HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1967 ~ HINUTES OF THE HBGULAR NEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD OCT. 3, 1967 PHESENT: COUNCIUCAN r--:ARSDEN, REESE, HILLER, HAJvIBY, COUNCIn'iO]v;AN HAGER MAYOR HOWELL. ABSENT: None The meeting was called to order by Councilman Marsden at 7;26 P. E. The minutes of the last regular meeting held Sept 19, were read and approved. I Councilman Miller motioned all bil1s in order be paid. Councilman I/iller seconded motion. Motion carried ( A) GENERAL FUND: Raymond G. Howell Carmon Hamby Nathan Heese Betty Hager E. P. Hiller James T. Vandergrift Lero:)' Turner Adron Claunch :^lm. 11. Hager Ethel Hills Barbara Hooks J. H. Harsden ,Jewell C. Stoutenburgh Haymond E. Cook Cash on Hand Fund U. S. Post Office Pernard B. Davis W. H. Wurst Agency Valbro Corp. Nat'l Inst. of Municipal Law Officers ,J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley George Harper Raymond Bruce Roy C. Strickland Sam Oliver EelvinRodgers ,Jewell C. Stoutenburgh Grady Smith Carl H. Nuckoles E. L. Morgan Barbara Hooks Morgan Willis Horn &. Pop's Hestaurant Bray Hardware H. J'1. Bowness H. F. Barton Leonard ~. Saine Bekemeyers Sporting Goods Steve & Harry Shell Service .John B. Newsom .Hinter Garden Hardware Elmer Kerr Electric ABC Fire Equ~pment Johnson &. Tyndall Walker Bros. Millworks Valbro Corp. Yary V. Tanncer ,J. A. Anderson .Janitor Color vmeel Paint Co George Stuart Davis I"eter Supply Fla. Telephone Corp U. S. Post Office U. S. Post Office Winter Garden Lumber Harold Sasser Griffith Tire Co Joyce Gernigan James R. Bishop Leroy Turner I .r. I 47.80 23 . 90 23 .90 20.hO 23 .90 23 .90 200.50 135.25 166.50 71. 70 38.16 23.90 157.57 156.00 100.00 38. 88 31.07 387.00 188.68 67.50 69.30 67.60 61.12 65.02 63.12 85.00 51.12 86.34 81.44 63.12 51. 75 25.81 66.92 22.30 7.80 381" .39 3.75 37.00 10 . 50 6.91 58.85 12.50 34.68 3.81 9.54 90.64 193.92 13.75 15.30 94.22 38.00 7.61 78.59 120.80 120.80 99.09 9.56 161".09 6.25 3.75 200 . 50 Adron Claunch Wm. H. Hager Ethel 10i11s Barbara Hooks J. T. Jernigan Otis Hensle;)' George Harper Raymond Bruce Roy C. Strickland Sam Oliver r:organ 'i/illis Bernard B. Davis Eelvin Rodgers ,Tewell C. Stoutenburgh Grady Smith Ha.;Y1TIond S. Cook Carl H. Nuckoles M. L Knight Robert T. Veaudry ~~a2or F. 1Iudson Paul W. Tinsley 'lesley Jones Carole Agenter 145.10 166.50 71. 70 3.0.96 69.30 67.69 61.12 65.02 63.12 85.00 60 . 23 31.07 45.63 165.75 81.44 156.00 63.12 1.25 3.25 5.34 3.75 3.75 3.99 ~ I I (8) CEYETSRY FUND: ~~illie O'Mara 50.00 Councilman Miller motioned Fla. Power Corp. replace old type lights in Ocoee School area with new type. Councilman Reese seconded. ~iotion carried. rl Councilman Niller also suggested street light be placed on Geneva Street at Jernigan Apartments. Mr. Walter Fritz, representative of Yicheal Engineers was guest of the Council and commented on Sewerage Planning, 'dell Ill, etc. He stated the U. S. Government has no funds available for sewerage planning at present, However, he has another form to be filled out by the City for renewal of request to the Federal Government. Er. Fritz recommended chages needed on Well #1. First: Changing method of applying chlorine. Second: That a manual control valve be changed to an automatic. Third: Replace present pump for a larger one or increase the present booster. Add control in elevated tank to turn off pump or booster according to elevation of water in tank. I He suggested systematic flushing of pipe lines and Chemical analysis of water for iron -) before replacing old water mains in down-tov.'T1 area. Councilwoman Hager motioned we sive ~'ichael Engineers authority to run both chemical and bacterial report on well Ill. Councilman Hamby seconded. No no's. Hotion carried unamiously. Counci]man Reese motioned water tower be painted with green base and orange spheroid, with City of Ocoee in green lettering on north and south side of spheroid. Councilman Hamby seconded motion. ~;o no I s ~~otion carried unarniously. Scotty Vander~rift reported to the Council that The Community Service Project, sponsered by the local cTaycees will have a pbl:i.tical rally November 4th and each candidate will receive an invitation to speak. Delma ?ields requested a license to sell beer. Beer to be carried off premises. Councilman Reese motioned said license be issue::I. Councilman Hamby seconded. ~Jo no's. Votion carried unamiously ~ouncilman ~iller reported on extending Oakland Avenue. He stated the cost would be mo~e than the city can afford and that the city is not obligated to build said street. He also requested Fr. Bracewell be notified his request to close alley had been denied. Counci~an Re8se motioned to accept the above statement. Councilman !filler seconded motion. No no's. Votion carried unamiously Councilman Miller reported he had traded old tractor for later model. $400.00 allowance for old tractor. Balance :::1000.00 Councilwoman Easer reporte-l on proposed. water rates. Council requested additional figures. I Fr. DeHit t, County T~ngineer, would like list of roads and streeb3 to be built or repaired over a 5 ~rear plan. Council asked that a let.ter be writ ten to Hr. Del,lit t as follows: No. 1 Apopka Highway to Highway 50 be fOllr laned. ::0. ') J'inorville at 50 highway to ,Tinter Garden be four laned. 1Jo.:3 ~)ilver Star Hoari to Apopka Hoad be 4 laned from 17/92 Traffica light at MinorvilJe & Highway 50 Intersection Traffic.~ light at Bluford and Silver Star Hoad. ~'raffic light at Bovrness Service Station and ,'{inter Garden Road. Traffic light at Silver :3tar i(oaJ and Apopka Highway. All streets coming through city should meet with municipal standards. Councilwoman Hager motioned that Resolution for City of Ocoee, JOlnlng Council of l-:ayors of Orange Co. be granted. Councilman }:iller seconded. iJo no's. Eotion carried unamiously. Council asked that a letter be written to Orange Co., Planning and Zoning, requesting copy of plans for Trailer Park and necreational Area located 1/2 mile of city limits. There being no further business Councilwoman Hager motioned meeting adjourn. Hamby seconded motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10:53 P. M. Councilman I Attest: '/ j , Z ~/ /~ ~'~A,<.U!A _ )('Jk.i-,.;~___ .: / (;;lerk President of Council I I