HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-1967 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD MAY 2, 1967 Present: Councilwoman Hager, Councilmen Marseen,Hamby,Reese, Miller and Mayor Howell. Abscent: None The meeting was called to order by Councilman Marsden-at 7:)0 P.M. The minutes of last regular meeting held April 18, 1967 were read and approved. Councilman Miller made a motion to pay all bills in order. Councilman Reese seconed the motion. Voted and carried. ( A) FROM GENERAL FUND: U. S. Postmaster Raeford McCormick Water Dep. Ref. JohnC. Nelson If " II Vulcan Materials Co Street Dept. Panning Lumber Co Fire Dept. Winter Garden Lumber II ~r Cen tral Fla. Fi re Equi p. II Bray Hardware Water Dept. Glenn Joiner II II Hughes Supply Co. II II So. Meter & Supply Co II II Micheal Engineering Gen. Govt. Griffith Tire Co POLICE & Street Stevenson Servo Sta. II Dept. Sargent-Bowell Inc." II Modern Stationery " II J. Z. Anderson Janitor Gen. Govt. Ka-Mi- Florist tr II Florida Telephone Corp II H. M. Bowness J. B. Griffin Attorney T. H. Van Deventer Jr. Police Dept Melvin Rodgers Sani. Dept. Luther Yocom II II J. I. Jernigan II ~I Otis Hensley II II George Harper Street Dept. Raymond Bruce II II Roy C. Strickland II It Sam Oliver Water Dept. O. Grady Smi th II II Harry Sell Water Dep. Ref. Hood Tractor Co Water Dept. J. I. Jernigan Sani. Dept Otis Hensley II II Melvin Rodgers If If Luther Yocom II II George Harper Street Dept. Raymond Bruce II tr Roy C. Strickland II " Sam Oliver Water Dept. O. Grady Smi th "~I Franklin Lisle Water Dep. Ref. Dwen Reid 1I"" Leroy Turner Police Dept. Samuel H. Passero II " Fred Daughtry II II William Hager tr ~I Jewell C. Stoutenburgh Cler~ Barbara Hooks Clerk ) 7 .) 2 ).42 ).75 68.60 45.49 61.66 I) .90 6.95 3.50 48.44 994.22 ) 00 .00 45.20 ).00 60.65 47.60 15.)0 9.25 44.59 391.18 100.00 75.00 61.12 61.12 69.) 0 67.69 61.12 6) .12 63 .12 85.00 81.44 3.4) 57.91 69.) 0 67.69 61.12 61.12 61.12 6) .12 6) .12 85.00 81.44 3.75 4.10 200.50 147.20 157.) 5 166.50 157.57 ) 14 . 50 B) CEMETERY FUND White Auto Shop Lawn Mower I) 5 .00 Bids for Water Tower wePe 'opened and submitted to Council for approval, were as follows: Base Bid .Alternate Bid R. D. Cole Mfg. Co. Pitts burg DesMoines Chicago Bridge & Iron $83 ,785.00 70,300.00 66,545.00 No bid. $90,600.00 79,680.00 Councilwoman Hager made a motion to award bid to Chicago Bridge & Iron Work for alternate bid (Pedestal Tower) conti gent to securing property for said tower. Councilman Hamby seconded the motion. Councilman Miller voted No. Councilwoman Hager and Councilmen, Marsden, Hamby, Reese amd Mayor Howell voted yes. Motion carried. h'7 I John Wood brought drawing for^garage to be built at 21'1 Kissimmee Avenue before council for approval. Councilman Hamby motioned to O.K. construction of said garage as outlined. Councilman Reeves seconded. All Yes no NO's Motion carried. Bids on 6 inch pipe to be installed from Vlrights Grocery to Trailer Park read by Councilwoman Hager for approval, were as follows Hughes Supply Co. John Mansville $1.07 ft. 1.03 Ft. Councilwoman Hager motioned to accept low bid from John Mansville Councilman Miller seconded motion No NO's. Motion carried. f>tIayor Howell brought before Council request from Mr. J. P. Bruce to buy two cemetery lots next to his father at $10.00 per week. Council agreed to above terms. Councilman Marsden asked City Attorney (Hamlin) sitting in for J. B. Griffin to check on Bee keeping in Orange county and what legal action the city can take in regard to same. !lso, for attorney to draw up City Ordinance to stop bee keeping in city limits. There being no further business Councilman Miller motioned meeting adjourn. Councilman Reese seconded motion. Therefore Council adjourned at 9:17 P. M. Attest )~ );p~~ Clerk I I