HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-1967 r I I I MINUTZS OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL, CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: OCTOBER 17, 1967 PRESENT: ABSENT: corNCILVJOHAN HAGER. COUNCILHAN MARSDEN, HAMBY, REESE, lVIILLER~ND I{~YOR HOWELL . Meeting called to order by Councilman I'Iarsden 8: 15 P .Tv1. IvIinutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Councilman Miller motioned all bills in order be paid. Councilman Reese seconded motion with the Rxception of bill from Orange Co. Board of Commissioners, due to error in said bill. No Nols. Motion carried. (A) GENERAL FUND: J. H. Van Deventer J. B. Griffin Internal 1 Revenue Comm. O.A.S.I Contribution J. I. Jernigan Otis Henslev George Harper Ravmor.d Bruce Norgan C. Willis Roy S. Strickland Sam Oliver Felvin Hodgers Grady Smi tIt Harold Sasser Carl H. Nuckoles Hnghes Supply Brav Hardware Pounds r,'Iotors IcIid-State Gas W. GARDEN SIGN CO Orlando Paving Glenn Joiner & Son Leonard W. Saine Oeoee Gulf Oil Florida Power Corp v-Jhi tes Store Albritton Service Sta. Ocoee Hi SchoblAthletic F. &. R. Office Supply Wells, Laney Elrich Baer narv V. Tanner Lvo~s Service Station Central Fla. Fire Equio I:otorola C & E I/Iotorola C &, E IIotorola C & E Iilargaret E. Reid Emergency Fur,d J. D. Griffin State Board of Health I,Iary Ann Stewart U. ;j. Postoffice Eill :.vilson Douglas Blanchard J. I. Jernigan Otis Henslev George Harper Raymond Bruce Rov Strickland Sam. Oliver IIel vin Rodgers Gradv Smith Harold Sasser Carol Nuckoles I\'Iorga:r. Willis T,Iargaret Heid Joiner Auto Parts Ra;rmond Howell Carmon Hambi! Nathan Reese Ji , " 75.00 100.00 1,045.12 1,481.51 69.30 67.69 61.12 65.02 66.92 63 .12 85.00 51.12 81.44 4.78 63 .12 3 1!- .14 11.05 , .90 8.50 28.00 54.00 124.32 30.00 42.03 1,077.72 .69 8.50 25.00 2.50 200.00 14.30 5.79 7.40 450.00 1!-1 . 50 4,417.16 57.02 100.00 100.00 25.00 5.25 119.40 2.17 5.92 (.,() '<0 V/_/ 67.69 61.12 65.02 63 .12 85.00 61.12 81.44 4.78 63.12 54.71 57.02 1,000.00 47.80 23 .90 23 .90 Eetty S. Hager .r,. P. TGLLER James Vandergrift I,eroy Turner Adron Claunch Wm. H. Hager Ethel Mills J. H. r"~arsden Bernard B. Davis J evrell C. Stouten hurcrh .. '.-")- Ra;Tmond E. Cook Ilarcld Sasser u. ~~. Postmaster J. I. Jernigan Otis Henslev George Harper Ravmond Bruce Ho;' Str:i cklD.nd ., - Sam Oliver T/lel vin Rodgers Crad:' Smith Carl H. Nuckoles Ervin Castleberry Jr ~ 20.40 23 .90 23 .90 200.50 145.10 166.50 71.70 23 .90 31.07 165 . 13 156.00 4.78 39.44 69.30 67.69 61.12 65.02 63 .12 85.00 61.12 81 .1+4 63 .12 63 .12 I Councilman Reese quoted p~ices for Voter's Registeration Forms. Prices quoted were as follows. $93.50 per 1,500 snapout type. $46.20 per holder for 700 names. Councilman Hamby motioned Mr. Reese purchase above. Souncilman Miller seconded motion. No No's motion carried. Ivlayor Howell recommended the City Clerk wrj_ te Orange Co. Board of Commissioners, attention Clifford Freeman, that the city ridgely protest such a raise for garbage dump. Council agreed. {"licheal Hamlin attorney, brought Ordinance tf477 which is an ordinance provi ding for: THE VACATION, REI\1QV 4L, REPAIR, OR DEMOLITION OF ANY BUILDING On. STURCTURE WHICH IS on. TErtEATENS TO BE 'A. PUBLIC NUISANCE. DANGEROUS TO THE HEA.LTH, MOrtALS, SAFETY, OR GENEH:'A.L WELF:liRE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORID A., OR ';,JHICH T'HGIIT TEND TO CONSTITUTE A FIRE I~ENANCE: AND FOR THE ASSESS~IJENT OF THE COST OF VACATIOn, RET/lOVAL, REPAIR, OR DEHOLITION THEREOF AS A 11UNICILA LIEI'! on ASSESSr,'[ENT AGAINST SUCH PHEI1L:',ES, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECOVEHY OF SUCH COSTS IN Al'J ACTION AT LAW. Councilman Heese motioned we adopt said Ordinance #477. Councilman Miller seconded motion. No no's motion carried. I Fire Department is to ~Tite a letter to Fire Underwriters to find out steps the Cit,r Of Ocoee, needs to get cheaper fir) insurance rates, and if tv'lO (2) paid fireman full time will put us in a lower category. Cound Iman Reese motioned letter be written, Councilman Miller seconded No no's. Motions carried. Ccuncilman Miller motioned order to adopt Ordinance 47~, being an Ordinance of the City of Ocoee ascertaining the amount neae.J'.J'ary to operated the City of Ocoee, Florida for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1967 and ending Oct. 31, 1968. Councjlman Reese seconded motion. ITo no's Hotion carried. Councilman ~iller motioned to adopt Ordinance 479, being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee fixing the rate of taxation for the City of Ocoee, Florida for the fiscal year be~jnnina November 1, 1967 and ending October 31, 1968. Councilman Hamby seconded motion. No no's motion carried. Connci .lma. n Reese motioned to adopt Ordinance 480, being an ordinance lei levying a tax upon taxable property within the City of Ocoee, Florida for the fiscal year beginning Nov. 1, 1967 and ending Oct. 31, 1968 Ce,ur'cj lr.Jan Hamby seconded mot.i on. TJo no's. I\Iotion carri ed. Courcilrnan Hamby motioned to adopt Ordinance 481, being an ordinance appropriating and allocating the revenue of the City of Dcoee, Flo~~a for tte fiscal year beginning Nov. 1, 1967 and ending Oct. 31, 1968 No no's motion carried. Council set October 30th, at 8:30 P. N. for Special meeting to go over Voter's Regristeration roll. There.being.no further business, Councill Miller .m,otl'on ('O"1'1('lJ r."D T.. .}.- d d m . . meeting adjourn. J,.._.,,>.,. uJJru:.' secon e .lhereupon Council adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Attest: C;lerk tresl den t o..r [:m1nro.; 1