HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-1966 ~\~II'::TTES OF THE REGULAR I'.CEETIEG OF THE CITY OO~~CIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD EAY 17, 196A Fresel1t : Ccupcilwo~an Eager; r:a;:or: H01Arell Councilrr,en: Patterson, Pounds, !\liller p.r. 0race'I'!ell Al.sent: None The m-:=et-iY"J': ",as cal1-:=d to order bv CO'lncilman Pounds at 3:10 P.E. ard rresid~rt over t~e TIeeting untl1 Council~roman H~ger arrived. T",e )""ir ":tes ()f t,r:e }.ast regular meeting held :,:ay J, :966 were read al'd ap;:,ro':ed. I COl~r. c~ 1;: a"" ~:i i.ler lY'.ade D. rpot ion that Counci 1 c. 'ODrO'le all tiJ.ls ~norder. Counr'l: a~ fatterson seco~d9d the moilon. Voted and carr~ erl. ( :\) FROI': GEITEAL FUFD: I Jares Frjrt~~; ~ letter 3ervice ~7. =:. :C\'I!r'-:=ss j r~:1 l. I" e~"TSO~--- 6"'rr" I s Offset Fress :,(')cl~rr; Stat';o~er;', Inc. FJorlda Power Cor~. ::ar~ a~d ASDnal t CO'1ilJaT' Orlando Pa~~ng COffir~~~" Gcoee '::;'1:.3,f Serv'i, ce I:ar:- Einds Griffjtt Tire Co., Inc. G]enn Joiner Z Son 201mes Electric E~"61-'es :::u")",l' , IT C. Color '!}'eel Paj'lt Co. Graynar Ele~tr~c Co., Inc. 1vi ". l" -,T <=>., d i 1"1 C" ... . ~ ... J.. ".......1... -"'0 Ean, s Fa:;. 'It Co. F10rjda r~tal Craft, IDc. Clarl: Gal'] 8 - i^TC1ter dcr. ref. Sat:' OJ; 1rer - t'T8.t8r dert. O. G. S~~th - water d~rt. J. I. JerDigD.~ - santo dept. Ctis He~slG: - S8"1t. dept. Geor~e Har0er - st. dept. E~n~~e Oliver - st. dent. .,.... . '!' J. !;. C. ".ade - st. dect.. T"()"::-~,~- Porter - sant: dept. ~at'oDaJ lea~ue of C.ties .Jares Car"1,t1 ~rs -- witness fee FJcr~da Tle. Cor~. can (Ill uer - Hater n,ept. C. G. Smjer- - ':rDter dr3pt. J. I. Jer~ig8.~ - santo dept. Otis Hensle' - santo dsnt. G<=>orryO tJ~r"~r ct dont" ..... b- J..C.J..l''''''-- - u . ~""'J:" . Ben~ie Oliver - st. dept. H. C. ',Jade - st. dept. Bolb~ Porter - santo dept. Duel Sa1,'r:--:=r - ':ra ~er dep. ref. Gar-- Le:1mar - noli ce deT\t. Eay~cnd C. Bowell - I~y~r C1:.arles ::3nnders - poL; ce dept. 3etty S. Hager - Councilwcr.ian Edwin H. Pounds - Councilman E. P, ~.Ciller _ " '.J. T. Brace'AJ"ell, Jr. !! Ja~es T. Vandergrift, Fire Chief Lero;,' T"c:T.er - Felice De~t. ~ill12~ R. Hager - Pelice Dept. ~a~bar~~. ':l~lso:'l ~- ~oli ce Dept. f.,tLel 112,}".LS - l"olJ.ce Dept. 3arl;ara Hocks - CJ erl: J. B. Griffi~ - Judge 8penser C. Cross - ~tt9rney U. ~. Post~aster Sex" Oliver - ':rater dept. C. G. 3I~th - ~~ter dept. J I ,Ter""l' can - "r,,"t ri ent . . v ........ 6C.l.~ "-,c'._.L....-.". Otis l:snslej' - SD.nt. dapt. Jennje Oliver - st. dept. 3.50 3.... (.. ..,. ).).(Lj. 60.50 7.20 4.00 1,~eO.86 641.12 27.00 21.15 47.10 14.60 2 2 . ~.J 18.00 50.59 61~84 48.33 10.00 3.50 6.99 1.1C 85.20 .....7 1 '" i ...J ~ 202.35 (: 7 . 2\J 61.26 61. 73 67.06 6J .2E 20.00 4.20 49.4.5 t'5.20 I ,-,- ......') ( ( .j.... 67.45 6,..... .4.... ( ~ ~) 183.78 61. 73 67.06 63 .26 3 .75 140.55 47.90 161.66 20.45 23 . 95 23 . S ;; "..., 9- ~~ . - ) 23 . 95 1 on 1,"7 -L- ". -' . ...... I 157.72 "'3 ..-,? ../ . /- 5~'. 01 1 5' "":l ..I- '/. 1-.-..... 75.00 200.00 J 7 . 48 55.20 77.33 67.45 67.83 61.73 l-!. C. ~.'!ade - st. dent,. Bcbt~ Porter - sb~t: dent. - ~ 67.06 63 .26 I:r. P..c<,-,ert I:C;ll:..ller;, of the FJa:.d.a Tele~ho!1e Corpore.tioD ~'ras present to "TIvite a1J, Cjt~ official to attend a meeti~g of the Fublic Util- i L.es CO!Th':lissior. 