HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-1965 I I I I"HWTES OF TEE REGUL:\R 1'.:EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'EriE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORID?l HELD :\PHIL 20, 1965 Present: Councilwo~an: Hager, Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson I.:a;Tor: Howell l\!iller & 3racewell ,\ bsent : Hone The meeting was called to order by Councilman Pounds at 8:00 P.I:. The minutes of the last regular meeting held April 6, 1965 and the special meeting held Apr~l 13, 1965 were read and approved. Councilman Pounds made a motion that Council approve the following bilJs. Councilman ~iller seconded the motion Voted and carried. ( ,\) FR01',~ GENER!\L FUND: .Jestern ~.uro ,\ssoc. Store - '.later Dep. F~ef. Curry Lee 31itch - Water Dep. Ref. Elliott Jusiness T/:achine, r lnc. Ta~pa ':.Tholesale Plumbing I~odern Sta tj onery, Inc. Vulcan I.:aterials Co. Florida Power Corn. Orlando Paving Co: Sargent-So1:TelJ., Inc. Leon ~ask - Police Dept. Hughes Supply, Inc. .J. H. ",'lllrst !\gency Lavrton Dros. of Orlando 3"1.11 Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - Water D~pt. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dent. George Harp~r - St. Depi. 1\,;el vin Smi th - St. Dept. Jennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. vvade - St. Dept. Okey R. Williams - Santo Dept. Florida Telephone Corp. San: Cliver O. G. Smith J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley George Harper 3ennie Oliver Okev R. Tdilliams H. C. 'ilade Oni da I.:eeks-Offi ce Help Lero:' Turner - Poli ce Dept. na:"mond G. Howe11 - r.:ayor John Horn - PoJice Dent. ~illia~ R. Hager - Police Dept. Fred Daughtry - Police Dept. Bar~iara T.1ilson - Police Dept. Ethel Kills-Police Dept. Jarbara Hooks - Clerk E. P. r:iller - Councilman Jetty S. Hager - P Ed1;'Tin Pounds !l Earnest P. Patterson II ~'J. T. Bracewell, Jr. II James T. Vandergrift - Fire Chief Spencer C. Cross - Attorney 7.50 2.48 101.58 310.00 17.30 28.50 950.22 27.00 47.22 13.60 127.74 10.00 52.50 85.57 78.61 69.30 68.95 57.14- 121.48 57.63 57.63 27.31 47.13 85.57 7$.61 62.79 62.37 57.14 57.63 55 .03 62.6L.,. 19.35 175.85 48.19 142.96 148.96 127.46 32.85 48.19 154.28 24.0$ 20.58 24.08 24.08 24.08 24.08 200.00 Fred Daughtry was present ot ask permission to erect a concession stand on Statke Lake to be run by the Ocoee Police Reserve. He was to contact Miss Lillian ~aguire or Krs. H. K. LaDagman to see if he could get permission to erect the stand on oen of their properties. Councilman Dracewell was to contact r,:lrs. George Stringer to see about buying her tractor mOVler. The Council discussed Ouida Meeks working part-time in the City Hall and it was decided that she should continue working. The City Council requested also that she be present at the next reg- ular council meeting. Councilman Bracewell made a motion to table hiring a life guard for Starke Lake this S1J1'Jmer. Counci lman :'liller seconded the motion. Councilrr.an Patterson, I-Iiller and Bracewell voted YES. no NO'S.. Carried unanimously. Councilman Patterson made a motion to purchase the necessary pipe I and pipe fittings for Drentwood at the lowest bid price from Hughes Suppl;- Co., of Orlando. Councilman r.iiller seconded the motion. Cbuncilmen Patterson Pounds, ~iller and Bracewell voted YES. Eo 1';0' S. Carried unanimously. Councilwoman I-lager was absent. from the meeting until thi s tillle. Councilman Bracewell made a motion that the City of Ocoee adopt Ordinance #458 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Orange Count:-, Florida, prohi bi t.ingthe par~ing, standing or storage of a motor vehicle not. in use or the use thereof having been discontinued on any lot, piece or parcel of hnd 1Hi thin a res- idential area of the City of Ocoee; providing a penalty for violation thereof. Councilman Killer seconded the motion. Counci lmen Pounds, Patterson, lIiller and Dracevlell voted YES. .No NO'S. Card ed llnanimously. Councilman Pounds reported to the Council th~ prices he had obtained for a new door foe the City Hall: ~300.00 for a single action ~lass door and $375.00 for a" double action glass door. Councilrr.an Pounds was authorized by the Council to have a new lock put on the Cit;.' Hall Door. I C01.lncilwonan Eager reported to the Council that she had invest- igated the salarjes of the school guards at other school and that she was ~nforned that all school guards within the City Li71i ts of a Ci t:- ';lere paid b;- the City. Cnuncilran r~ller ~ade a ~otion to instruct Spencer C. Cross, Attorney, to draft a bill and take same to Tallahassee and get Representative Land to pass the bill to confirm all previous annexatj. on ordinances to the Ci t:' of Ocoee. Councilman Pounds seconded the T'1ot.ion. COllncilrr.en Pounds, Patterson, I,:iller and lracewell voted YE3. