HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17-1967 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JANUARY 17, 1967 Present: Councilwoman Hager, Councilmen: Hamby, Reese and Miller Mayor Howell Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Hager at 7:10 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held January 3, 1967 and the recessed meeting held January 9, 1967 were read and approved. Councilman Miller made a motion that Council approve all bills in order. Councilman Hamby seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: O.A.S.I. Contribution Fund District Director of Internal Rev. Ocoee Auto Service Davis Meter & Supply White's Auto Sore Hughes Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Winter Garden Leonard W. Saine Board of County Comm. Florida Power Corp. Engel's Mid-Florida Gas Co. GlenMar Electronics Sargent-Sowell, Inc. Super Concrete, Inc. Southern Seating Co. International Harvester Co. Motorola Comm & Electronics McArthur Howell - water dep. ref. Willard Kennedy - Water dep. ref. L. J. Messer - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo Dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Noble Riner - santo dept. George Harper - st. dept. Manning Spivey - st. dept. Charlie Barbaree - St.~Depa~t. Arthur Smith - water dep. ref. Marjorie Cone - water dep. ref. Curtis Mfg. Co. ~ water dep. ref. Ange bil t Trailer Sales - water, ~dep. ref. Leslie P. Mullins - water dep. ref. Maguire Grove Service - water dep. ref. Glenn Joiner & Son - water dep. ref. Eddie Hunt - water dep. ref. Bobbi-Lynn Beauty Salon - water dep. ref. C. C. Bowers - water dep. ref. W. H. Wurst Agency Moore's Foundry & Machine Co. Glenn Joiner & Son Robert Frank - water dep. ref. Edward Hornsby - police dept. Dean Richards - police dept. Bruce Goodson - water deo. ref. Department of Motor Vehicles Paymaster Corp. L. J. Messer - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - Santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Noble Riner - santo dept. George Harper - st. dept. Charlie Barbaree - st. dept. H. E. Lilly - st. Dept. Florida Tele. Corp. Manning Spivey - st. dept. Raymond Bruce - police dept. Ray & Jean's ~est. 1,244.14 93 2 . 80 ) 7 . 90 45.80 ) .8) 6.54 1.00 ) 6.50 28.00 l,ID19.29 27.75 8.80 21.26 2.09 115.63 50.40 5,915.00 740 . 57 1.60 1.60 87.10 67.) 0 67.69 69.49 61.12 63 .12 57.24 ) .58 7.50 5.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.00 2,558.50 ) 6 . 00 18.87 7.50 4.78 9.56 4.25 ) .50 54.50 87.10 67..3 0 67.69 69.49 61.12 57.24 9.56 )0.77 63 .12 66.92 6:4 ;50 John Lamb- Chevrolet Ethel Mills - police dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk Raymorid'~G. Howell - Mayor James T. Vandergrift - Fire Chief Carmon S. Hamby - Councilman Nathan H. Reese - " Betty S. Hager - " E. P. Miller - " .Edward Hornsby - police dept. W. T. Bracewell, Jr. - Councilman J. H. Marsden - " Leroy Turner - police dept. Fred Daughtry - police dept. Samuel Passero - police dept. Margaret Freeman -' police dept. Charles McKee - watereep. ref. L. J. Messer - water dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Noble Riner - santo dept. George Harper - st. dept. Manning Spivey - st. dept. Charlie Barbaree - st. dept. Roy C. Strickland - st. dept. 1,892.00 7l.~70 15) .17 47.80 2) .90 2) .90 2) .90 20.40 23 .90 4.78 11.95 11.95 208.56 147.20 1) 7 .05 33.46 ).75 87.10 67.) 0 67.69 69.49 61.12 6) .12 57.24 59.24 I Mr. W. H..Wurst was present to present the City insurance policies to the Council. The total premium was $2,558.50. Ray Wood was present to ask for a light in the parking lot at the Youth Center, that the railroad crossing into the Youth Center by repaired and if the Council had any plans for building onto the Youth Center. He suggested that an additbn of 30 or 40 feet be added onto the back of the building. The Council discussed an addition or building a patio onto the building. Councilmen Hamby and Hager were I to help in getting prices for a,patio. Councilman Miller was to contact the Lions Club to see what lights they were going to install at the Center before the City authorized Florida Power Corporation to install any. Scotty Vandergrift was present wil plans and prices on lights for the Little League Field. Florida Power's price was $4,800.00 and Hughes Supply, Inc. was $4,527.17 plus labor. Councilman Reese was to check to see what prices he could obtain before the Council made any further decisions. Councilman Hamby made a motion to pay for the new Rescue Truck out of the General Fund instead of borrowing money from the bank. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilmen Hamby, Reese and Miller voted YES. No NO'S Carried unanimously. Councilman Miller made a motion to grant permission to Florida Telephone Corporation to install underground cables along Palm Drive and Pine Street in Ocoee. Council- man Hamby seconded the motion. Councilmen Hamby, Reese and Miller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. A letter was written to Major J. W. Bickerstaff asking that Starke Lake be kep as a sportsman lake and not be used by commercial fishermen. I Councilman Hamby had the folJ.owing bids for doors for the fire station: Mr. Quinn: $785.00 and Mr. Cannon: $700.00. Councilman Miller made a motion to accept the lowest bid. Councilman Reese seconded the mo.tion. Councilmen Hamby, Reese and Miller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Council discussed hiring a City attorney but the decision was tabled until next Council meeting. I I I Councilman Reese made a motion to appoint Jack Marsden to serve W. T. Bracewell's expired term of office. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilmen Hamby, Reese and Miller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Council was instructed to write Bob Neff and West Orange Industries, Inc. to ask them to clean up their property. Councilman Miller was given permission to get bids on resur- facing some of the streets on the Hill. Councilman Hamby made a motion to charge a $) .00 cor:mection fee when a water meter had to be turned off for non-payment. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Councilmen Hamby, Reese and Miller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Council agreed that all water bills will be disconnected if not paid within 15 days after the second billing. Councilwoman Hager was given permission to buy the necessary tools for the water department. Mayor Raymond G. Howell administered the oath of office to Jack Marsden and he took office as chairman to serve Mr. Bracewell's unexpired term. There being no further business Councilman Miller made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Councilman Hamby seconded the motio~. Thereupon Council adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Attest: 62a~L dflL Clerk