HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-1966 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLOlDA HELD JUNE 7, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager: Councilmen: Pounds, Miller & Bracewell Mayor Howell Absent: Councilman Patterson The meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Hager at 8:10 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held May 17, 1966 were read and approved. Councilman Pounds made a motion that the Council approve all bills in order. Councilman Bracewell seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: 'William E. Somerset - water dep. ref. Spencer C. Cross - ~ttorney Johnson & Tyndall Orlando Paving Co. Mom & Pop's Restnrant 'Cecil Hurst - Electrical inspector Heintzelman's Ford Board of County Corom. Florida Metal Craft, Inc. Hood Tractor Co. ' Badger Meter , Atlantic-Hoffman Equip. Co. Hughes Supply, Inc. The Bray Hardware Co. Southern Meter & Supply Co. Griffith Tire Co. J. Z. Anderson Janitor Service Modern Stationery, Inc. Ocoee Gulf Service Ocoee Auto Service Sam Oliver - Water Dept. 9. G. Smith - Water Dept. J~ T. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otfs Hensley - Santo Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. James Czarnecke - Sante Dept. Bobby Porter - Santo Dept. Harold Dart Ouida Meeks - Office help Leroy Turner - Police Dept. William R. Hager - Police Dept. Charles Sanders - Police Dept. Gary Lehman - Police Dept. Ethel Mills - Police Dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk Bank of West Orange State Board of Health Emergency Fund Barbara Wilson - Police Dept. Dallas Hess - water dep. ref. R. A. Griffin - water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water dep.t O. G. Smith - water dept. J. I. Jernigan ~ sante dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Bennie Oliver - St. D~pt. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Bobby Porter - Sante Dept. James Czarnecke - Santo Dept. Robert Lilly - St. Dept. Earnest J. Martin - St. Dept. 1.82 5,005.00 5.76 27.00 47.92 12.00 29.62 31.50 98.15 8:nO 900.00 51.85 28.50 16.48 130.68 7.62 14.00 15.25 23 .14 27.35 85.20 77.33 67.45 67.83 61..73 67.06 21.52 63 .26 15.00 41.10 190.47 157.72 167.65 140.55 59.87 153.23 710.00 25.00 100.00 l7.6~ 5.35 5.24 255.60 77.33 67.45 67.83 61. 73 67.06 63.26 17.24 36.51 36.51 Mr. James Johns was present conserning the dog pen that he built on his pro~rty. He stated that he contact Councilman Pounds about building the pen and was under the impression that a building had to be ~alued at $50.00 before a permit was required. City Attorney, Spencer C. Cross informed him he should have contacted the City Clerk before building the pen. Council- man Miller made a motion to table this until next meeting when Harold & Mary Woodley were to be present. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilmen Paunds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Leroy Turner asked permission to let Dean Richards work as substi tute while the regular are on vacation";this summer. He was given permission pending notification of our insurance company of this action. Mr. Groo of Michaels Enginering Company presented to the Council a preliminary engineering report on a sanitary sewage system for the City. This system is to serve all existing houses and additional sections to be connected in as needed by means of gravity. He stSBd that a plant operater of at least type C would be needed. He informed the Council that a state act enables assessment offTont footage for sewer stystem and suggested financing be done through revenue. No action was taken pending availability of Federal Funds. Mr. Groo was to be present at the meeting on July 5, 1966. The Clerk was instrueted to call Wells, Laney, Ehrlich and Baer and obtain a copy of our audit report for the last 5 years to be sent to Mr. Fritz of Michaels Engineering Co. r Councilwoman Hager read and discussed letter from Mr. Sheeby or the Orange County School Board concerning tne need for sewage at the Ocoee Elementary and Junior Hight SchoolS. The Clerk was to answer the letter. -: I Councilman Bracewell present a copy of Ocoee Hills Rarl petition signed by several property owners, two that are out of town had not been connacted. Councilman Bracewell made a motion I that the petition be accepted. Councilman Pounds seconded the motion. Councilman Pounds, Miller & Bracewell voted YES. Mo NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilwoman Hager asked that