HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-28-1966 SS II I I ::INUTES OF THE SPECI AL MEETING OF THE CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. HELD APRIL 26, 1966 Present: Council\'!0!(a.n Hager, Counc:'.lmen: l'~a~'or llowell Pounds, Fatterson, rUller and Bracewell A.bsent: NC'ne '2.'~1e l'Jeet.' ng vTcl.s called to order by Counci lwornan Hager at 8: 05 P.L. :,)r t~~e ;Jllrpose of d' sc lSS' ng taxes and utilities for the Food I\:ac:>' l'er:' Corp. City attorney: Spencer C. Cross stated that the:' wanted to knG~ if the Ci ty '\r10111d furnish water and Se\'ler, when available, if they d::.d not com~ into the City and if they sould come into the City how the City would asse3S the~r property. The Clerk wnd I.:a"or were instructed to ltiri te them telling them the Cit" Counc'l's d~cision to charge them the following water rates: If ihey stay o~tside the City the first 5,000 gallons will be ~.65 and allover 5,000 gallons 'tlill be 151 pel' thousand, and they will hav~7l='ay for running a water line to their property 'ihich will ~)e approxin:ately $1,300.00. If they come intc the C,ty the rates w~ll be $2.50 on the first 5,000 gallons, l5~ per thousand Oil the next 5,000 gallons and 10~ per thousllnd on allover 10,000 gallons pl1lS a 10% utility tax, and the City will pay for the water line to ~,he property. The Ci ty will assess their property (1/3) One- third the County A.ssessment at 5 mills for a period of 15 years. T~e C0unc~1 discussed the change being made in the name of the interchange on the Sunshine State Parbvay to include v.Jinter Garden. Councjl~oman Hager asked if a letter should be written to protest this. No actton was taken. There being nc further bus~ness Councilman Patterson made a motion tc adjourn thj.s n~eeting. Councilman I,liller seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjo'rned at 9:30 P.K. Attest: 6i?<f"Ak~ ~L1~ Clerk i'lI!~UTES OF THE SPECI A.L T'/IEETIHG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. EELD A.PRIL 28, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager; Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, I':layor: Howell !',:iller & Bracewell ~bsent: None The spe:cal meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Hager at ~:10 P.K., for the purpose of discussing ~tilj,ties and taxes with representatives of the Food: Machinery Corporation, if they should or should not co~e into the City. and to adopt Ordinance J466. TIte Food Nachiner:TCorporation were informed that if they should stay outs~de the Ci..t~: the water rates v.rould 'he as folloiflS: $J .65 for the fjrst 5,000 gallons and allover 5,000 gallons will be l5~ per thol1sand and they will have to pay for running a water line t~ property. 'Ifi-nside the Cj"ty'i t'vlfll 'e $2.50 plus 10% utility tax for the first 5,000 ga:ions and 15~ per thousand for the next 5,QOO gallons and 10~ per thousand for allover 10,000 gallons plus 10,J utility tax and the Ci t:' 1vill install the water line. The City l^/il1 assess their property at (1/3) one-third the County Assessment at 5 [nills f'Jr a per~ od of 15 :"ears. A.fter discuss! nG personal property the Co:mcil decided to either eliminate the~ or to base the amount on a: percentage of the bus- inesses jnventor:'. They were to decide at the next meeting. Councjl~an Pounds made a motion to adopt Ordinance #466 being an ordinance declaring the intention of the City of Ocoee, Flctlda to ' annex a certain tract of unincorporated land lying contiguous to the mnnicipal bOl1ndar:ies c:f t,r.e eity of Ocoee and situated :Ln Orange Coun-s:", Fl orj da, to-vTl t : Tre existing Rights-of-vTa:' of '.Jofford Road cmd Story Road (Geneva Street) from State Road Ho. 50 to State Road No. S-438, lying within 30 feet of either -side of n Center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at a point en the Center LiDe of State Road NQ. 50, said pbing being 2.75 feet South 00 -09' -3 611 East of the SouthT:lest corner of Sect'i,oD 19, T01tTnshir 22 SO'J.th, Range 2[\ East, run thence North 00-13' East 2c 43. S feet along the ','Test