HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-26-1966 SS II I I ::INUTES OF THE SPECI AL MEETING OF THE CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. HELD APRIL 26, 1966 Present: Council\'!0!(a.n Hager, Counc:'.lmen: l'~a~'or llowell Pounds, Fatterson, rUller and Bracewell A.bsent: NC'ne '2.'~1e l'Jeet.' ng vTcl.s called to order by Counci lwornan Hager at 8: 05 P.L. :,)r t~~e ;Jllrpose of d' sc lSS' ng taxes and utilities for the Food I\:ac:>' l'er:' Corp. City attorney: Spencer C. Cross stated that the:' wanted to knG~ if the Ci ty '\r10111d furnish water and Se\'ler, when available, if they d::.d not com~ into the City and if they sould come into the City how the City would asse3S the~r property. The Clerk wnd I.:a"or were instructed to ltiri te them telling them the Cit" Counc'l's d~cision to charge them the following water rates: If ihey stay o~tside the City the first 5,000 gallons will be ~.65 and allover 5,000 gallons 'tlill be 151 pel' thousand, and they will hav~7l='ay for running a water line to their property 'ihich will ~)e approxin:ately $1,300.00. If they come intc the C,ty the rates w~ll be $2.50 on the first 5,000 gallons, l5~ per thousand Oil the next 5,000 gallons and 10~ per thousllnd on allover 10,000 gallons pl1lS a 10% utility tax, and the City will pay for the water line to ~,he property. The Ci ty will assess their property (1/3) One- third the County A.ssessment at 5 mills for a period of 15 years. T~e C0unc~1 discussed the change being made in the name of the interchange on the Sunshine State Parbvay to include v.Jinter Garden. Councjl~oman Hager asked if a letter should be written to protest this. No actton was taken. There being nc further bus~ness Councilman Patterson made a motion tc adjourn thj.s n~eeting. Councilman I,liller seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjo'rned at 9:30 P.K. Attest: 6i?<f"Ak~ ~L1~ Clerk i'lI!~UTES OF THE SPECI A.L T'/IEETIHG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. EELD A.PRIL 28, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager; Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, I':layor: Howell !',:iller & Bracewell ~bsent: None The spe:cal meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Hager at ~:10 P.K., for the purpose of discussing ~tilj,ties and taxes with representatives of the Food: Machinery Corporation, if they should or should not co~e into the City. and to adopt Ordinance J466. TIte Food Nachiner:TCorporation were informed that if they should stay outs~de the Ci..t~: the water rates v.rould 'he as folloiflS: $J .65 for the fjrst 5,000 gallons and allover 5,000 gallons will be l5~ per thol1sand and they will have to pay for running a water line t~ property. 'Ifi-nside the Cj"ty'i t'vlfll 'e $2.50 plus 10% utility tax for the first 5,000 ga:ions and 15~ per thousand for the next 5,QOO gallons and 10~ per thousand for allover 10,000 gallons plus 10,J utility tax and the Ci t:' 1vill install the water line. The City l^/il1 assess their property at (1/3) one-third the County Assessment at 5 [nills f'Jr a per~ od of 15 :"ears. A.fter discuss! nG personal property the Co:mcil decided to either eliminate the~ or to base the amount on a: percentage of the bus- inesses jnventor:'. They were to decide at the next meeting. Councjl~an Pounds made a motion to adopt Ordinance #466 being an ordinance declaring the intention of the City of Ocoee, Flctlda to ' annex a certain tract of unincorporated land lying contiguous to the mnnicipal bOl1ndar:ies c:f t,r.e eity of Ocoee and situated :Ln Orange Coun-s:", Fl orj da, to-vTl t :