HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-1966 EINUTES OF THE REGULJ\R IvIEETING OF THE CITY COU~!CIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 19, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager; Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, Mayor Howell Miller & Bracewell A.bsent: None I The meeting was called to order by Councilman Pounds at 8: 05 P .lvI. and he presided over the meeting until Councilwoman Hager arrrived. rhe minutes of the last regular meeting held April 5, 1966 and the special meeting held A.pril 11, 1966 were read and approved. Councilman Miller made a motion that the Council approve the following ~ills. Councjlman Bracewell seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (4) FROM GENERAL FUND: I Central Florida Fire Equipment Co. Board of Count,T Comm. Lee Fool Suppl}' Hughes Supply, Inc. MacGregor Smith & McFeron Kel1e:" s Cabinet Shop Pounds Pharmacy OC0ee Gulf Service Vulcan Materials Co. Orlando Paving Co. White's Lott's Concrete Products Johnson & Tyndall Florida Power Corp. Knight & Wall Co. Sargent-Sowell Co. Glen IvIar Ele ctroni cs Servi ce Ja~es H. Matthews & Co. Mary Hinds . Ronald Crews Arthur W. Newell Sam Oliver - water Dept. O. G. Smith - St. Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dert~ Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. Ceorge Harper - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Bo~by Porter - Santo Dept. T,Jj lrr:er Bell - st. Dept. Florida Tele. Corn. Sam Oliver - ~ate~ Dent. O. G. Smith - ~ater Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Bobby Porter - Santo Dept. Wilmer Bell - St. Dept. Gary Lehman - Police Dept. Barbara E00ks - Clerk Lero: TUrner - Police Dept. William R. Hager - Police Dept. Charles Sanders - Police Dent. Barbara T:filson - Police Dept. Ethel Mills - Police Dept. J. B. Griffin - Judge Spencer C. Cross - Attorpey Fee Barbara Hooks - Vacation check James T. Vandergrift, Fire Chief U. S. Postmaster Raymond G. Howell - Ka,or Betty S. Hager - Councilwoman Edwin H. Pounds - Councilman Earnest P. Patterson " E. P. ~,1i 11 e r - " W. T. BracevTell, Jr. - " 90.08 26.25 173 . 70 68.75 2.00 23 .00 13 .66 35.01 144.00 27.00 1.46 69.30 10.30 1,050.00 21.66 9.30 102.66 148.32 40.40 75.00 8.30 85.00 76.43 64.95 66.93 eO.66 61.53 67.06 62.46 49.59 48.11 85.00 76.43 64.95 66 . 93 60.66 61.53 67.06 62.46 3.59 140.55 153 .23 190.47 157.72 155.67 33.72 59.87 75.00 200.00 70.47 23 . 95 37. 80 47.90 20.45 23 .95 23 . 95 23 . 95 23 . 95 I Commander Oscar Strine, of the Ocoee 4merican Legion Post was pre- ser.t to ask permission for any exclusive Club license, for Beer, Wine ann. pool tables to be located where the old post office was. This is to be used for Club mewbers only. Councilman Patterson made a motion to accept their proposal with the exception that they close from 12: 00 4oM. on Saturdcw night until ~:onday morning at 7: 00 401'r. COlmcj Iman Bracewell seconded the motion. Councilman Patterson, N'liller and Bracewell voted YES. NO NO'S. Carried unanimou~ly. Bob Peck, from the Ocoee Lions Club, presented a financial report on the Youth and Recreation Center: He stated they had made $143.58 profit from renting the building. He asked permission to use_ this I money to help paint the building. Councilman 1racewell made a motion to give the Li ons Cl1)Q permission to :Ase the money for thi s purpose. Councilman Miller sedonded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, I'f~ller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Robert L. Hagner was present to discuss with the Council about how to finance the balce of the sewer system if 'VoTe obtain' part ;,vay of the Done:' from the Federal Government. He stated that the best/wo~ld_be with revenue certificates. and they would charge approximately 4k or 4~ percent interest. He was to obtain a feasibility report from Michaels Engineers Co and report his findings at a later meeting. Cecjl Hurst spoke fro a group of cerning the dust problem created The City Council were to contact do somethin~ about this. people fro~ South Bluford con- from ftid-State Hauling Co., Inc. Mr. Hollowell and ask that he . Mr. William Knight lvas present to ask if there were any restrictions or objections to his building a ne'" house 'IThere he no~t.l lives. The City Council inforDed him there were none. D. W. Phillians and Joe Patterson of the Food Machinery Corp. were present to discuss 'it.ri th the Council about using Ocoee Utili ties I and the rate of taxes if they sho~Id annex into the City. No decision was ~ade at this time. A. rerresenta ti ve from the Puritan Cherr.ical Company derr.onstrated a machine to be used fer spraying mosquitoes. The Price of t~e machj ne, insecticide for one surr:mer and a special drum was ij)767. 25.. The insecticide for each year thereafter would be $275.00 or $300.00 Der '-ear. . . rvTavon Ra"Jilond G. Howell reported that he had a pri ce on painting the Little League building for $250.00. No decision was made until more bids were obtained. Councilwan Bracewell asked that the barbecue pit be paid for out of the Recreation Fund. COl~l1cj lrr:an I,~i11er reported that Pi tt Varnes 'tlOuld be \'lilling to pay $500.00 toward oiling Ocoee Hills Road and that he was sure other ~roperty owners would help. Councilman Bracewell reoorted that Mr. Bruce Wellman and Rev. Joe Crews agreed to give a right-of-way to straighten the curve in Franklin Street. The Council discussed lowering out millage rates and using the County assessment. No decision was made. After discussjng the taxes for the Food Machinery Corp, the Council agreed that the City taxes would not exceed (2/5) two-fifths of the County taxes for a period of 15 years, if they should annex ir..to the City. I Councilman rCiller ~ade a motion to have Anderson Janitor Service clean the City Hall twi~e monthly for $14.00 per month. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Founds adjourn. Councilrr,an Miller seconded the motiop. adjourned at ll:30 P.M. ~ttest:~ ~~ " 0,..1... made a motion to Therenpon Council 'd :-#-:-/aa~ J./vt~A/ ~P,..oc,;rloYd- t<f' r. 11'1"1,..;1'