HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-1967 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF;OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD DECEMBER 19th, 1967 PRESENT: Councilwoman Hager, Councilman Hamby, Reese, Vandergrift and Mayor Minor. None. PRESENT: Meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7;20 P. M. Minutes of the last regular meeting read. Councilman Vandergrift motioned reading of minutes be accepted. Councilman Hamby seconded motion. Motion carried. Mr. Wurst brought Life Insurance Policy for Reserve Police Officers to cpuncil. He stated the premium per man per year would be $12.00. Total for 8 police reserve $144.00. Mr. Wurst also reported that damage to drain line at Brassieur Coin Laundy would be paid be insurance company. Councilman Vandergrift motioned all bills in oraer be paid. Councilman Hamby seconed motion. No no's. Motion carried. (A) General Fund: Scott Vandergrift Advance to Castleberry Sharon Lott J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Noble Riner Ray Strickland Sam Oliver Melvin Rodgers Grady Smith Lamar Matthews Bank of West Orange Emergency Fund Motorola C & E Leonard W. Saine W. E. Stinnett A & R Office Griffin & Hamlin Valbro Corp Mid Florida Gas Board of County Comm. Florida Power Corp John Lamb Chet, Engels Valbro Corp W. H. Wurst Ins. Agency Hood Tractor Hughes Supply J. T. Smith Badger Meter Co George Stuart ''. Elmer Kerr Electric Modern Stationer6 F & R Office Sam Oliver Adron Claunch (Advance) Robert Bartolli Pat Patterson - 40.00 43 .09 71.39 69.78 69.01 65.21 87.39 63 .21 83 .24 63 .21 13 7 . 00 100.00 41.50 6.75 27.00 3 5 . 00 30 .00 19.00 17.79 5 $ . 4.0 1,168.62 36.38 111.25 48.50 144.00 126.97 158.82 168.00 3,002.00 60.35 3 9.60 4.48 8.80 2.34 50.00 11.47 61.60 GENERAL FUND CONT'D C. E. Dean Sharon Lott Scott Vandergrift (for Castleberry) Lamar Matthews J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Noble Riner Roy Strickland Sam Oliver Melvin Rodgers Grady Smith Sharon Lott Gary Smith State Bd. of Health Harold Sasser Paul Solomon Ray Cook Jr George Harper Sharon Lott Gary Smith ~1id State Gas 5:58 23.75 25.21 6) .21 71.39 69.78 69.01 65.21 87.39 63 .21 8) .24 4.00 3 8 . 79 25.00 4.78 4.78 4.78 37.62 38.25 4.73 3.00 I ~~yor Minor asked that motion be made to accept the Insurance policy for reserve policemen. Coundilman Reese motioned that recommendation by Mayor be made. Councilman Vandergrift seconded motion No No's. Motion carried. Attorney Hamlin reported on loan and read resolution for borrowing money from Citizen National Bank and West Orange Bank to pay for the I new water tower, recently installed. . Councilman Hager motioned we borrow $100,000.00 to pay for new tower and new pump for well #1. Councilman Hamby seconed motion. No no's. Motion carried. Leron Turner suggested that, accident report charge of $1.00 be giver dispatchers for coffee. Council suggested kitty for this purpose. Councilwoman Hager stated we were now in process of testing new water tank and that bid for new fence around water tower was given to W. Orange Fence 60. at,a cost of $684.00. \j Councilwoman Hager brought up ordinance on Brentwood parking, she sug- gested we inquire from city attorney, regarding Fla. Statues, legal aspect for parking. Councilman Vandergrift suggested we table discussion until city attorney is present. Councilman Vandergrift motioned we have two street lights installed at Youth Center. Councilman Hamby seconded motion. Motion carried. Councilman Reese to be in charg~. Councilwoman Hager reported cost of water line from Palm Drive to city limits on Pine Street, would be approx. $1,000.00, $1,8000.00 including meters. This includes 6 in pipe down Palm Dr. with 2 in. plastic pipe down Pine St. She requested letters be written to each prospective customer requesting them to make a deposit on said water line, in order to insure the city of their desire for water. I Councilman Vandergrift motioned that letter be written Fla. Power Corp thanking them for their contribution to the city in putting up Xmas street lights. Special mention be given Bo Kennedy and his men that I I , I installed the lights. Councilman Reese seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. Councilwoman Hager motioned that letter be written to John Green thanking the. reserve policemen for their effort in Xmas Parade. Councilman Reese,;seconded motion. Councilwoman Hager motioned letter be written to Jaycees commending them for their effort to have a successful Xmas Parade. Councilman Hamby seconded. Councilwoman Hager suggested that each city employee be given a $10.00 Xmas CerLificate to buy groceries at any grocery store within the city limits of Ocoee. Council agreed. Councilwoman Hager suggested that a City Manager be hired for city within the next few months. One that has a degree in City Management and capable of handling all city affairs. Councilman Vandergrift motioned that a standing rule be drafted, stating any employee of the city shall only be hired, fired, or retired, subject to the approval 6f the city council. Councilman Hamby seconded. Councilman Hager, Reese & Mayor Minor voted no. Councilman Vandergrift motioned that the last Tuesday in January be set aside for discussion on re-zoning the city. Councilman Hamby seconded. No No's. Motion carried. Councilman Hamby motioned that new furniture be purchased for City Hall at a cost of $650.25. Councilman Reese seconded motion. No No's r.foti on Carri ed. Councilwoman Hager motioned copier be purchased from Pitney Bowes at a cost of $708.00. Councilman Hamby seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. There being no further business Councilman Hamby motioned meeting adjourn. Councilman Reese seconed motion. ere upon meeting adjourned at 10:03 P.M. Attest: " Clerk - / SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 28, 196~ PRESENT: Councilman Hager, Reese, Vandergrift, Hamby And Mayor ~linor ABSENT: None Called to order by.Mayor.Minor at 7:10 P.M. Purpose of meeting. To purchase'rug for City Hall. concession in Shopping Center, sponsered by American Liqu=1 stQre G~eH~g License for Legion. A. B. C. S~ ~lc, ~..,