HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-1965 I:nTUTES OF THE REGUL4.R T:EETIHG OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, F10RID~ HELD r:t\Y 4, 1965 Present: Councilwonan Hager, Councilmen: Pounds, Pat,terson, I:a:'or: Howell r"~iller &- Jracewell '\1)sert : r~ one The ree~jn~ was caJled to order by Councilwoman Hager at 8:05 P.k. T~e minutes of the last regular ffieeting held April 20, 1965 were read and approved. I COlmcilman 1,:i 11er r~ade a r.otion that Council approve the follo'vving :,~ 11 s . Coun cj Iman Pounds seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (~) FROTT GENERt\L FUPD: I Hobart .'latsoT' - water dep. ref. Earl' Herring - '.",at er dep. ref. G. E. Rhodes - water dep. ref. Kenneth ~arren - water dep. ref. G, I<. Cook - 1.rat er dep. ref. FrarJ~ o. Y onng ., wat er dep. ref. i\nn Klj np;en - v'la~er dep. ref. I~chael Lonas - water dep. ref. Cr~ssey's Press - r:ar"' Ej nds - fl.rthur 'd. He\'lell - recording deed H. r:. :3ovmess Johnson (i Tvndal1 l<odern Statiopery, Inc. Glenn Joiner & Son Griffith Tire Co. The 3ra:' Hardware Havrthorne Hard'.'mre Heintzelman's Ford, Inc. CorrJllunicat.ions Engineering Co. Ka-I.:i Flori st Knj ght & "ivaI I Co. Hood Tract,or Co. ~inter Garden Hardware Co. Joard of Countv Comm. Panning Lumber'&, Supply Co. Central Florida Fire Equip Co. Ocoee Gulf Service David l;uffman - water dep. ref. S. K. 0uck - water dep. ref. Norman Lancaster - water dep. ref. Norcan Stallard - water dep. ref. Sa~ 01iver-:futer Dept. O. G. Smith - ":later Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Eensley - Santo Dept. GeorGe Harper - .3t. Dept. l:elvin Sr.l:.th - St. Dept. 3ennie Cliver - St. Dept. H. C. iJade - St. Dept. Okey R. ~illia~s - Santo Dept. Geor~e Harper - St. Dept. J. D. Griffin - Fees 3ank d :lest Orange - Income Tax for April Emergency Fund State Board of Health Bank of .lest Orange Francis Sutton - water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - Vater Dept. O. G. Smith - ~ater Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. ~elvin Smith - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. E. C. /lade - St. Dept. Oke-' 11. ','lilliar.1s - Sant. Dept. Richard Bodiford - St. Dept. I 3.75 3.75 5.00 3.75 3.75 3.42 2.15 .2.15 13 C .3 5 19.20 2.55 319.09 5.47 1.40 35.72 5~L 40 3.62 5.01 11.20 117.01 6.00 8.40 19.45 15.85 40.25 48.59 8.10 10.17 3.75 3.58 7.50 3.75 85.57 78.61 62.79 64.66 57.14 60.74 57.63 187.92 61.06 114.28 225.00 372.90 100.00 25.00 1,276.50 5.79 85.57 78.61 62.79 64.66 121.48 57.63 62.64 61.06 36.45 Orlando Sentinel Star George Harper - St. Dept. Leroy Turner - Police Dept. ~illiar R. Hager - Police Dept. John Horn - Police Dept. Barbara ~ilson - Police Dept. Ethel Hills - Police Dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk Fred Daughtr~' - Police Dept. 2.22 87.14 175.85 148.16 142.96 J2.85 48.19 154.28 10eL 54 Harold ~;oodle=: 'lilas present to di.scuss the possibility of the City I donating r;,one~r to a weight lifting program at the Ocoee High School. Councilran Patterson made a motion to donate $250.00 to the weight lifting program. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. CO'lnci lr.len Patterson, Pounds, r.:iller and Dracevlell voted YES. ITo no' ~j . Carrj ed unanir:lolls1:'. The CJ erk was inst.ructed to 'VITi te the Crur:1Iner Company asking the!;j to forward bonds Nos. 51-55 to the Dank of :kst Orange calculating the interest on the bonds until July, 1965. The proposed ordj.nance from Central Utilities for a proposed fran- chise on gas Ii nes in the Ci t:' of Ocoee was presented to the Council but no action was taken l1ntil the Council could study the ordinance. Council~an"Pounds made a motion to instruct the Clerk to issue a liquor license to A.J.C. Liquor Stores upon erection of the propesed plans on file in the City Hall on the following described property, and subject to the clarification of the description of the property and providing that they will be in ~usiness at this location by November 1, 19~5. Description as follows: Beginning 75' North and 100' East of Southwest Corner of the Southeast q'J.arter of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 22 S, nange 28E; thence East 150' thence r:orth 200', Horth 500 East 48 more or less to the ~tlantic Coast Line R.R. Right-of-way; thence northwesterly along the right-of -I-ra:' IJ 0', South 500 'Jest IJ 5' j thence South 2500 more or less to the foint of Deginriing. (AOJ) Orange Count:', Florida. Councilman Patterson seconded the Eotion. Councilman Patterson, Pounds, tliller. ,",,,,'~ :r:lc:;"''G 1;b... voted YES. 1:0 HOllS. Carried unani:- onsl:'. ~I~ 7:h~tf7 o..-t~~ I The Council instructed that the ovrners of old junk cars should be notifi ed t,hat the" '/'TiJ 1 have to be moved in compliance ':rith Ordj l1ance ,:1[;,58 recently passed b~' the City Council. If this is not done the:" will be issued a summons to appear at court. CO'lncill"1an r:iller nade a motion to get three (J) bids on a fence to te erected arOllnd the Little League Restrooms and Storage room. COllnc:.lr.".an Ponnds se conded the r:~otion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, r.:iller and Brace,,-rell voted YES. I~o NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilman Bracewell reDorted to the Council that ~rs. George Stringer jf askj.n~ :;hOO".OO for her tractor mOHer. ITo furth?r actj.or- was t,aken. Counci lrlan Pour-ds was to contact J. L. Smedley Publisher, Inc. to see abont having some City r-Taps printed. Conncilworr,an Hager report.ed that she had looked about SOr.1e file I cabinets for t,he Ci ty Ilall, [JUt j t was decided that Vle would wait l1ntil we could det.errrine the amount of space needed for our records before purchasin~ t.he cabinets. The Council gave the r:a:'or, Haymond G. Hmvell, perrr:i ssion to obtain poljce applications to fill the position being vacted by Fred Daughtr;' . The C1erk and Lero:" T'lrner vlere to check on the amount of extra l:ours vlOrked bv the pob cer:1en durj ne r:ovember and Decen:ber, 1964.