HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-1968 I I I PRESENT: ABSENT: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: FEBRUARY 20th, 196$ Comm. Hamby, Hager, Reese, Vandergrift and ~~yor Minor. None; Meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7:35 P. M. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Comm. Hamby motioned all bills in order be paid. Comm. Reese seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. (A) GENERAL FUNDS: Emergency Fund :e'ield's Suprex Palsy Telethon Elmer Kerr Elec. Central Fla. Fire Jack Cocke & Co Fla. Power Corp Winter Garden Times Burnup & Sims H. N. Bowness Johnson & Tyndall Albritton Service Mid State Gas Bennett Truck Equip Johns-Manville Atlantic Hoffman Hughes Supply Davis Meter Chester Anderson Rex Gann Otis Hensley Lamar ~JIatthews Noble Riner Roy Strickland Wallace Hill Hassell lvlobe Sam Oliver Great Valu Ja,anie Britt Jewell Stouteburgh Sharon Lott Chester Anderson Rex Gann Otis Hensley J. I. Jernigan James Vandergrift John T. :tvlinor Betty Hager Carmon Hamby Nathan Reese Adron Claunch Raymond Cook Bernard Davis I .~ . ... ;' 100.00 10.00 100.00 26.20 17.75 32.60 1,012.77 6.00 3,14$.50 375.35 6.45 10.50 37. 59 23 .33 2,997.50 97.11 295.04 5.uO 71.63 61.33 71.39 65.21 69.01 65.21 52.93 52.93 87.39 1$0.00 1.25 157.57 94.~2 67.21 61.33 69.7~ 71.39 47.$u 47.$u 20.40 23 .90 23 .90 163 .80 188.46 31.0,/ William R. Hager Leroy Turner John Green Harold Sasser Theron Barfield Edward Loughlin Ethel Mills Louis Wood Lamar Matthews Noble Riner Roy Strickland Grady Smith Hassell H. Mobe Sam Oliver R. G. Davis U. S. Postmaster T. H. Van Deventer Micheal Hamlin Griffin & Hamlin 176.85 210.94 19.1~ 4. '/8 54.06 130.82 110.73 114.49 65.21 69.01 65.21 83 .24 5~.93 87.39 2.73 47.60 75.00 100.00 100.00 I Mr. Nowicki from Seminole-Orange Co. Planning Commissioners came before the'Council to ask permission to go throughthe city audit from 1962 to 196). Council agreed to this. Frank Turner ask permission to use Starke Lake and the lake 1'ront for Jaycees boat races. Comm. Hamby motioned that Jaycees be allowed to use Starke Lake and the lake 1'ront for boat races in April for two days. Comm. Hager seconded the motion. No No's. Motion carried. I Mr. J. D. Bernard was present and had several questions for the council regarding city sewerage. The council delayed answering any questions until more information was available. Mayor Minor stated that letters will be written all fre-holders when the city gets this information and a Special meeting will. be called to answer their questions. Comm. Reese reported signs for Highway 50 had been completed and will be installed this week. Comm. Hager ask Attn. Hamlin to read the Resolution regarding F.M.C. water rates and to see if' it was binding on the new water rate increase. Attn. Hamlin stated that no time period had been mentioned in the resolution, as to how long the old rates would be ef'fecti ve, and that the city could increase their rates accordingly. Comm. Hager motioned we hire Wallace Hill and Hassell MObe, temperarily at $1.40 per hour. Comm. Vandergrift seconded mo~ion. No No's. Motion carried. They will be in the water dept. Comm. Hamby asked if any bids had been made to remodel entrance to City Hall. Mayor lfunor stated he thought this should be shelved for the time being. Comm. Hager suggested we write Rep. Ed. Guerney a letter to have all I mail in the coporate\~city be addressed Ocoee, instead of Winter Garden. She stated she would contact C. Richards, acting Postmaster for the City of Ocoee, in regards to this matter and would report on same. Comm. Hager suggested we write a form letter to each free-holder I I I stating exactly what we know in regards to city sewerage and that we keep them informed as to what is going on. She stated the peopte have been misinformed or have misinterpreted the newspaper and other source of information. Also, that City Clerk be authorized to have addressograph plates made for all free-holders. Council agreed. Attn. Hamlin reported on the trip to HUD in Atlanta. He stated that the funds were available llunder HUD for $262,500.00 the Grant for 1/3 cost of project was based on priority and not availab~e at this time. He suggested we refile application form for this grant. Also, he recommended Revenue Bonds instead of Assessment Bonds for the balance; and that we should get competitive bids for same. HUD in Atlanta stated that the Engineer's fees were high, in portion to size of contract and that this should be looked into. Comm. Vandergrift stated Florida has an Assessment Bond Revenue Law for first 5 years, giving amortization pay back until more revenue is available. Lowell Boggs stated he was in favor of sewerage, but the the citie's need for other improvements were more pertinent at this time. He statement bla~k top for city streets as one of the improvement.s Comm. Reese said the budget for 67-68 was set up to pave all city streets and this would be completed this year.. Comm. Reese motioned to adopt the Orange Co. Plumbing Code with ~ modification. The City Clerk to get in touch with Bill Lay, Orange County Building Dept., for listing of all licensed plumbers in OraAge County. Also, to notify same that they will need city licens~ to do plumbing in the city. Comm. Hager seconded. No No's. Motion carried. Robert Keller applied for job on street dept. and Comm) Reese stated he was fully qualified to run all street equipment. ;" Comm. Reese motioned we hire ~tr. Keller at $1.50 per hour, on probation for 1 month. Comm. Hamby seconded. No No's Motion carried. Comm~ Hamby asked permission to get 3 bids for 1000 ft water hose, needed by the city fire department. This was included in their budget for this year. Council agreed. Mayor Minor ask for $150.00 to pay for sign in booth at fair, advertising the City of Ocoee. Comm. Vandergrift motioned we pay for this sign. Comm. Hager seconded. No No's. Motion carried. Comm. Hager motioned we have a $2,000.00 Electrician Bond for all electrical contractors doing business in the city. City Clerk to write said licensed electrical contractors and tell them they have 30 days from date of letter to get their bond. '--- / ./ / ,. I ,/ There being no further business, Comm. Reese motioned meeting adjourn Comm. Hager seconded motion. Council~adjourned at 9:45 P. Attest(1, . /II jJ;:;;'Aj~AI"' J ~ U Clerk