HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-1966 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JULY 5, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager; Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, Mayor: Howell Miller & Bracewell Absent: None The meeting was called to order byCouncilwoman Hager at 8:10 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held June 21, 1966 and the specila meeting held June 25, 1966 were read and approved. Councilman Pa~terson made a motion to p~y all bills inorder. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL BUND: .. Eleanor Hood - water dep. ref. Charles Driggers - water dep. ref. O. G. Smith - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - Sant. Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Bobby Porter - Santo Dept. James Czarnecke - Santo Dept. Earnest Martin - St. Dept. Michael Bracewell - St. Dept. Auto Elec~ric Company Cecil Hurst - Electrical ~nspector Griffith Tire Co. Florida Metal Craft, Inc. Winter Garden Lumber Co. Pounds Pharmacy The Bray Hardware Modern Stationery, Inc. J. Z. Anderson Janitor Service ,Board of County Comm. Central Florida Fire Equip. Bank of West Orange Emergency Fund State Board of Health Simmons Concrete Service Corinne Tucker Leroy Turner - Police Dept. William R. Hager - Police Dept. Gary Lehman - Police Dept. Adron Claunch - Police Dept. Ethel Mills - Police Dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk O. G. Smith - Water Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Wilmer Bell - Santo Dept. James Czarnecke - Santo Dept. Earnest J. Martin - St. Dept. Michael Bracewell,- St. Dept. L. J. Ellington - water dep. ref. District Director of Internal Revenue O.A.S.I. Contribution Fund L. L. Tadajewski - water dep. ref. 3.75 3.25 77.33 67.45 203.49 61.26 67.06 63 .26 49.54 36.51 39 .11 6.00 14.00C: 105.16 37.83 3 2 .98 1.98 34.92 9.30 14.00 36.75 114.70 710.00 100.00 25.00 170.50 3.75 190.47 157.72 140.55 125.60 59.87 1 53 . 23 77.33 67.45 61.26 67.06 54.04 49.54 45.39 47.69 .60 1,176.30 1,370.48 7.50 .. Mrs. Washie Hudson, Malba Hudson and Mr. Arthur Clarke were 'present to ask the Council for a resolution from the City asking for a traffic light at Minorvil1e on Highway 50. Mr. !rthur Clarke was to ask Martin Andersen, of the Sentinel Star, to write a letter to Governor BUrns asking for the light. Councilman Miller made a motion that we have a resolution drawn asking for the traffic light. Councilman Patterson seconded the motion. Councilman Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO.S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Arthur Clarke asked that the Ocoee Cemetery be kept mowed and cleaned and that the moss be killed in the trees. ~. Smyth, Administrator of the West Oramge Memorial Hospital, 1scussed with the Council the ambulance belonging to the hospi tal. He stated they have 24 hOlm ambulance service in ~' this area. Mr. Fritz and Mr. Groo of Michaels Engineering Company presented a report on their findings after examining our water system. The following suggestions were made for our water system: Gas feeding chlorinators in separate rooms. Flow meters should be installed at all sUPPJ.y:'faciI1ties Automatic controlled valves between the two systems I A water map of the City An elevated tank of 250,000 gallons in the downtown area. Councilman Patterson made a motion for Mr. Robert Wagner to submit a proposal on a plan for financing the sewer sy~tem and the additional water system need. Councilman Miller seconded the motion." Councilman Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Brace- well voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Councilman Pounds made a motion to accept the report on the water and sewer systems submitted by Michaels Engineering Co. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted YES. No Nons. Carried unanimously. James T. Vandergrift, Fire Chief, was to checkon the County Laws that will effect our rescue truck before a decision is made on buying a new rescue truck. Councilwoman Hager asked that apub1ic hearing be had pertaining to the trailer park that is proposed between Flewelling Avenue and Wurst Road. The Council postponed the hearing pending having appraisers determine if the trailer park would depriciate the property surrounding this property. Councilwoman Hager was to contact some appraisers to have this done. Mayor Howell presented the monthly report from the Police Department, submitted by Leroy Turner. Leroy Turner, was to have the trash removed off the dead-end portion of Sabrina Drive. Councilman Bracewell recommerlded that $4,000.00 be allocated to build sidewaks throughout the City. There being no further business Councilman Patterson made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. ~hereupon Council adjourned at 10:50 P.M. I Attest:r&,4~ ';{~.L lerk '!f.,-rF'i:/;{yc: ~r~ e ent 0 unC1 I ~ AYMOND G, HOWELL MAYOR TELEPHONE 656.2322 BARBARA HOOKS CLERK.TREAS. COUNCILMEN ETTY S, HAGER, CHAlRMA" AR"E:ST p, PATTERSON DWIN H, POUNDS ,P. MILLER M, 1. BRACEWELL,JR. CITY OF OCOEE BEAUTIFUL LAKES ORANGE COUNTY GOOD FISHING GROUNDS OCOEE, FLORID"A NEW HOUSING DEVELO PM ENT WELCOME TOURIST Honorable Raymond Howell Mayor City of Ocoee Sir Listed below is a summary of miles;operated, gas& oil used and arrest made for the month of June 1966 5,133 530 gals. 10 qts. 8 5 18 27 1 3 $3500.00 45 32 3 4 4 5 Miles operated Gas used Oil used Summons issued Arrest made Warning. Complants Warrents served Accidents Property Damaged Calls ansa Courtesy Mess. del. B & E B & E cleared by arrest Assit other dept. The above sUMmary is submitted for your infomation. ~e ectfully ~ Ler Turner Chief of Police City of Oeoee <<