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OCTOBER 10, 1966
Pres~nt: Cou~r~lwoma~ Hager; Councilmen: Patterson, Pounds,
T.:a:'or Hm~ell r'liller & Dracelilell
('.J- sent, : rkne
Tre Meet~ng was caJled to order by Councilwoman Hager at 8:10 P.M.
Co~ncilDan I~Jler made a motion to adopt Ordinance 1470 being an
ordj_:raT' ce of the Ci t:";- of Ocoee, Florida, annexing a certain tract
of u,rd rcorporated land ly-i,ng continguous to the municipal boundaries
!')f t,he Ci t:- of Ccoee and sj tuated in Orange County, Florida, to-'\..li t:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest ~ of the
Northeast ;l of Section 19, Township 22 South, Range 28 East,
rl'J'njrg thence ';:est along the i Section line the distance of
Si xt,een H1mdred Forty-six and Seven One-Hundredths (1,646.07)
feet to a roint; thence North parallel with the West right of
....'la-. line bf Kiss; mmee Avenue the distance of Eight Hundred
Thirty (8? 0.) feet; thence East, parallel 1:1i th the said ~
Sect-ion L~ne to the '."Jest side of Kissimmee Avenue right of
wa,-; trlence South along Kissimmee Avenue right of way: to'
point of ~eginning.
Councilman Patterson seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson,
Pnurds, r~ller and Bracewell voted YES. No NO'S. Carried
nnan-i ::1ousl:'.
Courc-il~an Miller Made a motion to adopt Ordinance #471 being an
ordinance of the Cit:" of Ocoee, Florida, annexing a certain tract
of 'm:i.ncorporated land lying contiguous to the Iliunicipal boundaries
of t,he Cit:' of Ocoee, and situated in Orange County, Florida, towit:
From the East ~ corner of Section 19, Township 22 South,
Range 2~ East run S 880 42' ~ along the north side of the
SEl of said Section a distance of 448.52 feet to the
center line of the Orlando-Ocoee Road and the point of
~eginnjng; ru:r thence S 250 39' E, along said centerline
of the Orlando-Ocoee Read a distance of 10Jh.25 feet to
the east line of the SEl of said Section 19, thence 3
00 02' 341' T.'J, along sai d east line of the SE~, a di s-
tance of 175.29 feet to the centerline of the A.C.L. Rail-
road trence N 350 36' W, along the centerline of said A.C.L.
Railroad a distance of g64.46 feet to the P. C. of a curve
concave to t~e northeast having a radius of 3481.06 feet;
trerce along the arc of said curve 470.50 feet to the north
line of the S.E.! of said Section 19, thence N 8go 42'
E :01.42 feet to the point of beginning.
Councilman Patterson seconded the motion. Councilmen Patterson,
POllnds, rv~iller and Bracewell voted YES. Ho NO'S. Carri ed
l,:J1an-i rnous1.y.
Connd hlOrr,an Hager reported that the City Officia= were invited
t.o r:,de j n tl:e Alumni Parade Friday, October 14, 1966.
CO'J,nci lrr:an Bracewell n:ade a motion to ".1ri te the First National
Bank of CDi caso informing that vle ".vill refuse to pay any more
interest on our nutstanding bonds until we are furnished a
J:st of the bona holders. Councilman ~liller seconded the motion.
Councllrren Patterson, Pounds, T'Iiller and Bracewell voted YES. No
NO'S. Carried unanimously.
Cound IT'''an Pounds reported that IcTr. Byron Dorough asked $1,000.00
for T'iece of land on Kiss~_mmee A.venue 75' x 75' for the \'vater
tank s-i te. COll':'1(" -i 1 ~a~ Patterson was go ahead vTi th the boring
if we could ~et ~ntire strip of land for $1,000.00.
Conn,,-i lrnan P01mds rer0rted 'hids for a canopy for the fire station:
45 ft by 45 ft:
Lee McCall - $1,~13.00
Centur;' Awnin,g - gl,I+16.50
Orla-n.dc Al,mjylg - ,p] ,250.00
!'In de c-i si or ivas made.
Connc-i] rran PattersoYl made a motion to raise the v;ater deposit to
$10.00 effective Novem'her 1, ]966. Councilman Pounds seconded the
~otion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, Miller and Bracewell voted
YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
Tr'6 Clerk was inst.ructed to write the Atlantic Coast Railroad to
send an en~ineer to contact the water department concerning the
~nstallation of the proposed tract on Kissimmee Avenue.
Councilma1'" Pounds reported that. B. K. Ison wanted a permit to erect
a shop ~ehind Certj-Fine Fruit Co. The Council wanted more detailed
pJans ~efore a permit was issued.
Counci lrran Brace\'Tell made a motion that no perni t be issued until
approved r;' t'be City Council. Councilman rJIiller seconded the motion.
Councilmen Patterson, Pounds, I,tiller and Bracewell voted YES. No
NO'S. Carr~ed unanimously.
C01Hlcj lrar l;ij ller made a motion to issue a pE~rmit to Councilman
Pounds to re~odel his building on McKey Street. Councilman
Patterson sec0nded the motion. Councilmen Patterson, Pounds,
MilJer and Bracewell voted YES. NO NO'S. Carried unanimously.
T'here being no further 'husiness Councilman Miller made a motion
to adjourn this meeting. Counbilman Patterson seconded the
motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
"C erk