HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 557 .11 J " I ; J, ~ - r sR~ J.2f(p ~o+lc . . :" -# 557 I h: , AN OHDINANCEANNEXING CEHTAlN PHOPEHTY' INTO THl'; lVIUNk.'1 PAL I{OUND^HlES OF TIm err)T OF OCOEE, FLOH[J)A, AND ESTABLISHlNG TIIE- ZONINC ('LASSII"ICATION OF SUCl/ PROPERTY. I WllEHEAS, CLIFFORD R. FREEMAN the owner of the fo]]owing dl'scriIH'd parcd 01' r'eal property have petitioflfld Ill(' ('ity 1I1' OC(l('(', I,'lnrida to ann('x the same in and to the municipal boundari es of said City, and, WIIEHEAS, said lIwner' has requested that a portion of the said propl't'ty be zoned as an R-J district in conjunction and Commercial with il~ annexation jnt(l sai d City, and, WHEH EAS, the owner' of said property has filed with t.he said City a })itl' pbn as requir'ed by Chaptel' ;i, Section 5.3 (1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Oco(>e establishing the areas of propo~('(l R-J ,oning use, and, and Commercial WflEHEJ\S, a public hearing was held on the question of annexation of s:lid parcel of rc>al property after due public notice thereof publisl1l'd not less than ten (10) days and not more than thirty (:W) d;IY~: Pl'j(l/' III H;lid public 11l';II'ill/(, and, WIIEHFAS, the City Commi~sion of the City of Ocoee,= Florida, has made an independent examination of said property and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that the area involved qualified for municipal benefits and that it is to the best interests of the City of Ocoee that such area should annexed to and be included in the municipal boundar'ies of the City of Ocoee, Florida, Now, Therefor'c', Be it enacted by the People of the City of Ocoee: Section One: That the following described parcel of real property situate in Orange County, Florida to- wit: Tract 2 (less State Road No. 50) being in Section 28, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orlando Groves Association, Lake Lotta Groves, Subdivision, Plat Book "E", page 52, Orange County, Florida. Also Tract J and Land and Water on East lying West of a line. Described as beginning at the . . r .~ -' r - """'- '--- . . ':-t4 Southwest (SW) Corner of Northeast one- quarter(NE 1/4) of Northeast one-quarter (NE 1/4), Section 28, Township 22 South Range 28 East, Run Northeasterly (NE ly~ to a point East of a prolongation, an extension of North Line Tract 3, Lake Lotta Groves, Subdivision, Section 28, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Con- taining 40.41 acres more or less. be, and it hereby i$, incorpur'ated into and made part of the muni- cipal boundarieH of the City of Ucoee, Florida. Section Two: The zoning fur the property shall be R- 3 and ommerciai defined by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Sl'cUunTIlI'l'l': 'l'hiH (kdinarll'(' :-;l1a11 lWCOllH' l.,rrpdive immediately upon its b{'coming a law. l\ UTHENTICATION The undersigned bereby authenticate the final passage of the foregoing Ordinance on the ? ~) - day of 1972, by their signatures hereunto placed. ~ a ofr~~~ Cl' 17 f the City of . , J'