HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-1967 I I I HINQ['ES OF ~HE REGULAH t"EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: November 7, 1967 ABSENT: NONE PRESENT. COUNCIU~A...\l IV:ARSDEN, HAMBY, ~ILLER, REESE, HAGER AND f\~AYOR HOWELL Purpose of rr.eeting to close out old "business for fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1967. fleeting called to order by Council1nan Harsden at 8 :00 P. M. Vinutes of last regualr meetinr; and Special meeting read and approved. Councilman Reese ~otion all bills in order be paid, including Sept. bill from Orange Co. Board of Corom. AUfust billing to be held for further information. 8mmcilman Reese to contact Vr Whitaker regarding same. ( A) General Fund: Varparet Reid Ocoee Paint & Body Steve & Harry Shell Sta. Auto Electric Co Ocoee Gulf Station Engels .Jack Cocke & Co Bray Hardware Elmer Kerr Electric Johnson & Tyndall A & R Office Supply Hughes Supply Glenn Joiner & Son Florida Vetal Craft Lee Pool Supply Davis Veter & Supply Southern Meter Supply Hood Tractor Sa;mvOli ver H. M. Rowness Winter Garden Hardware J. Z. Anderson Vodern Stationery .~mes H. Vatthews F 8.: R Office .John S. Bristol & Assoc.::' Griffin & Hamlin J..~ary V. Tanner Florida Telephone Corp DuCor Chemical Corp Leonard W. Saine Vary Argo Election Etta Sanders Faye Nuckoles Estelle W. Johnson AmnnLaDamnan ,J. I. ,Jernigan Otis Hensley E. W. Edmondson Georc;e Harper RaJ1J11ond Bruce Roy Strickland Ervin CastleberryJT. !vIelvin Rodgers Grady Smith Harold Sasser Carl Nuckoles Harp"aret Reid U. S. Post office Leroy Turner A.dron Claunch t'lm. R. Haeer Ethel I"ills Raymond Cook .Tewell Stoutenburgh Bernard Davis .r. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Georpe Harper Raymond Bruce A&RO Sa. ~ S~~ V~ r- 60.24 23.00 6(..60 18.00 8].70 70.26 42.35 7.75 29.60 3.11 57.50 318.03 36.92 8.28 173 . 70 49.37 22.20 17.68 85.00 390.46 9.00 15.30 17.33 45.00 2.75 300.00 135 .00 3.50 213.90 178.75 21.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 71.39 69.78 10.00 63.21 67.21 65.21 65.21 63.21 81. 44 4.78 65.21 25.64 4.70 200:. 50 145 .10 166.50 71. 70 156.00 193.43 31.07 71.39 69.78 63.21 75.27 65.21 85.00 65.21 63.21 81.44 65.21 15.00 26.11 3,200.00 Roy Strickland Sam Oli vel' Ervin Castleberry Jr Felvin Rodgers Grady Smith Carl Nuckoles H. Iv'. Darniels Sharon Lott Micheal En~ineering Councilman ~'arsden read the tubula ted votes for the City Election. They were as follows: I.fAYOR I S RACE: %ymond Howell -Tohn T. Minor Lester J. Dabbs Jr Louis Rohbe -Tames F. Burlison 162 253 132 62 6 I COUNCILMAN GROUP 1: E. P. }{i11er Scotty Vanderprift Rawland Stoehlell 21~6 276 88 Councilman Carmon Uamby motioned we and date check as of Oct. 3], 1967. Votion carried unamiously. pay Nicheal Engineers $3,200.00 CouneDwoman Har;er seconded motion. I Councilman HaJnby motioned we accept the tabulated report on voters. Councilman Reese seconded motion. No No's motion ;c1:irried. Councilwoman Har-er moU oned we issue a change order to Chicago Bridge & Iron Works to add electrodes to new water tank, cost not to exceed $650.00. Councilman Hamby seconded motion. No No's. Votion carried. Councilwoman Har-er rear! letter from Vicheal Engineering, regarding chemical and bacterial analysis on we 11 #1, which ",re had requested they take. Councilman Yarsrien expressed his appreciation for appointing him to fill out Ifr. Bracewell's term of offmce, and stated it had been a pleasure to work with the Council and was elated over the financial statement for the fiscal year endine Oct. 31. lGh7. Vayor.Howe11. stated it had been a privilerj~e to serve the City for 10 ;years and be appreciated the full cooperat,ion <ftf the Council during that time. He coneratulated ;"1'. ~\inor and said he was confident that the New Councilman and 1,f,ayor ;.lOuld do a fine ~ob and offered his assistance in any way he could. Councilman ~:il1er '9xpressed his appreciation to the Council for their cooperation and stated that he was prouri of the prop-ress that the City had accomplished durinG his administration. Their being no further business, Council recessed at 8:30 P. V. Attest:_..~LL_hd4L&-i _ , Cler ;..../ '-----_.__u__ Chairman of Oouncil f,IINTUES OF 'YtlE RECESSED ~'EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE fiELD: NOVEHBER ~, 19/'7 I PRESENT: CouncihlO!'1an HaGer. CouncilFan Reese, Hamby, Vandergrift and Hayor Vinal'. ABSENT: None The recessed meeting '.-ras called to order hy Mayor Minor at 8: 45 P. }1. At this time Mayor l'"inor administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Councilman, Scotty Sam Vandergrift. Va;;ror [Iinor entertained the motion that Councilwoman Hager be ~ice Chairman of the Council. Comncilman Reese motioned that the ~~yors entertainment be granted. Councilman Pamby seconded the ~otion. No No's. Motion carried J.'r. Harold Fllruire rrave the New Council a proe;ress report on the Tri-City Airport. He stated that the site had been chosen, but could not divulge at this time said site. Also, that the Federal Aid for 50% or more had been approved. He also stated that some type of authority should be drawn up before Dec. 8th dead line. The Councjl agreed that Mayor ~inor and ~'r. Maguire with the City Attorney should ~et together and draw up an authority plan and have the city attorney's of Wjnter Garden and Apopka go over same and give their approval.. I }.'A.yor Vinor called a meeting of the New Council for Thursday November 9th 1967 at 7:00 P. V. for the purpose of appointing the cahirmen and vice chairmen of the various departments. There being no further business. Councilman ~eese motioned meeting adjourn Councilman Vanderr.rift seconded. Thereupo ~ uncil adjourned at 9:15 P.~. Attest'~~_~_ I ""'\ I ,.