HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-1968 I I I PRESENT: ABSENT: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OCOEE, Ocoee, FLORIDA HELD: March 5th, 1968 Comm. Hager, Hamby, Reese, Vandergrift and Mayor Minor. None. ,~ Meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7 :35 P. M. Vdnutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Comm. Vandergrift motioned all bills in order be paid. Comm. Hamby seconded rnotio. No No's Motion carried. . (A) GENERAL FUND: Motorola C & E Inc Dennis Sorrell Chester Anderson Rex Gann etis Hensley J. I. Jernigan Raymond E. Cook Jr Harold Sasser Robert Keller Lamarr Matthews Noble Riner Roy C. Strickland Grady Smith .') Perry Johnson Hassell Mobe Sam Oil ver Robert Philbeck Bill Summerford James Nolen Ginger's Restaurant Mom & Pop's Restaurant E. G. Ruttner Jewell Stoutenburgh Sharon Lott Chester Anderson Rex Gann Otis Hensley J. I. Jernigan Adron Claunch Bernard Davis' Wrn. R. Hager Leroy Turner Theron H. Barfield Edward G. Loughlin Ethel Mills Louis R. Wood Lamar Matthews Noble Riner Roy C. Strickland Grady Sndth · Sam Oliver Bank of West Orange Ocoee Lions Fair Exhibit Edward Hornsby Bank of West Orange 41. 50 3.99 67.21 69.39 69.78 71.39 4.78 4.78 51.62 59.46 69.01 65.21 83 .24 52.93 52.93 87.39 5.05 3.19 3.96 1.34 50.30 7.50 157.57 85.15 67.21 65.21 69.78 71.39 163.80 31.07 176.85 210.94 54.06 130.82 110.73 114.49 65.21 69.01 65.21 '83 .24 87.39 454.44 150.00 28.68 137.00 (l u. S. Postmaster Ed of Co. Comm. Fla. Telephone Corp J. Z. Anderson Janitor Pitney Bowes Inc Leroy Turner Sargent-Sowell Mid-Fla. Gas Co Stephenson Corp Ted Snell Signs Edwin Pounds Fla. Metal Craft w. Garden Lumber Co. Orlando Armature Works Ocoee Gulf Service Griffith Tire Co Leonard W. Saine Glenn Joiner H. M. Bowness Pounds Pharmacy Modern Statiornery Hassell Mobe Perry Johnson Robert Keller U. S. Postmaster Ji.romy Dyer 10.00 122.40 77.75 15.30 6.00 15 .13 4.00 13.86 46.90 200.08 10 .00 12.00 130.73 420 . 28 28.45 63.57 32.75 19.81 388.15 16.26 1.75 33.34 52.93 64.53 16 . 50 5.33 I Mayor Minor ask Mr. Fritz with Micheal Engineers to report ~o the Council and property owners that were present the information he had available regarding the proposed sewerage system. Mr. Fritz ~tated that the sewerag e would cost the property owners I $2.50 per front foot, and 80% of water used per month.. Example: Water used $2.50 sewerage $2.00 per month. ~. Fritz introduced Mr. Greer, Planner for Orange County. Mr. Greer stated that in 1964, Orange County set up a planning department to assist all commissioners, in planning, road systems, parks, welfare and Health Dept. Also, the planning and zoning commissioners of zoning. He stated that in 1960 the population in Ocoe~ was 3,000. The projected population for 1965 was 5,000 and for 1970 6,000. This included the City of Ocoee and 1 mile north, 1/2 mile east and 1/2 mile west of the city limits. 10,000 people move into Orange County each year. The rate of growth in this area is more rapid than the county as a whole. He outlined things to strive for: Quality development, Diversified Development and stabilizati~n in employment. To obtain quality development, the city should have facilities and service available. Responsibility and balance in industry etc. Out of 1,000 new people moving into the area, you have 270 families, 300 pre-school children, 200 school children, 7 new class rooms, 10 new teachers, 400 more automobiles, 2 miles additional streets, 10 tons garbage daily, 100,000 to 150,000 g~ls. water, 100,000 gals. waste, 3 additional policemen and $90,000.00 to, $100,000~00 in real estate tax. Mayor Minor asked if there were any questions. Mr. Thornton ask: "Does more people, cost more to those already here?" Answer: Yes. Will the Ocoee Shopping Center be put on the sewerage line? Mayor Minor said he thought they should be. Will it be manatory to hook onto the line? Mayor Minor said he thought it should be. Mayor Minor assured the people that the sewerage would be brought to a referendum vote Mr. Varnes asked: "Will the city be bound to take what the outcome of the referendum vote is? }f.ayor Minor, Conan. Hamby and Comm. Reese said yes. Comm. I Hager and Comm. Vandergrift said they could not give an answer, that enough information was not available for a definite yes or no answer at this time. Mayor Minor presented Mr. James Edward Nolen's application to the council for police officer, to replace Raymond Cook. Chief Turner reconnnended Mr. Nolen on his report from the State Highway PatroL Comm. Reese motioned we hire Mr. Nolen. Connn. Vandergrift seconded the motion. Comm. Hager abstained, I I I Comm. Reese, Hamby and Vandergrift voted yes. Motion carried. Comm. Hager reported she had talked with Chuck Richard (Acting Postmaster) regarding Ocoeemailingaddresses.Mr.RichardwouldcontactMr.Manley.in Orlando as to what can be done. Comm. Hager stated Mr. Wynn, City Auditor would be out next council meeting. Mr. Harold Maguire reported on meeting for !ri City Airport. l-iayor Minor called for Special meeting next Tuesday nigh March 12th regarding the Tri- City Airport. Comm. Reese reported the 3 signs on Hwy. 50 had been erected and he would like for the churches and clubs to put their emblems under the signs. Also, that he would like to have the light at Maguire road lighted. City Clerk asked to write letter to Lions Club expressing the cities appreciation for the good job they did with the Central Florida