HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-1965 SS I I I TIron Vot-i n: CC'1]"'1ci lmel1 Patterson, I,;jller and :.3r.J.cewell vC't.ed fl)r Co'xr ci Iman Pounds. COllncilmal1 Pounds voted for Councilman ~3r,C'tce- 1vel1. CO'J.n c-i Iman POl1.nds was elected Vi ce-Chairr:~an of t.he l,Ot~n:': ~ . Tne CJ erl< was i nstr'lcted to have '1n arti cl e I:'la ced iD tr e r 2 r or .?dvert~ sine; for P. ro] j cer-'an to replace Ray ;lebo. '.L'he appJ i c~t:i ons are to be ;11 b7' I;oveF0er 12, 1965. ~I'encer c. Cross, CitY,l.ttorpey, reccommended to tre COlll-ciJ -'-C' d" sFiss D-:::,vi d ::el1r" freF the Fj re .:JeNlrtr'ert nntil h:i s ravin- n::;s""c;s- r 911t has been r'A:: d. Councj 11"",an roun~s a'3.S to contact: :'r. I~e~rv consernir~ th':~ ~at~er. . "':'percer C. err-ss, C'i t,. 4.ttorDe':. rresertec to the vi ty Council a'I'lA+ of a r':ece of ~rorerty ;~ Jouth Jluford belon2ins to the S1Jl"'11"1i t Corrorat i OJ} th,q t trey des; re to have br()11ght into the Ci tv Limits. wr. Cross \'Ias to contact t1:eir re'L'res~mt.:: ti ve, I-.r.' Frenk horer to fi I'd O'Jt 1'\Th2,t t~is rropert:' ~'riJ] be used for. CO'u:cj lr::cm F01.lr.ds, re~crted to the CO'.U:cij that the fir2 d2part- T"'e:.:t ','!o'lld like to b'l:r a re[:ossessed ar-.b'11:1nce. l~o d2C2.S2.0n \.!e-s r.'e-tie. Cc~~ci1Fan h':Jler IT3de R ITotion tn b~:r an !~lf ~a~3 ad i~ the Gceee liit;l": uchoo: ~nmnl. ':'-C':.:ncilr...:m Four.cis seco:1ded the [:,otion. Co'mcjlr'en i'3.':;0crs::.~, l'ounds, l..iller and Bracewell voted J:;2;":;. i;o i;C f":;. C~rr:i ed 'u".snir:1ousl:'. T~ere ~eing no furt~er business Councilran hillor ~ade a ~0tion tC' ad jO'lrn t:-.i s reet:'!1':::;. COl1r.cil:::D.r. io'.:nc.s seccnded the r:.otior.. Trereupon Co~nci} adjourned Rt 10:05 ~.w. t,ttest: 6iadLa d~ Clerl: Y1+~1fn'an of r~=~:~:JT~: elF ~1~E SPEC: {~L I~~ETI~~u li~1D ..~ \T' . ',,"n 0 196 ~ 1'~ U ~l-1,,-,t...'L -', ) lresent: C:)tlDCl J '.'I!or"'la"'1 Il~ger) CouncilrJen: I)attersor., L POl.lnds, ;'~a:Tor liowell A.bsent: Counc~l~en: ~~ller & 3racewell 'J.'!':e r.eetil't; 'iTC" s cqlled to order ">)y CO'J.nsi1worr:2,n [lager At t: 1(1 t .1'<. ~ representative fro~ the Floride Telephcn2 Corporation ~as prc:ent to disc'lSS di rect d': a1ing ~nd extended area service to ci ties o'J.tside this d~strict. He infor~sd the Council that the Telephone e;~mpany h8S a proposal to be fj,l ed wi th th'2 Flori da Publi c ~til- j t~:es COT:.r:1j ssj on for e:-:tendcd areCl servi ce for Or12ndo, ',;inter d ' 1 ." "" T' d . t 1 d r. Gar en, npOrKE!., ,jlnter rar!:':, ..In,ermere, .-.on verae, anr vcoee. A rroposed ~,0~thly increase in nates for extended area se~vic8 ~~s [resented to the CC'~r.cil as follows: 01l.Sj ness-One fC1rt:' :8llS} !less - '1,'1.ro Fart" T.' ' ] t' ..~ . +- ...,'lS1.1'eS5 - h'l vl-.i"arvY Residence - One Party aesidence-- Two Part~ Resi der.::e - F'OlJT Fart" rl.esidence - l'1'tJ. ti-?8rty ;Ph.OO 3.25 .. 75 1. . j 2.25 1.50 1.25 .75 If tr.is rroposal is accepted b:' the Florida Fuhli C uti] i ti2S Cornr.:.issi,on the extended areA. service i.rill be corril,leted :i.n 2.969. There bein~ no f'J.rtl!er ]..)l1.siness Counciln'an Pour.ds nl,8,dc a " :::c-ti cn. -r 0 a djol1rn' thi s n:eeting.. CO".ln ci lr.!an Pat tersc:n sec:onded the ~otjon. There~pon Council adjourned at a:h5 ?k. I~ t 'b est ; ~~ .tI~~ 'len: