HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-1965 I I I ~rrNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING DE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD AUGUST 3, 1965 Present: Councilwoman Hager; Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, I-liller Mayor: Howell Absent: Councilman Bracewell The meeting was called to arder by Councilworr.an Hager at 8: 1:0 P .r~l. The minut~s of the last regular meeting held July 20, 1965 and the special meeting held July 27, 1965 were read and approved. Councilman Pounds made a motion that Council approve the following bills. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: John 1v".ta.ddox George L. Fletcher Solomon's Auto U.S. Postmaster Ocoee Gulf Micheal W. O'Conner Modern Stationary,Inc. J.B. Griffin Sam Oliver J.I. Jernigan Otis Hensley George Harper Bennie Oliver H.C. Wade Richard Bodiford James E. Czarnecke Miles T. Lee Micheal W. O'Connor Glenn Joiner & Son Bray Hardware Florida Metal Craft, Inc. Hood Tractor Co. Ethel Mills Spring-Lock Scaffoldimg,Inc. Davis Meter and Supply Winter Garden Hardware Engel's Sherer Texaco Ka-1-1:i Flori st Griffith Tire Co. Leroy Turner J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley George Harper Bennie Oliver H.C. ';lade James E. Czarnecke Miles T. Lee Ouida Meeks Barbara Hooks Leroy Turner 3.58 1.37 100.00 39.72 10.19 42.89 24.25 75.00 85.57 62.79 64.66 57.14 57.63 62.64 10.83 43 .99 62.86 42.89 10.52 7.50 3 5 . 00 16.07 48.19 28.00 24.67 2.95 25.45 56.87 5.00 3.00 212.60 62.79 64.66 57.14 57.63 62.64 55.33 62.86 67.43 154.28 20.00 ~~s fommy Sanders made a claim against the city for $5.00 for damage done to her rose bushes. Councilman Pounds made a motion to rein- burse 1~s. Sanders the $5.00 for the damage done. Councilman 1v"liller seconded the motion. Councilman Patterson, I-liller and Pounds voted YES.No NO,S.Carried unanimously. Mr. John Thieme made a complaint to the Council about the garbage pick-up service. Junior Hager asked that the ditch be cleaned out on Lee St. Councilman ~tiller was to take care of this. Florida Traffic Signal, Inc. representatives, Emory Daniels and ~~. Patton WEre present 00 discuss with the Council about placing traffic signals in Ocoee. They reported that they could put lights up at Highway 50 and maintain them for $100.00 per month and at the end o of the 5 years they would belong to the city. They were to figure the Prices of lights at Highway 50 and Old Winter Garden Road, Bluford Ave. and McKey St., Bluford ave. and Silver ~tar Road, and Silver Star and Highway 437 and report to the Council at the Next meeting. The Clerk was instructed to write the owners c5frthe former Mrs.Hattie Stephens property and inform them they would have to have City water installed in their rentals as it is contrary to the laws of bhe City to sell water and they will have to start paying garbage collection. Mayor Howell reported to the city on a meeting he had attended at the Orange County Court House with the County Commissioners. ~he County is going to appoint a group of representatives from the County to act as a study group for the County, to determine what improvements each community needs. There is to be one representative selected from Ocoee, '!linter Garden, l,'lindermere, and Apopka. There is to be $30.000.00 paid by the cities of Orange County with Ocoee's share $595.00 to be paid within 2years. The Council agreed to participate in the program. Attorney Spencer C. Cross reported that the jeeps bought through Civil Defence could not be resold by the city. They will have to be turned back over to General Betts for him to either place With another City or sell at an auction. I Councilman Miller made a motion to have the pump repaired at Well # 1. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, and Miller voted YES.No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Church Of God OF Prophecy reguested that the ditcheon Franklin St. be cleaned and tiled. They were to contact Mr. J. D. Dollar of the State Road Department to see about having this done. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Dollar and ask him to come out and look over some ditches within the City with ~ouncilman ~tiller. Councilman Miller reported that all bricks had been removed from Laf- ayette St. and that he had informed Clifford Freeman that it was ready for paving. Councilman Pounds reported that he had someone engaged to do the plast- erering of the fromt of the City Hall. The Mayor had received one bid for a pililice car form Thriftway Chevrulet I for $1,900.55. Leroy Turner stated that he could drive the ~lymouth during the day. The Council instructed him to use his own descretion in driving the car and also decided that we would wait until September to buy an new car. The Clerk was instructed to call Pete Kelley and get an estimate on some doors for the counter in the Ciyy Hall. Councilman Miller made a motion to buy a file cabnet for the Cityl1Hall. Councilman Patterson seconded the mation. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds and Ivliller voted YES.No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Leroy Turner asked about having the City Limits Signes moved on the Clarcona Road and Highway 437. Spencer C, Cross stated that a copy of the ordinance annexing these roads be sent to the State Road Depart- ment to have the signs moved. City Attorney Spencer C. Cross was instructed to draw an ordinance regulating parking on certain streets, to be given him by Leroy Turner. Councilman Itiller made a motion to hire Ballard Bellon the Street Department, subject to his passing a physical examination. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, and Ivliller voted YES.No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Council agreed to put ~n a 4-inch water line to he A.B. C. Liquor store on Highway 50, providing they will pay $1,500.00. I Councilman Patterson made a motion to get permits to put pipe under the road and railroad. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, and ~dller voted YES.No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilman Bracewell requested the City extend Oakland Ave. into his property. Councilman Miller was to investigate having this done. The Clerk was instructed to "'/rite and get bids ona new garbage truck. I I I Councilman Patterson made a motion to pay the policemen for the extra days worked. Councilman Ivliller seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, and l\tiller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Patterson made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Miller sec= onded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Attest: a.~ ~tL4 lerk ~~vt~~,~ ~1/ Pr ident of unc.