HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-1966 " I " .. 4 I ': I I--lIrWTES OF THE REGUL!iR MEETING OF THE CITY COU~JCIL OF TEE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD Iv~AY 3, 1966 Present: Councihrorr.an Eager; Councilman: I'~a; or BOI:tell Pounds, I.:il1er Patterson, and Bracewell Arse:rt: Hone T~e meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Hager at $:10 F.~. Tte miDu~es of t~e last regu~ar ~eetin~ held April 19, 1966 and ~~e spec~al w8etlng held Aprll 26, 1960 and the special meeting held ~rr51 25, 19~6 were read and approved. Council~an Bracewell ~ade a motion that Council approve all hills in order. Councilman r~iller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. ( t\) FRm,~ GENER4L FUHD: Sa:;:uel C. Russell - '.later Dep. Ref. Srencer C. Cross - Attorney U. S. Postmaster Cecil H~rst - Electrical jnspector Ocoes Gulf Service 4merjcan Cryogenjcs, Inc. Elliott Business Eachines J. Z. Anderson Janitor Service Gle~n Joiner & Son Jackson Saw & Mower Service Bennett's Truc~ Equip. Board of Countv Cor.un. Rone~T jerkin -' 1.vater dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo Dept. ,Jtis He:lsle;' - sant. dept. George Harper - st. dept. Bennie Oliver - st. dept. H. C. ':Jade - st. dept. Bohty porter - santo dept. J. E. Thornton - fine refund I':rs. Mary Davis - water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - st. dept. J. I. Jerni~an - santo dept. Otis He~sley - santo dept. George Harper - st. dept. Bennie Oliver - st. dept. 'IT (' '.v'd ~ d t" r..';. .ae- Sv. eF.'. Bobby Porter - santo dept. Leroy Tnrner - Police Dept. ~Jjllj,a;;1 R. Hager - Police Dept. Gary Lehman - Police Dept. C~arles Sanders - ~olice Dept. Barbara Hilson - Police Dept. Ethel Hills - Police Dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk Bank of West Orange E:nergenc~; Fund Florida State Board of Health Ray Lindsey - wa~er dep. ref. ~irrr.ingham Letterhead Co. Charles 4dar,s - water dep. ref. Pounds Pharmac~/ 3.75 1,750.00 29.20 16.00 17.24 9.39 13 . 55 15.00 10.S3 61.55 15.00 26.25 3.49 85.20 77.33 65.45 67.83 61.26 61. T3 67.06 63 .26 15.00 6.50 e5.20 77.33 67.45 67.83 61.26 61.73 67.06 63 .26 190.47 157.72 140.55 155.67 33.72 59.$7 153 . 23 710.00 100.00 25.00 2.60 7.95 1.60 50.90 Ralph Va~ghn presented a plat of his property on Silver St&r Road to the Citv Council for their approval. The Council were to review ~he plat and inform him at the next meeting if they will accept the proposal. I\Ir. Cralmus Da:,lghtry spoke for several property ovmers on Ocoee Hills RGad concerning pavin~ this road. Er. Pitt Varnes ~ad stated earlier he would give .p500.00 toward the cost and the other property o~mers present agreed to help defray the cost. CourocilBan Bracewell was to contact Clifford Freeman to see if theCollnt~' will participate j n the cost and to determine the foctase, amo~ltrt of oil, and the cost for ecch property Qi'mer. Tre l=a~-or, R;:).~.morid Howell, presented the i)oli ce ::,eport for t\pril, 1966 as report.ed b? Lero~r T~rner. Copy attached to :111TIutes. Councilma~ Bracewell m~de a motion to subscribe for bhe edition of the Federal A.~.ds to Local Governments for $20.00 per year. COli.ncil- ~an Pounds s~corded th~ ~otion. Councilnen Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Brac~1'1el1 veted YES. 1";0 NO f S. Carried unanirrously. T},e Cler~- \"JaS ~ .ist.r'..:,cted to rake a list of all delin.quent taxes to be ~-rese!"'~ted to t,;,e Counci2. at th'2 nex-::-' i'-eeting. Co'.U':c71;",ar: Pat t~rsOl~ Lla de a ration tc. pa~; Spencer C. Cross, City ',ttorne--, ~1.750.CO for t;,e ~vori~ dor,e on t~e D~,TOr.. Dorough C:lS~ and tl"'~ Lal~e ~~~"'c~l:a :Tatural Gas C;J. ~D.se. CO"J.nciJ~ral1 Brac~3iA!ell seconded t;-e L:ot,'; 0-. . C01..<rc~ l"a7'" ?attersor, lOl::"1cls, I'liller nrd Jr:lcewell voted -i.....:'..,'. l~') 1,jC)'3. Carr~erJ. '~rrtn~Y"~otls17~. C)~''''''c''; lr.'3.'1 lou""'ds rerorted trlat =:r:3. ~z;ra R3m~jcy contacted him to see ~ f ~}-~e C..; 1~" 'd::nted "0 }...... fer 1'J...., or: I":.ev'iis StrGet next to ':J~ll [:0. 