Fair Booth. Comm. Reese asked that Mr. Duncan put a cattle gap at the entrance of Securit Trailer Park on Mobile Lane. The council ask Attn. Hamlin to write a letter to Mr. Duncan stating he has 3 weeks to put in the cattle gate or we will use the money put up for the water line and install same. Comm. Hager proposed water meters at any place that has a light meter. Also, all churches not metered be metered. Write Overland Trucking that we are aware of their having Columbus street fenced and that they will have to remove same at city's request. Council sugges~ed Attn. Hamlin be consulted first. Mr. Robbe came before the council and ask for a franchise license for a Taxi Service in the city. Council agreed for regular Taxi Service License, but not a franchise license. Mr. Robbe also asked that the city pay rent and police reserves for the Youth Center's Saturday night Teen Dance. Council tabled ~his request for the time being. Council approved Comm. Reese selling small house on city property. ? Comm. Reese motioned we issue a permit to Southern Seating to build a $12,000.00 addition on back of the now existing building. Comm. Hamby asked to amend Comm. Reese motion, that a stipulation be made, that they do something with the sawdust. No No's Motion carried. Comm. Hager read an Ordinance for Tri-Ci ty Airport as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN AIRPORT AUTHORITY, UNDER AIRPORT LAW OF 1945, CHAPTER 332, OF FLORIDA STATUES, JOINTLY FOR AND BETWEEN THE CITIES OF APOPKA, OCOEE AND WINTER GARDEN, IN ORANGE COUNTY FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAmED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF APOPKA, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINTERGARD~J, m SEPARATE MEETINGS ASSEMBLED: Section 1. That a Municipal Airport Authority is hereby created, and established, pursuant to Chapter 332 of Florida Statutes to be lmown as the "Tri-City Airport Authority" in Orange County, Florida, authorizing said Airport Authority to acquire property, real or personal, for the purpose of establishing, constructing, and enlarging airports and other air navigation facilities and to anquire, establish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, operate, and regulate such airport and other navigation facilities and structures and other property incidental to their operation, either within or without this state: to make, prior to any such acquisition, investigation, surveys, and plans, to construct, install, and maintain airport facilities for the servicing of aircraft and;for the comfort and accommodation of air travelers; and to purchase and sell equipnent and supplies as an incident to the operation of its airport properties, and transact business I and do the things necessary in connection with the incidental to the operation of an airport; for the Cities of Apopka, Ocoee ant Winter Garden. Section 2. That the said airport authority shall have all of the powers and benefits accruing to it under authority of said Chapter 332 dftthe Florida Statures and Florida and United States Laws, with the power of the join~ effort of the said three cities to appropriate funds for the expenses of the preliminary fund for planning and acquiring property and establishing, equip- ping, maintaining and operatine an airport, as provided in said chapter 332 of the Florida Statutes, and accept and receipt for Federal monies for the acquisition, construction, maintenance, equipment or operation of an airport, and establish and maintain any rules and regulations in connection with the operation of an airport. Section 3. The authority hereby delegated to the said Airport Authority by the three cities shall be to represent the three cities in all matters in connection with the construction, maintenance, equipping and oper- ating of an airport or business incidental thereto. Section 4. The said Tri-City Airport Authority shall be governed by a Board of nine members; three members shall be appointed by the City of Apopka; three members shall be appointed by the City of Ocoee; and three members shall be appointed by the City of Winter Garden; all for a period of three years, or until their successors are duly appointed. The appointments cannot be reboked except by action of the City from which the memeer was appointed. Section 5. Officers of the Tri-City Airport Authority sahli be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers shall be elected from the membership, and shall serve for a term of one year. I a. Duties of the Chairman shall be to call all meetings, reside at all meetings, appoint all committiies with the approval of the other Board Members, and in general do all things which normally fall to the Chairman of an authority. b. Vice-Chairman shall act for the Chairman in his absence. c. Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings, notify all meetings, notify all members of meetings, act as corresponding secretary, and in general do all the work that is usually done by the Secretary of an authority. d. Treasurer shall keep records of all funds, disburse- ments, and report to the Board in these matters. He shall make all deposits, write all checks, and in general do all jobs that normally fall to the Treasurer of an authority. The Treasurer shall sign all checks, and they shall be counter-signed by the Chairman of the authority. e. