HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-1967 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD AUGUST 15, 1967 PRESENT: Councilwoman Hager, Councilman Marsden, Hamby, Reese, Miller and Mayor Howell None ABSENT: The meeting was called to order by Councilman Marsden at 7:18 P.M. The minutes of last regular meeting held August 1st, 1967were read and approved,with the exception of the item, brought before the council by Councilman Reese, regarding letter to be written to the Hotel Commission, asking that they notify the City when and why they condemn buildings. Councilman Miller motioned all bills in order be paid. Councilman Reese seconded, No No's. Motion carried. The bill from Micheal Engineers was marked hold. Councilman Hager read letter from the City Auditors about changes in our bookkeeping system. They suggested that we start on a small scale at first and gradually work up to Municipal standards. Council Reese seconded motion. No no's motioned carried unanimously. Councilman Hager read letter from the Orange County Health Dept. regarding dog pen on Jay Street, belonging to James Johns. Councilwoman Hager also asked that letter be written to Mr. Johns to comply to the original agreement or remove said pen from premises. (A) GENERAL FUND: Leslie & Joyce Edwards Leroy Turner William N. Davis Fidelity Title & Guaranty Co H. E. Flewelling Roger Henry Plumbing T. H. VanDeventer Jr. J. B. Griffin . H. M. Bowness Engels Steve & Harry Shell Service Orlando Paving Ka-Mai Florist Griffin & Hamlin Board of County Comm. Del Chemical Corp. Hughes Supply Florida Metal Craft Bray Hardware Orange State Ready Mix Bank of West Orange . Emergency Fund J. W. Brandon, Jr. J. L. Wilson S. V. Stanton Juanita Gray J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Melvin Rodgers Grover Gibson George Harper Raymond Bruce Roy C. Strickland Otis G. Smith Sam Oliver Edward Hornsby Carl Brown Carl Nuckoles Don Ungaro Edward Stokes Paul Solomon DOlL Horsley J. 1. JernIgan Barbara Hooks 5,049.31 200.50 28.00 103 .95 7.90 44.24 75.00 100.00 359.18 22.35 2.50 27.00 5.00 200.00 36.75 28.73 17.04 4.10 1.20 23.25 310.00 100.00 7.50 3.75 2.38 1.57 69.30 67.69 61.12 61.12 61.12 65.02 63 .12 81.44 85.00 19.12 2.07 59.24 9.56 4.91 9.56 66.9!:.. 9.30 26.77 Otis Hensley Melvin Rodgers Grover Gibson George Harper Raymond Bruce Roy C. Strickland Robert Lilly Otis G. Smith Sam Oliver E. A. Mariani Co Elmer Kerr Carl Nuckles Don Ungaro Margaret Calhoun Raymond G. Howell Carmon S. Hamby Nathan H. Reese Betty S. Hager E. P. Miller J. H. Marsden James T. Vandergrift Leroy Turner William R. Hager Ethel Mills Raymond E. Cook Adron Claunch Jewell C. Stoutenburgh J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Melvin Rodgers Grover Gibson George Harper Raymond Bruce Roy C. Strickland Robert Lilly Gary Smith James Michael Carl Nuckles Sam Oliver O. Grady Smith Harold Sasser u. S. Postmaster 67.69 53.68 54.86 61.12 65.02 63 .12 47.57 81.44 85.00 1,311.48 64.52 59.24 9.56 6.25 47.80 23 .90 23 .90 20.40 23 .90 23 .90 23 .90 200.50 166.50 71.70 145.85 13 5 .3 5 157.57 69.70 67.69 45.90 1.52 61.12 65.02 63.12 29.97 41.16 12.16 59.24 85.00 81.44 9.56 3 8 . 96 I I Councilman Marsden ask that a letter be written to Mr. Fritz of Micheal Engineering reminding him that the City asked him to have the City of Ocoee re-instated for sewerage plant, on the night we awarded contract from Chicago Bridge & Iron Works to erect new water tower. If he has not sent in the report, to please do so immediately and let the City know the results. Councilman Marsden ask that a resolution be drawn up by our City Attorney Mr. Hamlin to borrow money from the Bank of West Orange to pay for new Motorola radios on a three year plan. Mr. Cox representative from Motorola was present and Councilman Marsden questioned him about the invoice from Motorola. Mr. Cox is to straighten out this matter. Also, Councilman Marsden inquired about the cost of maintenance contract for the radios. Mr. Cox is to send a break-down on this request. rl e-~e. Commander Strine of the American Legion was ~ to get the results from last council meeting in regards to a new recreation center in the Ameri can Legion Hall for young people to shoot pool and play slot P,;" CII-.....I machines. He also asked for one car space to be used for parking bicycles and this space will have bicycle racks made for parking. Each child entering the Recreation Center must show a card signed by parents that he or she ~ may engage in these activities. No visitors are allowed without a card. Councilman Hamby motioned that the City grant Mr. Strines this request. Councilman Hamby brought estimates on frames for the new maps of the City from Walker Bros, and Kelly's Cabinet Shop. The council decided on the frames from Walker Bros. due to the plastic covering. Council- man Reese motioned to have Walker Brothers make these frames. Councilman Hamby seconded No no's, motion carried unamiously. . Councilman Reese brought deed for property recently purchased by City. All was in order except deed to be recorded by Councilman I I I Reese with a.JInsured Title to said property. Also, was discussed th~~:ental of two h~uses on said property, pending estimates on reaplrs etc. Councllman Reese suggested we cap the well on acquired property after water has been supplied to the two houses and that the pump and tank be installed at the Cemetery. Council agreed. Council Miller motioned that City Clerk make out check for $10).95 to Fidelity Title & Guaranty Co. for insured title, stamps and recording fees. Also pay Rodger Henry for bill due on said property. , Council agreed. Councilman Reese motioned the City purchase said property. Councilman Miller seconded. No no's motion carried unamiously. Council agreed for fire department to burn house on Taylor Street. Attorney Hamlin is to write letter to Mr. Jerry Brown and Mr. Charles Hawthorne to correct drainage ditch from Winter Garden~in order that the water situation in Ocoee be corrected. Attorney Hamlin brought the agreements for Fire Control with Windermere. An insert is to be typed in, on the original stating that this agreement shall be binding until August )lst 1968. There being no further business Councilman Hamby motioned meeting adjourn. Councilman Miller seconded. Therefpre Council adjourned at 9:40 P. M. Attest: 9-PAAAJ~j )}~~~L , Cle 0/