HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-1966 " I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 5, 1966 Present: Counci]woman Hager, Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, ~ayor: Howell Miller & Bracewell. Absent: None ""The meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Hager at 8: 05 P .fJi. The minntes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. · Counci 1man J.1iller made a r.1oti on that Council approve all the bills in order. Co' ncilman Pounds seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: ,. Bobb'" Joiner - water dep. ref. James Sewell II !! !! Emmett Tf:ote _ II I' Jolin ~v. Kendri ck!! II Eugen Frankli n !! I' T. M. Ferguson " I! Auto Electric Co. Florida Telephone Corp. Ka.-IV1i Flori st Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. S~ith - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. George Harper - st. dept. Bennie Oliver - st. dent. H. C. Wade - st. dept.' A. D. Whithead - Santo dept. Bobby Porter - santo dept~ '\!li.ln1er Bell - st. dept. International Harvester Co. C. W. West - Surveyor Michaels EngjDeerin~ Co. A. H. Gleason, M. D. William R. Hager - Str.eet Dept. WelJs, Laney, Ehrlich & Baer. Valbro Corp. ~id-Florida Gas Co. Johnson & Tyndall W. H. Wurst Agency LA.wton Printers Winter Garden Lum'her Co. Central Florida Fire Equip/ Hughes Sup~ly, Inc. Hawthorne Hardware Attorneyls Title Service, In~. Ocoee Gulf Service Modern Stationery, Inc. H. M. BO\^Trless Florida State Board of Health Bgnk of West Orange Emergency F1md Lloyd Roberson Willia~ R. Hager - Police Dept. Charles Sanders - Police Dept. EeDnie Oliver - St. Dept. Bennie O~iver - St. Dept. - vacation check Gary Lehman - Police Dept. E~rbara Hooks - Clerk Ethel ~-1ills - Poli ce Dept. Leroy TUrner - Police Dept. Bar~ara Wilson - Police 'Dept. Sam Oliver - ~ater Dept. O. G. Smith - St. Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. A. D. '1lhitehead - Santo Dept. Bobby Porter - Santo Dept. O.A.S.I. Contribution Fund I! I' I! I! , , 2.81 3.75 3 .75 3.75 3.25 7.50 21 .35 43 .49 10.00 85.00 76.43 64.95 66 . 93 60.66 61.53 201.18 60.66 62.46 49.59 5,638.24 75.00 500.00 13 .25 115.00 410.00 77.UO 28.14 17.88 99.00 48.00 147.28 16.65 2lt.84 4.37 84.00 26.34 39.~9 341.02 25.00 710.00 100.00 500.00 157.42 1~5.67 61.53 123 .06 151.23 l53 .23 59.87 196.05 32.62 85.00 76.43 64.95 66.93 60.66 67.06 55.15 56.95 1,224.72 District Director bE Internal Revenue Wil~er Bell - St. Dept. 1,100.29 49.59 Mr. J. E. Thornton was present to discuss with the council a ti cket whi ch he was given \vhen invcl ved in an: accident on Center Street and Ocoee Hills Road. He stated that the street, on which the other vehicle was traveling was a private road and he should not have been charged. Spencer Cros~, City attorney informed him h~ should appear before the court and file a petition in court. Mr. Louis Robbe, of the Ocoee Jaycee ~ s, 'I'las present to ask pe,r- mission to use the Chamber of Commerce room for an office for the Jaycee's and also to open up the Ccoee Public Library. They It!ere gi veJ'1 thi s permi ssion. The Clerk was to 'l,vri te Mr. R. 11'1. StockweJl informing him of the Jaycee's operating the Library and ask him to turn in the key to the City Hall. Ronnie Crews and Band Director, Mr. Abramns was present to ask help for Ronnie's trip to Memphis, Tennessee, for his tour with the United States of American Band Association. Councilman Bracewell made a rr.otion to donate $75.00.from the Recreation Fund. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. ~rrs. Lula Hazen was present to ask permission to let a trailor stay parked on her rental property until the people found a place to live. She was give permission to leave the trailer until t,hey becar'e a nuisiance. She v!as to check and see if they were operating a business. If so, she was to advise them to call City Hall. James Peacock, Postmaster, was present to ask that "NO PA.RKING" signs be erected in front of the post office, and to put a curb in front of the post office. Councilman Bracewell to help him solve the pro~lem. A suggestion was made to erect signs II $5.00 FOR PA.R~ING ON GRASS ". Mr. Frank RODer was representing a co~pany moving near the Oooee Ci t:- Limits. He wanted the Ci ty to tell him approximately what the taxes wouJd he a commercial building. He was assured the City would work with them on the taxes. A letter was read fro~ Loomis Funeral Home stating they were going out of the ambulance businesss. Councilman Pour-ds was asked to have James Vandergrift report to the Council the outstanding bills for Fire Contracts. A report was read from Dr. ~~atthews conserning the recent accident of Otis Hensley. Councilman Patterson made a motion to pay the Drug and doctor bills for Rov Richard and Laronce