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Tre COll.nc'i I suggested that the Police Heserve work at the Little League ball games. ~ayor Howell was to contact Leroy Turner to have thi s done. Councilman Pounds made a ~otion to give Councilman~tiller 10 gallons of gas per week to see after the street department. Council~an Patterson seconded the Dotion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds r:iller and Jracevlell voted YES. No NO"S. Carried nnanir.1o'..1s1y. The Clerk was instructed to vlri te the Cnur.uner Co. and inform them that we had called in $5,000.00 in Ocoee Refunding Bonds and that no interest 1'lOUld be paid on then; in July. I Councilman Miller mas to check on a solution to the blind corners at Cum'Llerland ,\ venue and ~.:cKey Street and CUr:1berland Ii. vaue and Floral Street.. The Council authorized locks to be put on the bathrooI!: doors at the Little League field, and the bathrooms were authorized to be f~.xed. Councilwooan Hager was to check on some iron screens to be put over the vii ndows. Ttere hring no futher business Councilman ~iller r:oti on. CO'...nc:i lrr:an Pounds seconded the r:-.otion. ad j 0 llrn e d at 10: 1;. 5 P .1',: . A.ttest: ~~-L__ Clerk seconded the Thereupon Council ~~ uncil I 1 :1 CO'clncj lman I:iller made a motion to issue a permit to Rev. Flo:rd Cox of the First Japtist Church of Ocoee, to erect a revival tE~t in Ocoee for two weeks. Councilman Patterson seconded the J"'oti on. Counci lrnen Pat, terson, Pounds, I,:iller and Bracewell voted YES. I'Jo FO! S . Carried unanimously. COllncj.lncJ.n Bracevrell reccommerided that a letter be written to anyone having an lJ.nsani tary garbage can or a can that does not ~eet the require~ents of the Sanitation Department. Council~an Patterson made a notion to approve the by-laws pre- sented th the City Council by the Ocoee Police Reserve, a copy of whi ch 'Hi] 1 ]-)e kept on file at the City Hall. Counci lr.lan Killer seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, t~ller and ~racewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Counc~l~an Patterson pade a ~otion to ~ive the Ocoee Police Reserve per~ission to have a concession stand and parking lot on Starke take. Co' nc~l~an 3racewell seconded the motion. Councilmen Pat terson, Pounds, I:i IJ er and Dracevlell voted YES. 1Jo 1m IS. Carried unaninously. Co'mc~ Inan Dra cev're 11 nade a motion that the City pay ~5. 00 each on hats for the Dcoee Police Reserve. Councilffian Patterson seconded the ration. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, ::i ller Clnd lrace1.veJ 1 voted YES. no no's. Carried unanimousl:". Co nc'll"A.n I:'; J ler r:ade a motion that the City pay Ii. C. ',lade 1,"S vacation pa:', sjnce he is going to Hork during his vacatjon. C()'~.r cj l''1an Po"nds seco'~ded t,he !'lot.ion. Co'mci lrr.en Patterson, Po",nds, I:j 1J er Clnd Tkace~'le1l voted YES. lIo EO IS. Carried 'war" r 0'1,31:'. C..'n-,c i lr:,a Pounds reported to the Co,-~ncil that ElDer Youngblood r.ad contacteel Li rr in rez;ard t.o the Ci t;" buying hi s offi ce a,,:d the str-i p of land ;:110n:; Ta:'lor Street. from j'-1cI:ey Street to Oakland Aven'le ~elong to Youngblood &30ns, Inc. No action was taken. The City authorized the reRoval of the trees in the alley between the C~urch of Christ and Pegrams Grocery on the request ;f George Rol'ertson. The Co _nc51 djscussed the acount of salary for Ouida geeks during the Clerk' s absence. It was de ci.ded that she vlOuld be pai d ;~50. 00 per Neek. COl[ncil~an Jracewell made a recommendation that the cake a study of t:r,e Ci t:' emplo:Tees payroll and analyze what each employee is l~ein ~ paj d, Counci l::,an Jrace';lell !"lade a motion that the rr.en on the back of the garl'ae;e truck 1'e given a OJ. 00 a Iiree!: raise. Councilman I:iller seconded the rotion. CouncilMen Patterson, Pounds, I~ller and JracewelJ voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilnan, Bracewell made a motion that the Council hire Okey ':JilliaTIis permanentl:T. Co'~ncilman I\liller seconded the motion. Councilnen Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Miller made a Dotion to adjourn tl:is meeting. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. There- '~pon Councj.l adjol).rned at 11:10 p.r:. . I\ttest: -~~ Clerk xf4.y/~_7'/'h~ fresldent Of/GO~~- 0(.,