2, .; f 110"" s]" e \"ar ts to build 3. house on it. Cour-cilman Pounds was to aEk rer to LriLg her abstr:ct for cily attornGY to examine. m, +.,. ~ .j... ~ 1 ' t .,... t- ' . + .J._ rl. '0 ; n .Le) ~vere vO o.eClae <:1" 2, .Lc.. :,er c:,a e 11 ...ney l:rere lnverssve......:1r- 'lY_ g tLe l.ot. Ci ty at tor:1e." Spencer C. Cross rer~Q'ted the tLe County Cornmissiorlers had &~Dro\ed our acrexat~or- of the road righLs-of-:n~y as described ir- Crdj_n~nce ]466. 1 ~ I I / C01.mCll.TI'a:J Liller Lade a motiot: to c;,ssess r:.anufacturers 1/20tL of their i:wentor;; ,~O!' F8rso~al property tax pnrp.Gses at 5 mills for ("l period of 15 ~\ ears. Co ill"cilr. an Fa ttersor se cc:-..c.eu the rJotior... Councilmarl Patterson, Pou:tc.s, i.:iller and Lrace';'lell voted ::ES. Ho 1'1 J':3 . Carried unar:imously. Co 'J.rl c'.lma'l the Li.ttle mC:Ll PO~,l.!lds = i::'ler and I"~~ d 't' t' . t ' 1 t '.. ~ll.ler ma e a MotlOr- '0 ouy -ne paln ~na sea er 0 paln" League building if it does not exceed ~150.00. Council- seco~ded the mot '.or . Councill..en Patterson: Pounds, B 1, "._~ '" 'Tro,,, ,-. "', 0 1 racewe ..:. yot-ea .l.l:."..l. l~O 1.0 :::". vc~rrlea unanlmous_y. Cou~cilmar.. Bra~ewell was given permissicn to install a pipe in t~e di tct along Ta:rlor '.Jtreet and to put a drainage ditch between his house and the Sasser's house. ~e also reported that ke had been offered $( 00. on fo!" t::e 10 l:,rheeler that 'I:e no longer use. He was given permissior to sell It if we can get permission frem Civil Defense A.'lt1::.or ~ ties to sell it. CouncilDan T-:iller '.:as giver:. per~;:,ission for J. I. Jernigan to have pa::, for hi s vacation and r~ot taKe any tinle off. Councilr:tan Pounds reported that t.wo trailer cwners in Security I'/iobile Home Trailer Fark i.lad asked hitl about the ci ty huildinb a nevr drive '1m;' to their trailers 0!1 LDkevlOod i\venue. CC'J.nciln~an Bracewell ,-ras to contact the~ and work out a solution. Co'..,~n cil:r:an Pat tersor' ')resented the bids he he.d received for the '"v'TEll t,c be dr llled on Eagui re Road; Fe,r a } 0 inch '/Tell; ff1eri di th CorD. ),1' "'t:;Q 00 T rr c: 't1., ;,( I ~''') 01) "'To , B- t' ;,'" 22~ 00 ... ,jA, ','/' ) ; t,;. .1.. ...,ml L, 'r)o,'+((." ; :.lgglDS ro ners, y(,~ (. . For a 12 inch .,."ell; r~eridith Corp.; $,7,932.00; J. T. Smith, $6,262.00 and ',!iggins Brothers, $7,760.00. No decision was made. On the recommendation of Councilwoman Hager Councilman Miller made a n.oti an to '.'Tri, te i\Irs. Corinr-e ~=orer.1an and instruct her not to plant orange trees in Delaware Street by the side of her orange grove. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Pattersor, Miller and 3racev-rell voted YES. no J.W3. Carried nr.rtn:Ln:ousl~" . Cou~cilwo~an Hager asked if something could be done about dogs that attack ~eople on other peoples property and about dogs that are r lliEances.. Ci t~- A.ttorYJ.e~,', Spencer Cross was to look into t~e matter tc' cleLerr:line a sol'J.tion. TLere 'be:2ng no further business CO'..lncilman Patterson made a motion to adjourn this ~eeting. Councilman ~liller seconded the motion. T~'ere1]pon COl)nc~_l adjourned at 10: l~O F .M. ~ttest,: MaALL:l ~~ tfJ1~~-d L ~ W' , Clerk . ppe~;ident' v~f:/~~~~cit , I . .' I RAYMOND G. HOWELL MAYOR TELEPHONE 656 -2322 BARBARA MILLS CLERK -TREAS. ,> COUNCILMEN ORANGE COUNTY BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS . J. W. REID, CHAIRMAN E. P. MILLER JACK MARSDEN EDWIN H. POUNDS WM. T. BRACEWELL. JR. CITY OF OCOEE OCOEE. FLORIDA NEW HOUSI NG DEVELOPMENT WELCOME TOURIST Honorable Raymond Howell Mayor City of Oeoee Sir. Listed below is a swmmary of miles operated gas% oil used and arrest made for the month of April 5.886 miles 672 gelB 13 qts. 2:J. 8 60 26 3 $2.600 70 36 7 2 6 0" Miles opere Gas used Oil used Summons Arrest Warning Complants Ae:eid ents Prlbperty Damage Calls ans. Courtesy Mess. del. B ~ E Asst. other Dept. . . The above summary is for your information . ~pectfuJ.IY ~~~ Chief of Police City of Oeoee . """""