the City clean up around the Well #2 and other City property. No action was taken. Mayor Howell reported that he had had complaints about the weed condition of the Ocoee Cemetery. Councilman Bracewell reported that the Street Department needed ,a new mower. He was given permission to use his own descret~on in purchasing a new one.' Councilman Bracewell reccommended that the City alocate $4,000.00 to build sidewalks with in the future. No action was taken. He had obtained estimates on sidewalks of 35 cents per square foot installed in a residential area and to be 4 foot in width. " , Councilman Bracewell was given permission to replace sidewalk from Oakland Avenue to Fields Grocery profiding he sell brick removed. City Attorney Spencer C. Cross suggested that the City ask Harold Maguire to return the brick that are still unpaid for. No decision was made. Mayor Howell reported that the Winter Ga~den City Limit sign was improperly placed. Councilman Bracewell was to call Mr. J. D. Dollar pertaining to relocation of the City sign. Councilman Hager stated she and the Clerk had discussed changing the Cit~ Hall hours, from 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. - 1:)0 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. to 8:)0 A.M. - 12:)0 P.M. and 1:)0 to 5:00 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 8L)0 A.M. - 12:)0 P.M. on Wednesday and Saturday. No decision was made. Councilwoman Hager discussed with the Council the fences on Starke Lake Circle that were ~r.ected without a permit and also have easement fenced. Councilman Bracewell suggested that the ,'. , I RAYMOND G, HOWELL MAYOR TELEPHONE 656 - 2322 COUNCILMEN BETTY S, HAGER, CHAIRMAN EARNEST P. PATTERSON EDWIN H. POUNDS E. P. MILLER WM, T. BRACEWELL, JR, CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLORIDA II Honorable Raymond Howell Mavor City of Ocoee Sir BARBARA HOOKS CLERK-TREAS, BEAUTIFUL LAKES GOOD FISHING GROUNDS NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT WELCOME TOURIST Listed beJow is a summary of miles operated,gas & oil used and arrest made for the month of May. . Miles operated Gas used Oil used Summons issued Warning issued Arrest made Complaints Warrants served Accidents Property damageed Calls ans. Courtesy Message" del. Doors unlocked B& E Assist other Dept. Cleared by arrest _5,178 657 12 19 25 10 32 2 5 1800.00 47 13 10 1 2 5 1 The above summary is submitted for your information. Respectfully , Leroy Turner Chief of Police City of Ocoee I _-"'I Clerk write letters informing owners to comply with City Ordlinance. I Orange County Commissioner Clifford Freeman informed the Council they should apply again for traffic lights at the intersection of 438 and Highway 50 and at Maguire Road and Highway 50. He also stated he could get 8ilver Maple Trees if the City was interested in setting out them. City Council are to investigate the zoning for a ~ropeeed trailer park off Wurst Road. Councilwoman Hager was give permission to canvass the people in her neighborhood concerning building sidewalks. Councilman Pounds made a motion to adopt Ordinance #467 being an Ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, annexing a certain ,- tract of unincorporated land lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee and situated in Orange County, Florida, to-wit: The existing Rights-of-way of Wooford Road and Story Road (Geneva Street) From State Road No. 50 to State Road No. S-438, lying within 30 feet of either side of a Center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at a point on the Center line of State Road No. 50, said point being 2.75'feet South 00 -09'-36" East of the Southwest Corner of Section 19, Township 22 South, Range28 East, run thence North e~-13' East 2643.8 feet along the West Line of said Section to a point on the Center Line of Story Road, said point be1ns the West Quarter Corner of said Section, then North 66'-23' East 3948.0 feet to a point on the Center Line of Marshall Farms Road, said point being the Northeast.Corner of the Nortwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarterof said Section, thence North 880-25' East 855.7 feet to the Center Line of State Road No. 438; and, The existing right-of-Way of Marshall Farms Road from Story Road to State Road No. 50, lying within 30 feet of either side of a Center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at a point on the Center Line of Story Road, said point being the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of ' the