HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-1967 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: NOVEMBER 21, lq67 PRESENT: Co'mc~ 1 'Noman 1-10. O'er. COlm ci_lman Hamb", Rlfese, Vardergrift and Ma;'or 1I-1i nor :> ABSENT: C01J.'l.C~ lman Reese: Meet:i ng called to order at 7: 17 P. M. (-,,< Ma~'or Mir'or. Minutes of last meeting read and apDroved. CO'lne"1man Vandera;rj ft rr..ot1oned all "h-j lIs ~ n order be paid. Councjlman Hamt;' seconded !T'oti on. t~o ~;o' s l\10tion carri ed. ( A) GEFERAL FUNDS: T. H. Van DeVenter Bank of West Orange Note J. I. Jernip;an Otis Hensle;' Gerop"e HarDer RO~7 Stri ckland Sa!TI Oliver Ervin Castle~erry Melvin Rode-ers Grad" Smi th Carl Nuckeles Fla. League of Municipal'ties Fat,jrnaJ. LeaGue of Cities Earl K. Wood, Tax Collector Hushes SU:Jplv Mid Florida Gas Al~ritton Service Boad of Co. Comm. tflodern Stat i oner;' Bur~ess Press Fla. PO'Ner CorD Bead of Co. Com~. Emer~encv Fund Fla. State Pd of Health Sharon Lott Int. &, Sink Fllnd Dr. ] 21 .:4~~~s,Vandergr~ft John T. !vIi nor James Vandergrift Lerov Turner' Adron ClaUD c[1 li\Tm. R. Ha '!er Ethel TvIills Jewell StoutenblS'sh Raymond Cook Scott;, Vander;:;ri ft Carmon Hambv Nathan Reese Bettv Hager Carl' Nucl<oles Geroge Harper Ra:rmond Bru ce Roy Str.; ckland J. I. Jernigan Oti s Hen sle" Sam Oli ver ' Bernard Davis Ervin Castle~err\' Jr IvJe 1 vi n Rodgers Gradv Smith U. S". Postmaster Sharon Lott 75 .00 P 7 . 00 71.')9 (--q.78 f1 .21 f5.21 85.00 f 5.2] f') .21 Rl.44 (-5.21 200.00 20.00 "72.30 81.97 9:'45 7.50 75.00 8.04 24.70 1. , 101. 24 1Qh.40 JOO.OO 25.00 2(.11 (14.25) "00.00 47.80 47.80 2J9.90 1((.4F J87.10 71. 70 J(-5.1: 175.20 23.90 2;..QO 23 .90 20.40 50. J 2 48 . J 2 51.72 50. l2 71. J 9 60.78 85.00 'lJ .07 (-5.21 (-') .21 111.28 ')Q.9f 52.68 ~rs. Woods can~ before pounciJ re~ardjng increased taxes due to building ~er~its for repairs to borne and not used. Council stated that permits 1- ave not been released to Countv Tax assessor and that it would have no bearing on tax increase. Councilworr..an Ha~er mot~oned R~r~~~~' \;..I,<~101n Ue Fla. Lent.:;ne of T\1unicipalities and Nati~r League of Cities. COllnc~lman Vander~rift second motion. No ro's. Motion carried. TOJT'mie Sanders came refore C011nci 1 ('!11estioning exemption of $500.00 for dj sah li U. es on c:i ty taxes. C011.nt-:' allow.s such deduction. City to chec s arr e . Crl. ef of Polj ce Lero-:' Turner asked j f wrecker servi ce coming N1 from O'lt of town sho~lld have Ci ty Lj cense. No decision made. Chief Turner also stated that the oresent ~arking on the streets in Brentwood was a hazard to traffic and fire tr'lcks in case of an emergency. Attorney Hamlin was asked to draw 11'"' an ordi nance as to parking on streets in Brentwood. Chief Turner a]s0 inquired ahout using personal car when needed for 1:'01: ce work and tha t cj t7 f11rni sh gasoline for the car. I Mayor Kinor entertained motion that Pol~ce use personal car in case of an emergenc~.- and trat cj t;' furn: sh gasolj ne for same. Counci 1 woman Hager seconded motion. No no's. ~otion carried. COllDCi lwoman Hager excllsed herseJ f from the meeting at 8 :30 due to "'reviOllS enp';agement. Councilman Vandergrift motioned we order the stationerv for the city, desi. gned b-:' T~ayor I\hror. Counci J man Hamrv seconded motion. No no; s Trotion carri ed. COllncilman Hamby reported on Firemen and Dispatchers salaries and hours. COllncilman Vanderp;ri ft suggested we ta.hle discussion until all memhers of Council were Dresent. Ma"or Minor called for Special Meeting Tuesda'- Nov. 2P, 1 of 7 for U'i s T'urpose. Cl-; ef of Pol-i ce Turner reqllested a new siren for new poli ce car. COl.lnci 1. agreed to ord~r same. There bej ng no further\\huSiness Crlllnci Iman Hamby motioned to adjourn COllnd lrnan Vandergri ft seconded mot j on. Thereupon Counci 1. adjourned at 9:05 P. M. Attes;~~ \I::I:_Lt} ) , Clerk0 ) I I .J