HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-1967 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD DECEMBER 5, 1967 ABSENT: None PRESENT: Councilwoman Hager, Councilman Hamby, Reese,: Vandergrift and Mayor Minor. Meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7; 10 P. M. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Councilman Hamby motioned all bills in order be paid. Councilman Reese seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. Mr. Fritz from Micheal Engineering Company was present to discuss problems involved with new water tower. The main issue being: How to fill tower with present ~L' "<,,,1 pumping facilities. He stated to convert present pump to water lubrication, put on new bowl and continue to use booster and old water tank, would cost almost as much as a new pumping system, which would be approx. $7,000.00. Councilman Hager motioned to have Micheal Engineers draw up plane for nww pump, motor and appurtenances and to take bids on same. Councilman Reese s800nded motion. No Ko's motion carried. Attn. Hamlin brought new ordinance regarding street parkin(~in Brentwood Subdivision. He also stated he will bring resolution for bor:rowing money for water tower to next council meeting. Councilwoman Hager brought survey map on water tank property befoZ:eI__council, in order that they might decide where to place fence. Council agreed to have bids on said fence. GENERAL FUND: Ocoee Paint Shop N. W. Custer J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley' Noble Riner Roy Strickland Sam Oliver Melvin Rodgers Grady Smith Paul Solomon Ervin Castleberry Fla. Telephone Corp Micheal Engineering Valley Decorating J. Z. Anderson Janitor Creative Printing Service F & R Office Supply H. M. Bowness Orange Co. Comm. Fla Metal Craft Steve & Harry Shell Station Griffith Tire Co Mc Kesson & Robbins Mom & Pop's Restaurant Mom & Pop's Restaurant Lee Pool Supply ... Bray H rdware M & M Welding Shop 375.25 2.00 71.39 69.78 69.01 65.21 95.45 63.21 91.10 4.78 65.21 89.21 1,223.20 2,250.00 15.30 175.77 17.15 369.42 129.60 3.09 1.50 66.12 44.99 53.65 12.85 179.70 6.95 2.52 . GENERAL FUND CONTINUED: Glen Joiner & Sons Panning Lumber Co Ned Vick & Sons .. . Consolidated Body Works Winter Garden Lumber Co Jack Cocke & Co ~~'.; ~i.:. Kerr Electric Johnson & Tyndal Clifford Boddy Harold Woodley Sharon Lott T. H. VanDeventer Leroy Turner Adron Claunch Wm. R. Hager J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Noble Riner Roy Strickland Sam Oliver Bernard Davis Ervin Castleberry Melvin Rodgers Jewell Stoutenburgh Otis'G. Smith Raymond Cook Lamar Matthews V. J. Hager John S. Bristol & Assoc. Ethel Mills Edward G. Louchlin James D. Nobles Theron Barfield John Green Louis R. Wood Louis R. Wood 33.86 5.16 14.88 9.36 12.16 700.00 11.33 36.45 2.15 2,40 ~:J8~25 75.00 219.01 158.45 176;85 71.39 69.78 69.01 65.21 87 .39 31. 07 65.25 63;21 170~86 83.24 179.78 63~21 18.00 200.00 103.06 121.63 11.47 22.94 4.19 28.11 52.93 I I Councilwoman Hager stated Curry's Electric had installed 4 lights in stem and 3 lights in storage room of new water t'Ower. .', \.. Councilman Reese was aked to check insurance for drain line, broken by city tractor in rear of Brassieur Coin Laundry. Councilman Vandergrift reported on condition of Cemetery, stated he had complaints about the way the cemetery was kept up. He suggested that we organize a committee of citizens to report on the condition of the cemetery at intervals. Councilman Reese reported on Highway sign. He suggested we use 3 signs. 1 at Minorville and 50 highway. 1 at Maguire Road and 50 highway. 1 at Marshall Farms Road and highway 50. West Orange Fence Company to donate 2 of the signs. No action taken. Councilman Hamby asked about the water line from Palm Drive to city limits on Pine Street., Councilwoman Hager will report at next council meeting. A discussion was brought up in regards to the new police car, as to whether or not the new car be used on 24 h~ shift. Council agreed the new car should be used full time. I Councilwoman Hager suggested $2.50 per week raise for Sam Oliver and Grady Smith, retroactive Nov. 1st. Councilman Vandergrift motioned this raise be made. Council man Reese seconded motion. No no's. Motion carried. I I I There being no further business. Councilman Reese seconded motion. Attest: City Clerk Councilinan Hamby motioned meeting adjourn. Thereupon Council adjourned at 10:43 P. M.