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\ ~ H H :', \". ~: If j · n n r. '" ^ :',1 San d eTA' lY ~ f . A n 1\ \II S.
hif. wifE'. the oww'rL of t'l/"' ')llf)Wln~ df"sr:ribed flarcel of r~aJ
property bavr> ppUtionQ I !hf' CiJ,v ,..f Ocu(>p. Florida to annex thfl'
same in and to th4l' rnunlcipal boundarif'E' of bald City, and,
WIlFl~FA::~, said owner has requestfl'ct that a portion
of the said property be zon(-"j aEl an C 4 dintricl in conjunctlon
with its annexation into Elrlid City, end,
V,H FIt FA S, the owners of said property have filed with
said City:. , I' f [,an ;H~ r'Pljuirf'd hy Chaptp.(' 5. Sectiop ~). 3 (1) of
the Zonin,f Ordinance of thf' Clty of Ocoe€' eEtabllshlug thp areas
ot proposed C-4 aoning use. and,
\\ HFP. FA S, a public hearing was tEld on the question
of annexatbn uf ~aid parcel of real pr(lpN'Ly after due pub lie notice
thereot publiHhf:"J not 1l"8s than ten 00) days an'! not more than
thirty (30)1<\)'8 priur to a~id public heflri:lg, and.
\A Hljij';'\S, the City Commisl",~on 0" the City of Ocoee,
Florida, h~H madp an indp.pendent exandnation or salJ property
and determ inpl, and \ioes l-iP reby find anej det~rm ine, t~1l:1t the
area involve'i (tualifieu !or 'l'UI1~dlJal be1H~flts~nd that it is to be
of the beet interestc: l tr.e City of l ;:oee that such area should
be annexpj to <lud be llll:hvlt=>~J in I he It unidrlal uoundarles of the
City of (Jcoe(',
Now, Therefore,
Be It ena~ted by the Pf"ople of the City of Ocoefl':
.-~('ction Om>; That thf' foUowing o"'scribed parcel of
real property gltuat(' in Orange Cou.nty. Florida, to-wit:
Beginning 1 :')47. 4 feet West of the Southf'ast corner of
Section 19, Town/3hip 22 South, Hange 28 last. run
~/t'!st 439.3 [pet to tbe C/~ntel LinE' of a Drainage Ditch,
thence l\iorth 41() 25' ;- ast 6fjf.~. 7 lid along Center lint"
of sai,J....i!.ch. "hE'rH:f? ~~Quth 00 12' t'ast 4S~. ~B feet to
the Point oj Beginning. (Less thp South 75 feet which
has been u~~'j for State Highway #50). Containing 1. 821
acres elCclusivf:" of road right-or-way.
be. and it hen"by is, .nC'urp(Jrc"v'. i.nu au ' HI adp p? ['f,
("'it t hp
municipal bouudaripb n[ Ihp I, it/ ,f ('('lP.'. F!qrda.
S~ct!on TWI :
T hI" 'c,')ning !nr tht" property shall be
('-4 as r\~finp.i by !tJ" .~'Hll:',T , r.~i'lar}!'f' O! I If' City of ",coef>. l'lorLda.
Section rhref' 'tus ('rdinance bhall become e(f~ctive
immediately upon its becol1l ing a law.
1\ \ I'l H F~fn f . A 'I l( ) ('1
TiH' u'1de:r!:1~1Uf'.J hprpby authpllticatf thf' tinal passage
of the fore/' ling (jr'i dl<I(H:e (;n thf>
, ,;
';:IY 01 //6;, ,
-.~r- -- --
1972, by tbplr slgW~}Ul'Ph hf>rpunto placf>'l.
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C~)f thp ( lty vf y. {~~('.
--lV' ay"or. <ls-6re"riDTlllg ',)Ctic-er---