Line of said Section to a point on the Cente Lt~e of Story Road, sajd point being the West Quarter Corner of Said Sect jon, thence North 880 -23' East 394$.0 feet to a pot~t on the Center Line of I~rshall Farms Road, said point being the Northeast Corner of t:le Northwes-+:, Quc::.rter of t11e Sou.theast Quarter of said Section, thef1.ce North 880 -24' E.:l.st 855.7 feet to the Center I Line of State Road No. 428; and Tr e Exj sting IUght-of -\.ra;T of I\'Iarshal1 Farms Road from Story Road to State Road No. 50, lying withjn )0 feet of either side of a Center Ll ne Surve:' des~ri bed as follows: Begin at point on the Center Line of Stor:' Road, sa~d point being the Norteast Corner of the Northwest 0uarter of the SO'l,theast qUClrter of Section 19, Tovmship 22 South, Range 2,3 East, run thence South 00-32' East 572.9 feet to the Center Line of the I',,:aSll~re Road Cutoff, thence Sout.h 00-32' East 250 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the ~esterly and having a radi~s of 192.45 feet, thence along said curve 71.10 feet through a cer~tral a.Qgle 420_; 5' to the Center Line of EaguireRoad Proper, thence along and to the end of said curve 7l.93 feet, thence South /+20-03' TJest 1772.4. feet to the beginning of a ct:.rve concave to the Easterly and having a radius of 325.35 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 23~.6a feet through a central angle of 420-02', tte~ce Seuth 00_01' ~iest 255.1 feet to theCenter Line of State Road NQ. 50, said point being the South QuarterCcrner of said Section 19; A.nd, The existing Right-of-Ti!ay of Eag~ire Road Froper from Harsha1l Farms Road to State Road ~o. 50, lying within 30 feet of either side of a Center Li~e Sllrve~' des'cribed as follovIs: Begin at a point on the Center Line of narshe,ll Farrr.s Road, said point being 894 feet South- I easterl1 frcR the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Tovmship 22 South, Range 28 East, r run thence South 670-2a' East 339.1 feet to the Center Line of I'~gujre Road Cutoff, thence South 670_28' East 750.5 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the ~esterly and having a radius of 501.S9 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 588.50 feet throug!: 3. central a~'1g1e of 67 q.ll " thence South 00-17' East 958.96 feet to the Center Line of 3tate Road No. 50, said point being 0.69 feet South ef the Southeast Corner of said Section 19; and Tr.e ex:' sting Rig:-:t-of -1.'lay of I':aguire Road Cutoff from Harshall Earms Road to I..:aguire Road Proper, lying ..ri thin 30 feet of either side of a Center Ljne Survey described as follows: Begin at a poin~ on the Center Line of I~rshall Far~s Road, 572.9 feet South 00-32' East of the Northeast Corner of the rorthvTest Q11arter of the Southeast ~l;.a:rter of Sectior. 19, To,ptnship 22 South, Range 25 East, said point heing tte beginning of a curve concave ot the Easterly and having a radius of 491.64 feet, run thence along and to the end of said curve 574.34 feet through a central angle of 660-34' to the Center Line of ~aguire Road Proper; and The '.Jest Half of the Existing Right-of--.Iay of Kissi1TII!1ee Avenue from Story P.oad (Geneva Streetl to IIckey Street, lying wi thin 30 feet ';Jest pf a center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at a point on the Center LiYle of Stor~' Road, said point being the I'rortheast Corner of I tte :~orthwest Cluarter of the Southeast C:uarter of Section 19, TOIm- ship 22 South, Range 28 East, run thence North 00-15' West 1793.1 feet, thence Forht 40-00' '.Iest 726.6 feet, thence North 10-28' Vlest 679.4 feet, thence North 60_51' East 156.0 feet, thence North 428.0 feet to the Center Line of EcKey Street, City of Ocoee. Councilman Mi,ller seconded the rr.otion. Councilrrien Patterson, Pounds, I.Ziller and Bracewell voted YES. No MO'S. Carried unanimously. There being ro further business Councilman Patterson Qade a motion to adjour~ th~s Meeting. Councilman Pounds second~d the motion. There~ll'on Cound 1 adjourned2t 9: 40 F .E. ^lttest:~LL:' ~ ld,eri<:: -&~)/~, . eSlQen .! \.JO' lCLL