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined and filled by the same person; and an Assistant Secretary and Treasurer may be elected by the Board to perform the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer in the absence of the Secretary and Treasurer and to prepare and sign checks in the absence of the Secretary and Treasurer. The Vice-Chairman in performing the duties for the Chairman in his absence may also counter-sign checks in the absence of the Chairman. f. A Director of the authority may be appointed and employed by the authority to manage the over all operation of the airport, subject to the direction and approval of the members or Board of nine persons, and whose duties and employment shall be determined and set forth by the members of the authority. I Section 6. The responsibility of the authority shall be limited to the following: a. any disbursements over $10,000 shall be approved the the three 6ity Councils. b. any indebtedness of the authority will be with the approval of the three City Councils. Ocoee, Florida -.---------- Name Street Address I Ocoee, Florida - Name Street Address Ocoee, Florida __.w Name Street Address I I c. The authority must report on all business transactions of the authority quarterly, to the three City Councils. d. All authority records must at all times be available to any or all fo the three City Councils. Section 7. All transactions of the authority must be by a ~jority vote of the nine members, except as to those transactions and matters of the authority as may be delegated to a committee or representative of the authority. All business of the authority shall be of a confidential nature and not released for publication, except as authorized by the majority of the members of the authority and except as may be determined by the City Council of each of the three cities. Section 8. Members appointed to the Airport Authority will serve with compensation except for reimbursement of expenses where approved by the membership. No member of the authority shall transact any of his personal business with the authority so that there will be no conflict of interest in any way in ~erving as a member of the authority. Section 9. The jurisdiction and power of the authority shall be limited to that granted by the thhee cities and the laws of the State of Florida and the United States. Section 10. The authority as established shall be a joint agency of the three cities and have authority to enter into contracts and accept beids, hire personnel, maintain offices, transact business, sue and be sued, and in general do all of the things necessary for the operation of a Tri-City agency. Section 11. The City of Ocoee does hereby appoint as its three members to the Authority Board the following: Section 12. Each of the said three City Councils of Apopka, Ocoee and Winter Garden, upon adoption of this ordinance, shall furnish each of the other cities a certified copy of the ordinance as adopted and the nine members appointed to the authority by the three cities, when notified and the appoint- ment accepted by them, shall forthwith proceed to meet and organize and contact Mr. John S. Bristol of John S. Bristol and Associates, Inc., consulting engineers, who ha~ been authorized by the three cities to make a feasibility study and meet with the Federal Aviation Administraction and otherwise proceed with the project and carry out its purposes, including the selection of a suitable site, convenient to all three cities, to construck and operate an airport for their mutual benefit. READ FIRST TIME__ }1arch 5 ,1968 READ SECOND Tll-lE , 1968 APPROVED: ATTEST: ~"" tf ~I.,,-:..LJL~ ty C erk I Mayor Minor read police report from Chief of Police Leroy Turner for the month of February, 1968. Copy attached. There being no further busine~~, Comm. Hager motioned council adjourn. Comm. Hamby seconded motion. Thereupon coun '1 adjourned at 11:07 P. M. ~ Attest: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF OCOEE, OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: MARCH 12, 1968 PRESENT: Comm. Hager, Hamby, Reese, Vandergrift and Mayor Minor ABSENT: None. Special meeting called to order at 9:25 P. M. by Mayor Minor. Harold Maguire appeared before council and presented names of Edwin Pound~ and W. H. Wurst; as members of Tri-City Airport Authority. I Comm. Reese motioned to appoint W. H. Wurst, Tri City Airport Authority, to represent the City of Ocoee. Comm. Hamby seconded. No No'~. Motion carried. Second reading of Tri-City Airport Ordinance by Council. Council agreed that Hoyt Farmer must buy license to operate new business. The Council discussed the pos~ibility of a truck bu~iness ofn Kissimmee Avenue, which council would not agree to zone for that purpose. There being no further busine~s. Comm. Vandergrift motioned Special Meeting of council adjourn. Cornm. Hager seconded motion. Thereupon Special Meeting of Council adjourned at 9:45 P. M. r I I I I Honorable John T. Mtnor Mayor City Of Ocoee Sir: Listed below is a summary of miles operated, gas and oil used and arrests made for the month of February, 1968. Calls Ans'vered Complaints Warnings Courtesy Accidents Summons Arrests Hade Messages Delivered Asst. Other Depts. B & E Armed Robberies Funerals Harrants Served Miles Opere Gas Used Property Damages Fateli ties Oil Used 77 42 19 30 9 17 18 12 12 5 1 5 2 5 ,621 Miles 553 Gallons $ 5'~ 450 o 4 Quarts The above summary is submitted for your information. , R:;pectfully, C;::UA c';:/ .11A--")'lr.,L/L- Lero~JTurner Chief Of Police City Of Ocoee