South- east Quarter of Section 19, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, run thence South 00-32' East 572.9 feet to the Center Line of Maguire Road Cutoff, thence Soutp 00_32' East,250 feet to the beginning of a curve conc~ve to the Westerly and having a radius of 192.45 feet, thence along said curve.7l.l0 feet through a central angle 420-35' to the Center Line of Maguire Road Proper,then along and to the end of~said curve 71.93 feet, thence South 420-03' West 1772.4 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Easterly and having a radius of 325.35 feet, thence along add to the end of said curve 238.68 feet through a central angle of 420-02' thence South 00_01' West 255.1 feet to the Center Line of State Road No. 50, said point being the South Quarter Corner of said Section 19; and, ..' J 'J I , I The existing Right-of-Way of Maguire Road Proper from Marshall FarmsRoad to State Road No. 50, lying within 30 feet of either side of a Center Line Survey described as follows: Begin at a point on the Center Line of Marshall Farms Road, said point being 894 feet South-easterly from the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 22 South,Range 28 East, run thence South 670_28' East 339.1 feet to the Center Line of Maguire Road 'Cutoff, thence South 670_28', East 750.5 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Westerly and having a radius of 501.89 feet, thence along and to the end of said curve 588.50 feet through a central angel of 67~-11', thence South 00-17 East 958.96 feet '~o the Center Line of State Road No. 50, said point being 0.69 feet South of the South- east Corner of said Section 19; and The existing Right-of-Way of Magtii:r~.Road Cutoff from Marshall Farms Road to Maguire Road Proper, l~ing within 30 feet of either side of a Center Line Survey described . as follows: Begin at a point on the Center Line of Marshall Farms Road, 572.9 feet South 00-32' East of the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of SectiDn 19, Town- ship 22 South, Range 28 East, said point being the beginning of a curve concave to the Easterly and having a radius of 491.64 feet, runthence along and to the end of said curve 574.34 feet through a central angle of 660-34' to the Center Line of Maguire Road ~oper; and, The West Half of the Existing Right-of-Way of Kissimmee Avenue from Story Road (Geneva Street) to McKey Street, 'lying within I 30 feet West of Center Line Surv~y described as follows; Begin at a point on the Center Line of Story Road, said point being the No ea~ the Northeast Cornerof the Northwest Quarter of the,Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 22 South, Ranie 28 Ea~t, run thence North 00_15' West 1793.1 feet, thence North 4 -OO'We'at 726.6 feet, thence Noeth 10.28' West 679.4 feet, thence North 60-51' East 156.0 feet, thence North 428.0 feet to the Center Line of McKey Street, City of Ocoee. Councilman Bracewell seconded the motion. Councilmen Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Bracewell made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Pounds seconded themotion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 11:35 P.M. Attest: ~"V::h' ~& ~L,L<i ~ President, Coun 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JUNE 14, 1966 I Present: Councilwoman Hager; councilmen: Patterson, Pounds, Mayor: Howell Miller & Bracewell Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Connci1waman Hager at 8:10 P.M. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss erecting an overhead water tank at the new well to be drilled on Maguire Road. Mr. Sharpe, of Jack Sharpe's, Inc., Water Tank Service, was nresent to discuss with the council the procedures we would go through if we purchased a tank through his company. Councilman Patterson had obtafuned a bid of $37,~OO.OO. Mr. Sharpe quoted a price of $32,434.15 for the 100,000 gallon tank 143 feet high, plus cleaning the tank and the safety devices. Councilman Patterson made s statement that if Speed Sprayer required a seperate line to their sprinkl~system we should not t~T to fiurnish them with water for their sprinkler system. The Council also discussed the possihaity of erecting the new tank at well #l and not drill a new well. No action was taken until more information was obtained. There being no further business Councilman Patterson made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Thereupon Council a~journed at 9:35 P.M. Attest: G9~AAG/? ~L7/~ Clerk I Y1-+f ~~ .t<~ ~1?P# ~s dent of urici