HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-1967 SS , I I I I!lINTJTES OF TBE SPECIAL FEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD NOVEIJBER 9th, 1967 PRESENT: Councilwoman H"3.":er, Councilman Vandergrift, neese, Hamby and llayor Minor. ABSENT: ~Jone. ll,eeting called to order by I~ayor Vinor at 7: 15 P. M. r:inutes of the last ree;ular meeting read and approved. Counciillan Hamby read letter from Southeastern Underwriters Ins. Co., in reply to our letter regardin[" lowering; Insurance rates on personal property. They made various requirements that would be necessary before they could give a complete report. Councilwoman Hager suggested we wait until the water line maps were com pleted before contacting them again. Counciwoman Hager suggested forms for police calls and fire calls. She stated we are required under Federal Communication to use these forms. Councilman Hamby is to get job analysis for each shift and proposed salaries for the two fireman and Olispatcher to be hired, and bring before the Council at the next regular meeting ir order that same can be voted on. Spencer Cross was present and asked if fence on Starke Lake, used for swimming area could be removed. l'ayor Pinor is to contact school Atheletic Dept. in regards to same. Councilman :J-l,'3.mby reported that Fireballs for volunteer firemen had been ordered. Councilman Reese reported be had contacted Mr. ~fhitaker of Orange Co. Comm. in recard to overcharge on garbage dump. The error was corrected and a new statement is to be issued. Councilman Reese also brought sample of cards and binders for new voters reeisteration. Council asked that index for each be gotten. At this. tirr.e tbe I'ayor appointed the following as Chairman and vice chairman of the various departments. Councilwoman Betty Hafer Chairman of the Water Dept. and Mayor Minor Vice Chairman. Councilman Vandererift Chairman of Sanitation and Councilman Hamby Vice Chairman. Councilman Reese Chairman of Street and Mayor Minor Vice Chairman. Councilman Reese Ruilding Inspector. Mayor Vinor recommeded permission to rehire present Policemen and Police Reserve Councilman Hamby m'lde motion to accept the Fayor's recommendation. Councilman Reese seconded motion. Councilwoman Hager abstained, Councilman Vandergrift, Reese Hambyvoted'~S. ~~otion carried. Councilman Vandergrift motioned that all city employees be rehired. Councilman Hamby seconded. No no's motion carried. Councilman Reese motioned City Jude;e J. T. Van DeVenter and City Attorney Griffin & Hamlin be retained. Councilman Hager seconded. No no:s. Motion carried. ~ayor Minor asked that Councilmen select or design something appropriate and eye-catchin~ for the new city stationery, and bring before Council at the next refular meeting. There being no further business. Councilman Vandergrift motioned Special Meeting adjourn. Councilman Hamby seconded. Thereupon Special ;'1eeting adjourned at 9: 25 P .11. Chai~t~~) 1 Attest:~LL~~_ ~ Cler~