0!1 the extended area service June 1st J 966 at '" . 00 . r' J-.. 1_ c> '.. t "" 1 C . 'j" ' ,:. ,'c. '.. au LL~ ,'12 rl er liarc.en .L t:' '~1Jr:::. tor:::.ur:.. Ralr~: Va':,chn "":as to contact ..'.i lliar..: C. ::art, Courity Surveyor to exarine '. ~ s rle,t, to see ~ f ~,t H0u.ld meet F. E. A.. reouirements. The CO'.mcil informed I:r. Va'--l.:;~,r: that the city \'lOuld not acc~pt a!"::' pla~,s 11,nless all houses had s:..de':mlks. I I':r. Varnes, I:r. Dallghtr:' and r:r. i.rapier 'iVere ~resent conserninp" + h . f' J-' ~ TT . 11 p , r.1' ,." ( d ~ ....ue raVlDt; o~ v;::e ucoee 1~2.._ S .'.02Q. ine)' staten tr..a t elght 0) propert~/ O'lHrlerS had agreed to help defra:' the cost of the road and that, r.:r. 4. H. Ea] coJm had not been contacted. The road is to be appr' 'x:'.catel:,' 2Lt feet .'1.nd cost approximately ,;4,000.00. C~ t~, Att0rne:' ::: l:'erlcer C. Cross '.'las to dra'v'T up a contr.act .:for the rrc:gerty 0',v::::.8rs to sign stat,ing tr..eJ' would pay their share. JA.r.:es T. Va:J.der.;rift presented bids to the CQ1...:.ncj 1 on a new Rescue Truck for the Fire Department: Chevrolet One-Ton Pa~el Truck & equipoent - $5,600.00 Internat.ional - Tr'..lck &. equipment 119 \'lheel base - 06,100.00 Illterllatio:J.A.l - Trucl: B::. Equipnent J 40 I'Theel base - 7,100.00' International - Truck only no ~~uipncnt ),000.00 4 rad:.o for the tr'),ck v-lOuld he ~800. 00 extra. CouJOc,i 1n;ar. f01:nds ahd tte fire chief '",ere to determine the best :,uy for the Cit~, and ~r~~g they decision to a future meeting. S2'encer C. Cros8 rC"eJorted t~at I:i chaels ~ngineeri ng Compar..y were to re~crt at the next rreetir..g on the feasibility r?port for the sewer s::stem. T'-,e C;.erk 1::a3 ~.nstr~,:cted to 'Ilri te james John:- informing him he \"ras I not a~ttorized to ~uj,ld t~e dog pen on his property and tha~ -1e },ave ]- ad ~lUf:1.erO~lS corr:pla ints that the pen is unsightly and thE c1060 are '-:'0': s: ard t.hat :- e 1-:.e,s 10 da:-s :i.n which to rer:love the pen. ~ letter ~as rereived frorr Glace Ergirr:eerjng Company asking that tl--ey CO!'lt i'1'1e as co"s1l1tar. ts fnr tb'2 City on the Sewage Contract. S"en cer C. Cross. Ci ty at tcrney 1I.JaS to answer the letter. The Clerk was instructed to write the Orange county School Board r':11.oting tLe;TI a nr':ce 0]1 a sidewalk in front of school buildings 0n So~:th "\lnford fran' DelLlware Street to I..afayette St. Council- man Bracewell was to o8tain a price quotation. 3""'e11 cer C. Cross was to call I':rs. Vat~ie H. Farmer about the bill she o',^,es t-,}:e Ci t~ for c"ll vert installed under her dri ve\"lay. Cou"""cj hvol':'"a'1 Hager asked about, the City keepil!g our property clean aro1ll1d T:vel] ,;'2. No dec': sj on ';Tas made. I:a"or Hm'T'311 recoD'mended that the Counci 1 set a curfe\', for the City. ~o act~or was taken. Counc~l~an Bracewell reDorted that the City could, buy 17 joints of c~~lvert for ~5.00 rer joint. I l~. P. C. Braswell had aske~ that the City make him an entrnnce .; >1tO '" 'i '" 'rara'~e ,,{'r 1,'c":eH St .'- ... 1_':::> 0 J ,_ -~ .1. J..I. i l.~. . Ttere beirg ro furt~er ~usiress ~ouncjlffian Pounds made a motion t.hat Cou"'cll ad lou.rn tl:'i,s rr:eetinc;. Councilrr:an r.liller seconded the r.1ot3,cr. T}'ere~;~orl C()unc~ 1 adjourned at 11 :05 P.E. '\t rest: L ~ ,~ O?a /I ~ X /7 Clerk ,1