HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1966 r'GNUTES OF THE REGULA.R r<~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD OCTOBER 6, 1966 Present: Councilwoman Hager; Councilmen: Pounds, Patterson, IvIa-:ror Eot-Jell and Miller Arsent: Councilman Bracewell Tbe meeting was called to order b:r CouncilwoIT,an Hager at 8: 05 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held September 6, 1966 and the special meeting held September 24, 1966 were read and approved. Cound Iman Miller made a motion that Council all bills in order. Council~an Pounds seconded the motion. Voted and carried. I (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: I H. E. Flewelling - St. Dept. P. C. Braswell - water dep. ref. Volan F. Tillis, Inc. - water dep. ref. Margaret Freeman - Police Dept. Harold Stoutenburgh - Building Permit Refunded Sam Oliver - ~ater Dept. O. G. Smith - Water Dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. George Harper - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. ',vade - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver, Jr. = St. Dept. }~nnipg S. Spive~ - St. Dept. Barr:- Fl6\^lelling - St. Dept. Shel j a Hood - '!Tater dep. ref. ':Ii nter Garden, Hardware ~. E. Stinnett - Electrical Inspector Eid-Florida Gas Co. J. Z. ~nderson, Janitor Service Ka-f.Ti Flori st Orlando Comm. Service Pounds Motor Co~, Inc. Orange County Freman's Assoc. ':J5 nter Garden Lumber Co. Color ~r.eel Paint Co. Orlando Paving Co. S'l;-.er Concrete Co. G1Jlf Oil Corp. ~lritan CheMical Co. Sonnv's Marine Center Board of County ComE. GlenT' Joiner &"Son Grjffith Tire Co. Bill Bardoe Eord RoO'er Benr" tTa~! s Texaco Lee Pool SllDol',' Hn~hes SUi)pi~-,' I:r. c. Davis Meter & Supply, Inc. Ocoee Gulf Service J. H. Lindse" - '-later dep. ref. J. Ii. Danford - It!a ter dep. ref. H. E. FJewelling - St. Dept. Sam OJiver - water dept. r.:erle Ra',' - Nater deD. ref. O. G. S~itr - water dent. J. I. Jernigan - Sant.-Dept. Otis Hensley - Santo Dept. Geor~e Parper - St. Dept. Bennie Oliver - St. Dept. H. C. Wade - St. Dept. Rennie Oliver. Jr.- gaDt~~papt. Har.T'5ng S. ST'ivev - St. Dept. Cnarles Sanders - Police Dept. LeroH Tl1rner - Police Dept. ~MJ,]iam R. Hager - Police Dept. Ethel Mills - Police Dept. Adro:r: Cla1.tnch - Police Dept. Fred Daughtry - Police Dept. ;~argaret Freeman - Police Dept. ~arrara Hooks - Clerk 0111 da T'J::eeks - Offi ce help I 28.00 6.50 7.50 2$.74 5.00 85.20 77.33 67.45 67 . 83 61.26 61.73 67.06 61.26 57.27 2~.50 2.15 5.60 36.00 21.00 16.60 10.00 53 .59 1.60 10.00 28.86 10.68 27.00 702.70 43 .06 175.84 17.90 3 5 . 00 23 8 . 25 75.29 34.94 2.00 13 . 42 173 .70 205.82 62.50 60.69 3.75 3.75 41+.50 85.20 1.60 77.33 67.45 67 . 83 61.26 61. 73 67.00 61.26 57.27 167.65 190.47 157.72 59.87 135.57 127.20 37.16 153 .23 34.64 Dean Ricrards - Police Dept. Bank of tlest Orange Emergenc:,- Fnnd Florida State Board of Health 9.58 310.00 100.00 25.00 I~r. & rCrs. Pillv 1.:cRo'- and ~:r. & I(rs. J. ';,/. Brandon were present to discuss the letter written to them concerning fencing the easement on trei_r ;:'Toperties. Hr. ~'!offerd, of the West Orange Fence Co., i'TaS also 'Jresent, who installed the fence~s. He stated he had beep told ~e could erect t~e fence on the easement if he left a r;at,e j, n the rear of the property, but iAlOUld not state he had 11.. ' told ~jm this. After the discussion witt the people the Ci tv COl1,rtcj 1 were all 'manimous in inforcing the Ordinance !!L27 1 'tT~j cr T'r(")~j hi ts fencing easements. They \'Tere given 1Jnt j 1 JanuarH 1, 19f7 to move tre fences off the easement. Lr. C. R. Dallljht,r:T was present to discuss 1i'ri th the Council t,J~e ;J0ssi 'hi. 1 it,. of get tine; a redwood fence erected along the Ocoee Pi lIs Road 'he}!; nd Brenti'Tood Uni t //1. The Clerk VTaS 'i nstrl1.cted to 1i'rrj te l,:r. ~villiam 0" Brien asking him to be nresent at Ollr l1ext meeting, to be held October 18, 1966 to d'; SC'JSS ".'li tr rd 1'" about erecting this fence. Er. 1:Iil1er P:billips vras present, representing Nr. A.. H. Halcolr concerrdn~ the tax assessment on his property wi th- ip t'he Cit'- Limits. I-ir. PhilliDS Vias to ask Mr. I\ialcolm to attend our next meeting, Oct~ber 18, 1966. Tl~e PoJj ce report for SepteJ1'1'ber 1966 was reported by Mayor Howe]l as nresented by Leroy Turner. Conrcilman Pounds suggested that the City offer r-::r. Byron Dorouf;r: tSOO.OO for a piece of property located on Kissimmee A.venue to erect tre water tank. Coupcilcan Patterson was given permission to get bids on the necessary nipe to run a water line from ~ell ~l to the F.N.C. Pronert:-'. " I I':a;-or H01tlell reported that Firs. Theresa Baker wanted permission to fenr.e rer property on Silver Star Road. There was no ob- ject';on as long ~~ she stayed on her on property. Ed1t.lin stat.ed r:e J'ad had reports' about bicycles were being'-:' rideD after darl< with out lights or reflectors. Lero:\l Turner '\-ras to cr1eck ".'\]"1. th tne Sl'eriffs Department on a program for 'hi c~'cle rj ders. CoullciJman Patterson reported that Robert Lyle want the City to close tre portj,on of Center Street by his home. Council- mar Pounds s11.o;gested Counci lrr:an Brace'/lell check and see how r.:u~'h j t T,"Cll.1d cost to pave this property so rv:r. Lyle could ~et to ~is driveway. Leroy T11rner 1tras to che'ck 1,vi th Francis Boston about a car and hJS parked by his home. Tre CounciJ. decided to leave the personal property as is for thi s :vear. TJ'ere beil'lg no further business Councilman Miller made a motion I to recess this meeting until ~onday, October 10, 1966 at 8:00 P .1-:. CoUY1C~ lrr,an Pourds seconded the motion. Thereupon Council ad,jol1rned at 10: 20. P .Fl. Attest: ~L ,~~ ~,id''6~ Yy-n' )re dent of o~ ncil