'by their si'Jnatures hereunto placed. ficer