Kellev. Councilman Miller seconded the motion: Councilman Patterson, Po~nds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. In the future the City will not pay any drug or doctor bills unless authorized by the City. Councilman Miller was to contact the International Harvester Co. conserning the interest on the garbage truck. He was given per- mission to use his own discretion in paying the garbage truck in full. Councj,lr.:an Pounds reported the beach had been finished on Lake ~oxie behind the Youth Center. Councilman Patterson reported prices he had received on auxiliary pumps. They were apl'roximately $2,000.00. He stated we could(:buy a gear box and rebuild a motor we already have and it would cost approximately $1,000.00. Councilman Pounds made a motion that we do the latter and pay for it out of the Emergency Fund. Councilman ~~iller seconded the motion. Councilman Patterson, Pounds, Miller ~~d ~racsvpll v0~ed YES. NO NO'S. Carrried unanimously. Councj In-.an Ponnds made a motion fur Clerk ~o obtain pri ces on a janitor~al service for the City Hall. Councilman Patterson se~onded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, ~iller and Bracewell vbted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. ~ ~ , . I ,/ t I '," I AYMOND G. HOWELL MAYOR TELEPHONE 656 -2322 COUNCILMEN W, REID, CHAIRMAN . P. MILLER CK MARSDEN DWIN H. POUNDS M. T. BRACEWELL. JR, CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA Howell L1ster below is a summary of miles operated, gas used, oil and arrest made for the month of Maroh 1966 Miles oper. 011 used Gas used Summons issued Arrest made Warning C omplan ts Aocidents Fatali ties l?roperty Damages Balls Ans. Courtesy Messages del. Asst.other depts. Doors unlocked Warrants B&E 6137 9 732 19 18 67 27 7 o 88 22 11 8 :3 :3 1 / The above summary is submitted for your information Respectfully do.J 1A..VJ'~ Leroy Turner Chief of Polioe City of Oooee BARBARA MILLS CLERK -TREAS. BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT WELCOME TOURIST ._ cd~7~- 41) m~cJ.~d( h' )./~cf.(j(f' . 0 . \- " I I I Councilwor.:an Hager asked if the City would buy Sealer and paint if t,he Li t tle League would pai nt the Little League Buildj.ng. The r-:ayor was getprjces aD this. Councilwoman Ha~er iriforffied that the City Officials were invited to ride in the Lit~le League Parade on April 16, 1966 at 1:30 P.M. CouncihlOffian Hager was given permiss2.on to use some brick on the Little League Field. Councilman Bracewell reported that he would know in two weeks if we would be permitted to build a boat launch on Starke Lake. City ~ttorney, asked for expense money for his trip to Atlanta to investigate tte possibility of obtaining money from government for a sewer system in Ocoee. No action was taken. Counci.lman Bracewell asked that H. C. Wade be given his vacation check. This permission was given. The Council discuesed a fence that \vas erected at 626 Starke Lake Circle without a perffiit and the easement had been fenced. No decision was mride as what to do about it. Counc~lman Bracewell was given permission to have the street markers repainted. There being no f~rther business Councilman Pounds made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilrr.an Miller seconded the motion. There- vpon Council adjourned at 11:03 P.M. A.ttest: rW/JAL ;d~ Clerk ~ . Ja . r~' ~ 7fJ. ,&.' '";," / ~<" reSl ent f Co cll I~INUTES OF THE S PECI AL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 11, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager, Councilmen: Patterson, Pounds, Hay-or: Howell Miller (. Absent: Councilman Bracewell. The meeting was called to order by Councilman Hager at 8:10 P.M. The purpose of the meeting \'las to have lvIr. Groo and !vIr. Fritz of Kichael's Engineering Co. discuss with the Cruncil about drawing up a feasability report for a sewer system in Ocoee and of obtaining a percentage of the money from the Federal Government. Their Approx- imaXe cost of the system was $1,575,000.00. The Federal Grant \-vould he ~112,000.OO for tte treatment plant, 190,000.00 for the collection system 540,000.00 for balance of system, making a total of $752,000.00 Hhich will be approximately(48%) forty-eight per cent. of the total cost. Spenc'e'r C. Cross asked that Bob Wagner appear at the next Crn ncil meeting to discuss aprognam to finance the ramainer of the cost of the system. Councilman I-Tiller made a motion to employ rvlichaels Engineering Co. to draw a feasibility report in the amount of $2,000.00 to be $500.06 every thrremonths. Councilman Patterson seconded the motion. Council- men Patterson, Pounds and I"Iiller voted YES. NO NO'S. Carried unani- mousl;,' . The Clerk was iBstructed to wr:i.te County Commissioner Clif.f Freeman asking for a traffic light at Minorville.